Diferenças entre edições de "O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas"

Linha 2: Linha 2:
{{título do recurso|Testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon}}
{{título do recurso|Testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon}}
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{{resumo dos assuntos}}
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Linha 13: Linha 13:
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Caráter
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Caráter
|assunto=Qual era o caráter das testemunhas? {{translate}}
|assunto=What was the character of the witnesses?
|resumo=Alega-se que as testemunhas não são confiáveis porque tinham personalidades instáveis, propensas ao entusiasmo e ao exagero. Evidências demonstram amplamente que as testemunhas formais do Livro de Mórmon eram homens de bom caráter e reputação, e foram reconhecidos como tal pelos contemporâneos não-mórmons.  
|resumo=It is claimed that the witnesses cannot be trusted, or are unreliable, because they were unstable personalities, prone to enthusiasm and exaggeration. Evidence amply demonstrates that the formal witnesses of the Book of Mormon were men of good character and reputation, and were recognized as such by contemporary non-Mormons.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Martin Harris procurou repetidamente prova empírica  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Martin Harris procurou repetidamente prova empírica  
|assunto=Martin Harris procurava repetidamente provas empíricas {{translate}}
|assunto=Martin Harris repeatedly sought empirical proof
|resumo=Alguns afirmam que Martin Harris era um crente ingênuo no sobrenatural. Mas, na verdade, Martin executou repetidamente testes empíricos para confirmar as afirmações de Joseph Smith. Ele foi convencido.  
|resumo=Some claim that Martin Harris was a gullible believer in the supernatural. But, in fact, Martin repeatedly performed empirical tests to confirm Joseph Smith's claims. He came away convinced.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/David Whitmer e Oliver Cowdery testaram as habilidades de Vidente de Joseph Smith
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/David Whitmer e Oliver Cowdery testaram as habilidades de Vidente de Joseph Smith
|assunto=David Whitmer e Oliver Cowdery testaram as habilidades de Vidente de Joseph Smith {{translate}}
|assunto=David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery tested Joseph's abilities as a seer
|resumo=Alguns afirmam que as três testemunhas eram crentes ingênuos no sobrenatural. Mas, na verdade, David Oliver e testado as habilidades de Joseph Smith como um vidente. Eles saíram convencidos de que ele podia ver coisas que ninguém mais poderia saber.
|resumo=Some claim that the Three Witnesses were gullible believers in the supernatural. But, in fact, David and Oliver tested Joseph Smith's abilities as a seer. They came away convinced that he could see things that no one else could know.  
|assunto=Oliver Cowdery and supposed links to Vermont rodsmen and money diggers
|resumo=Some have attempted to associate Oliver Cowdery with a treasure-seeking group in Vermont. This goes beyond the available evidence.
|link=Doctrine and Covenants/Oliver Cowdery and the "rod of nature"
|assunto=Oliver Cowdery and the "rod of nature"
|resumo=It is claimed that a revelation received by Joseph praised Oliver Cowdery's gift of using divining talents. It is claimed that the revelation was published in the Book of Commandments in its original form, then subsequently modified in the Doctrine and Covenants in order to hide the reference to the "rod of nature." Therefore, Joseph attempted to "cover up" Oliver Cowdery's work with a divining rod by changing a revelation.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Martin Harris had five religions prior to Mormonism
|assunto=Martin Harris had five religions prior to Mormonism
|resumo=Some claim that Martin Harris was unstable or flighty because he had five religions prior to the Church's restoration.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Martin Harris had five religions after Mormonism
|assunto=Martin Harris had five religions after Mormonism
|resumo=Some claim that Martin Harris was unstable or flighty because he had five religions after he was excommunicated in 1838
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Martin Harris and the Shakers
|assunto=Martin Harris and the Shakers
|resumo=Some claim that Martin Harris' testimony is unreliable because he associated with the Shakers after his excommunication in 1838
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Tradução/Descrição das placas  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Tradução/Descrição das placas  
|assunto=Descrição das placas e da caixa de pedra em que foram encontradas
|assunto=Description of the plates and stone box in which they were found.
|resumo=Uma coleção de todas as declarações a respeito da aparência física, dimensões e caracteres das placas e outros itens associados a eles.  
|resumo=A collection of all statements regarding the physical appearance, dimensions, and character of the plates and other items associated with them.  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Tradução/Método  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Tradução/Método  
|assunto=Descrição do método de tradução e as circunstâncias
|assunto=Description of translation method and circumstances
|resumo=Relatos amigáveis e hostis de quem presenciou e ouviu falar sobre a tradução do Livro de Mórmon
|resumo=Friendly and unfriendly accounts of those who witnessed and heard about the translation of the Book of Mormon
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Retratar  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Retratar  
|assunto=As Testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon se retrataram? {{translate}}
|assunto=Did the Book of Mormon witnesses ever recant?
|resumo=Alguns tentaram argumentar que algumas ou todas as Testemunhas se retrataram sobre o seu testemunho. Todos foram fiéis a seu testemunho até o fim de suas vidas, mesmo que muitos deles tivessem desentendimentos pessoais com Joseph Smith que levaram-nos a deixar a Igreja.  
|resumo=Some have tried to argue that some or all of the Witnesses recanted concerning their testimony. They were all faithful to their testimonies to the end of their lives, even though many of them had personal disagreements with Joseph Smith that caused them to leave the Church.  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Hipnotismo  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Hipnotismo  
|assunto=Joseph hipnotizou as testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon? {{translate}}
|assunto=Did Joseph hypnotize the Book of Mormon witnesses?
|resumo=Alguns alegam que as testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon podem ter sido sinceras em seu testemunho, mas na verdade foram vítimas de "alucinações" ou "hipnose" por parte de Joseph Smith. A acusação de que Joseph Smith foi de alguma forma capaz de hipnotizar as testemunhas - não indivualmente, mas em massa - é simplesmente muito absurda para ser verdade. A acusação exagera em muito a natureza do hipnotismo e as habilidades daqueles que a praticam.
|resumo=Some grant that the Book of Mormon witnesses may have been sincere in their testimony, but claim that they were actually the victims of 'hallucination' or 'hypnosis' induced in them by Joseph Smith. The accusation that Joseph Smith was somehow able to hypnotize the witnesses—not individually, but ''en mass''—is simply too preposterous to be true. This accusation vastly overstates the nature of hypnotism and the abilities of those able to practice it.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/David Whitmer disse para deixar  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/David Whitmer disse para deixar  
|assunto=Deus disse a David Whitmer para deixar a Igreja?  
|assunto=Did God tell David Whitmer to leave the Church?
|resumo=David Whitmer, uma das Três Testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon, disse que "Se você acredita no meu testemunho do Livro de Mórmon; se você acredita que Deus falou para nós, as três testemunhas, com sua própria voz, então eu lhe digo que em Junho de 1838 Deus falou a mim novamente com sua própria voz dos céus, e me instruiu a "separar-me do meio dos Santos dos Últimos Dias, porque o que eles procuravam fazer a mim, seria feito a eles". Alguns argumentam que se os membros aceitassem o testemunho de Whitmer do Livro de Mórmon, eles também teriam de aceitar que Deus queria que David repudiasse a Igreja como sendo falsa. Alguns distorcem os registros históricos para fazer parecer que David Whitmer deixou a Igreja porque foi-lhe dito para assim fazer, quando ele de fato fora excomungado antes de clamar ter recebido qualquer revelação. A ordem para sair, se é que foi uma revelação verdadeira, envolvia sua segurança física e não sua condição de membro da Igreja, à qual ele já tinha renunciado.
|resumo=David Whitmer, one of the Book of Mormon's Three Witnesses, said "If you believe my testimony to the Book of Mormon; if you believe that God spake to us three witnesses by his own voice, then I tell you that in June, 1838, God spake to me again by his own voice from the heavens, and told me to "separate myself from among the Latter Day Saints, for as they sought to do unto me, should it be done unto them." Some argue that if members accept Whitmer's witness of the Book of Mormon, then they must also accept that God wanted David to repudiate the Church as false. Some distort the historical record to make it appear that David Whitmer left the Church because he was told to, when it fact he was excommunicated prior to claiming any revelation to do so. The command to leave, if it was a true revelation, involved David's physical safety and not his membership in the Church, which he had already renounced.  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Oito testemunhas  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Oito testemunhas  
|assunto=Oito testemunhas {{translate}}
|assunto=Eight witnesses
|resumo=Alguns tentaram argumentar que as Oito Testemunhas clamaram somente uma visâo "espiritual" ou "visionária" das placas, não uma visão física e literal. As Oito Testemunhas deixaram afirmações concretas da natureza física das placas. Houveram outros que viram as placa além dos onze, e eles testificaram que eram reais.   
|resumo=Some have tried to argue that the Eight witnesses only claimed a 'spiritual' or 'visionary' view of the plates, not a literal, physical one. The witnesses left concrete statements regarding the physical nature of the plates. There were others besides the eleven who saw and felt the plates, and testified that they were real.   
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Oito testemunhas/Relacionado
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Oito testemunhas/Relacionado
|assunto= Muitas das testemunhas eram parentes {{translate}}
|assunto=Many witnesses were related
|resumo=Alega-se que o fato de muitas testemunhas serem parentes significa que não se pode confiar nelas.
|resumo=It is claimed that because many of the witnesses are related, this means they are not to be trusted.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Oito testemunhas/Mostrado para mim por um poder sobrenatural  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Oito testemunhas/Mostrado para mim por um poder sobrenatural  
|assunto=John Whitmer afirma que as placas foram "mostradas a mim por um poder sobrenatural" {{translate}}
|assunto=John Whitmer states that the plates were "shown to me by a supernatural power"
|resumo=Alguns críticos da Restauração concentraram-se em uma única declaração supostamente feita por John Whitmer, em 1839, para fazer parecer como se as Oito Testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon não tiveram um contato físico com as placas de ouro (como ele assim testemunhou nas páginas do próprio livro), mas sim apenas uma experiência espiritual ou visionária.  
|resumo=Some critics of the Restoration have focused on a single statement reportedly made by John Whitmer in 1839 to make it appear as though the Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon did not have a physical encounter with the golden plates (as they so testified on the pages of the book itself), but rather a spiritual or visionary experience only.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/"Olho da fé" e "olho espiritual" declarações de Martin Harris  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/"Olho da fé" e "olho espiritual" declarações de Martin Harris  
|assunto=Declarações de Martin Harris sobre o "Olho da Fé" e o "Olho Espiritual" {{translate}}
|assunto="Eye of Faith" and "Spiritual Eye" statements by Martin Harris
|resumo=Martin Harris frequentemente dizia às pessoas que ele não viu as placas de ouro e o anjo com os olhos naturais mas sim com os "olhos espirituais" ou o "olho da fé".  
|resumo=Martin Harris frequently told people that he did not see the golden plates and the angel with his natural eyes but rather with “spiritual eyes” or the “eye of faith.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Outras testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Outras testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon  
|assunto=Outras testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon {{translate}}
|assunto=Other Book of Mormon witnesses
|resumo=Existem outras testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon placas além das Três e das Oito Testemunhas?  
|resumo=Are there any other witnesses to the Book of Mormon plates besides the Three and Eight witnesses?  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Paralelos Strangite  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Paralelos Strangite  
|assunto=Paralelos Strangitas {{translate}}
|assunto=Strangite parallels
|resumo=A seita de James Strang produziu testemunhas oculares de registros enterrados. Isto significa que a habilidade de Joseph de fazer o mesmo não é surpreendente ou mesmo persuasiva? As testemunhas Strangitas não eram todas fiéis, e algumas se retrataram e descreveram a natureza da fraude perpetuada por Strang.  
|resumo=James Strang's break-off sect produced eyewitnesses of buried records. Does this indicate that Joseph's ability to do so is neither surprising nor persuasive? The Strangite witnesses were not all faithful, and some recanted and described the nature of the fraud perpetuated by Strang.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Espiritual ou literal  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Espiritual ou literal  
|assunto=As experiências das testemunhas foram espirituais ou literais? {{translate}}
|assunto=Were the experiences of the witnesses spiritual or literal?
|resumo=Alega-se que o encontro das testemunhas com o anjo e as placas ocorreu apenas em suas mentes. Eles afirmam que testemunhas viram o anjo em uma "visão" e equipararam "visão" com imaginação.  
|resumo=It is claimed that the witnesses’ encounter with the angel and the plates took place solely in their minds. They claim that witnesses saw the angel in a “vision” and equate “vision” with imagination.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Espiritual ou literal/Só manipulados quando coberto por um vestido de reboque  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Espiritual ou literal/Só manipulados quando coberto por um vestido de reboque  
|assunto=Manipulados somente quando coberto por um "vestido de reboque"?  
|assunto=Only handled when covered by a tow frock?
|resumo=Uma reclamação freqüente é que uma das testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon disse que ele somente manipulou as placas quando elas estavam cobertas por um "vestido de reboque". No entanto, este registro vem e William Smith, um dos irmãos de Joseph que não era uma testemunha do Livro de Mórmon. De fato, William insistiu na mesma afirmação que ele estava convencido de que Joseph não estava mentindo a respeito das placas. William também descartou a hipótese de Spalding como sendo absurda.
|resumo=A frequent claim is that a Book of Mormon witnesses said that he only handled the plates while they were covered in a "tow frock." However, this report is from William Smith, one of Joseph's brothers who was ''not'' a Book of Mormon witness. In fact, William insisted in the same statement that he was convinced Joseph was not lying about the plates. William also dismissed the Spalding hypothesis as nonsense.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Será que ser um "caçador de tesouros" ou acreditar em "segunda vista" fazer uma testemunha não confiável  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Será que ser um "caçador de tesouros" ou acreditar em "segunda vista" fazer uma testemunha não confiável  
|assunto=Será que ser um "caçador de tesouros" ou acreditar em "segunda visão" faz de alguém uma testemunha não confiável? {{translate}}
|assunto=Does being a "treasure hunter" or believing in "second sight" make one an unreliable witness?
|resumo=Alguns dos associados de Joseph eram "caçadores de tesouros" e pode ter acreditado em "segunda visão" Isso faz deles testemunhas não confiáveis​​?  
|resumo=Some of Joseph's associates were "treasure hunters" and may have believed in "second sight." Does this make them unreliable witnesses?
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Foram as testemunhas não "empírico" ou homens "racionais"  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Foram as testemunhas não "empírico" ou homens "racionais"  
|assunto=Eram as testemunhas "não empíricas" ou "irracionais" por terem eles vivido no Século 19? {{translate}}
|assunto=Were the Book of Mormon witnesses not "empirical" or "rational" men because they lived in the 19th-Century?
|resumo=Alguns acusam as Testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon como não sendo "empíricas" ou "racionais" porque eles viveram no século 19.
|resumo=Some accuse the Book of Mormon witnesses of not being "empirical" or "rational" because they lived in the 19th-Century.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Visualização de placas de ouro resultaria em morte  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Visualização de placas de ouro resultaria em morte  
|assunto=Seria verdade que a visualização das placas de ouro resultaria em morte? {{translate}}
|assunto=Was it true the viewing the gold plates would result in death?
|resumo=Indicou Joseph Smith de que a pena para ver as placas de ouro era a morte? Isto foi apenas uma maneira de Joseph de esconder o fato de que as placas não existem realmente?  
|resumo=Did Joseph Smith state that the penalty for viewing the gold plates was death? Was this just a way for Joseph to hide the fact that the plates didn't actually exist?  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Oliver se juntou aos metodistas  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Oliver se juntou aos metodistas  
|assunto=Oliver Cowdery se juntou aos metodistas depois de deixar a Igreja
|assunto=Oliver Cowdery joined the Methodists after leaving the Church
|resumo=Por que Oliver Cowdery juntou-se aos metodistas se todas as outras igrejas tinham sido "condenadas por Deus"?  
|resumo=Why did Oliver Cowdery join the Methodists if all other churches had been "condemned of God"?
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/"Interessado" e por isso não é confiável
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/"Interessado" e por isso não é confiável
|assunto=Todos estavam "interessados​​", uma vez que eles seguiam Joseph Smith
|assunto=All were "interested" since they followed Joseph Smith
|resumo=Alega-se que as testemunhas eram "intererssadas", ou seja, eram membros da Igreja e crentes da missão de Joseph, e que por isso eles não eram confiáveis por não poderem ser "neutros" ou "desinteressados".
|resumo=It is claimed that because the witnesses are "interested"—i.e., they were members of the Church and believers in Joseph's mission—that they are therefore not reliable, since they cannot be "neutral" or "disinterested."  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Demonstrações  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Demonstrações  
|assunto=Declarações {{translate}}
|resumo=Esta página reúne declarações das testemunhas das placas do Livro de Mórmon em um local conveniente. As mesmas declarações são frequentemente citadas em outras partes da wiki sob artigos específicos.  
|resumo=This page collects statements from the witnesses to the Book of Mormon plates in one convenient location. The same statements are often quoted elsewhere in the wiki under specific articles.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Assinaturas em seus depoimentos  
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/Assinaturas em seus depoimentos  
|assunto=Assinaturas nos testemunhos das Três e Oito Testemunhas {{translate}}
|assunto=Signatures on the testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses
|resumo=Alega-se que não há assinaturas reais impressas sobre os depoimentos no Livro de Mórmon.  
|resumo=It is claimed that there are no actual signatures on the witness statements printed in the Book of Mormon.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas sabiam que seriam ridicularizadas e descreditadas
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas sabiam que seriam ridicularizadas e descreditadas
|assunto=As Testemunhas sabiam que seriam ridicularizadas e descreditadas {{translate}}
|assunto=Witnesses knew they would be ridiculed and not believed
|resumo=The Witnesses understood that by giving their names to the witness statements, they would suffer social costs and rejection.
|resumo=The Witnesses understood that by giving their names to the witness statements, they would suffer social costs and rejection.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas perseveraram mesmo em face da perseguição ou risco de morte
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas perseveraram mesmo em face da perseguição ou risco de morte
|assunto=As Testemunhas perseveraram mesmo em face da perseguição ou risco de morte {{translate}}
|assunto=Witnesses persisted even in the face of persecution or death
|resumo=The Witnesses stuck to their claim even in the face of threats or the risk of death.
|resumo=The Witnesses stuck to their claim even in the face of threats or the risk of death.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas que deixaram a Igreja continuaram a afirmar seu testemunho
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas que deixaram a Igreja continuaram a afirmar seu testemunho
|assunto=As Testemunhas que deixaram a Igreja continuaram a afirmar seu testemunho {{translate}}
|assunto=Witnesses who left the Church continued to maintain their witness
|resumo=Some witnesses were excommunicated and left the Church. However, the staunchly stuck to their witness accounts.
|resumo=Some witnesses were excommunicated and left the Church. However, the staunchly stuck to their witness accounts.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas teriam compartilhado experiências que eles pudessem comparar para confirmar a realidade
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas teriam compartilhado experiências que eles pudessem comparar para confirmar a realidade
|assunto=As Testemunhas teriam compartilhado experiências que eles pudessem comparar para confirmar a realidade {{translate}}
|assunto=Witnesses had shared experiences which they could compare to confirm their reality
|resumo=The Three and Eight Witnesses did not have merely internal, assuntoive experiences. These were shared experiences, which they could and did use to confirm their reality and objectivity.
|resumo=The Three and Eight Witnesses did not have merely internal, assuntoive experiences. These were shared experiences, which they could and did use to confirm their reality and objectivity.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas confirmaram a fidelidade de outras testemunhas
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas confirmaram a fidelidade de outras testemunhas
|assunto=As Testemunhas confirmaram a fidelidade de outras testemunha{{translate}}
|assunto=Witnesses confirmed the faithfulness of other witnesses
|resumo=The Three and Eight Witnesses often affirmed that others of their number had maintained their witness.
|resumo=The Three and Eight Witnesses often affirmed that others of their number had maintained their witness.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas reafirmaram declarações publicadas no Livro de Mórmon
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Testemunhas/As Testemunhas reafirmaram declarações publicadas no Livro de Mórmon
|assunto=As Testemunhas reafirmaram declarações publicadas no Livro de Mórmon {{translate}}
|assunto=Witnesses reaffirmed published statements in the Book of Mormon
|resumo=The Three and Eight Witnesses often reaffirmed their written statement and referred others to it.
|resumo=The Three and Eight Witnesses often reaffirmed their written statement and referred others to it.

Revisão das 20h01min de 3 de janeiro de 2016


Testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon



Testemunhas do Livro de Mórmon

The world was not left with Joseph Smith's testimony alone. The Book of Mormon provided multiple official and unofficial witnesses who corroborated aspects of Joseph's account. Critics have long tried to dismiss or destroy the witnesses' witness. This page links to subpages which discuss various attacks in detail.

What was the character of the witnesses?

Resumo: It is claimed that the witnesses cannot be trusted, or are unreliable, because they were unstable personalities, prone to enthusiasm and exaggeration. Evidence amply demonstrates that the formal witnesses of the Book of Mormon were men of good character and reputation, and were recognized as such by contemporary non-Mormons.

Martin Harris repeatedly sought empirical proof

Resumo: Some claim that Martin Harris was a gullible believer in the supernatural. But, in fact, Martin repeatedly performed empirical tests to confirm Joseph Smith's claims. He came away convinced.

David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery tested Joseph's abilities as a seer

Resumo: Some claim that the Three Witnesses were gullible believers in the supernatural. But, in fact, David and Oliver tested Joseph Smith's abilities as a seer. They came away convinced that he could see things that no one else could know.

Oliver Cowdery and supposed links to Vermont rodsmen and money diggers

Resumo: Some have attempted to associate Oliver Cowdery with a treasure-seeking group in Vermont. This goes beyond the available evidence.

Oliver Cowdery and the "rod of nature"

Resumo: It is claimed that a revelation received by Joseph praised Oliver Cowdery's gift of using divining talents. It is claimed that the revelation was published in the Book of Commandments in its original form, then subsequently modified in the Doctrine and Covenants in order to hide the reference to the "rod of nature." Therefore, Joseph attempted to "cover up" Oliver Cowdery's work with a divining rod by changing a revelation.

Martin Harris had five religions prior to Mormonism

Resumo: Some claim that Martin Harris was unstable or flighty because he had five religions prior to the Church's restoration.

Martin Harris had five religions after Mormonism

Resumo: Some claim that Martin Harris was unstable or flighty because he had five religions after he was excommunicated in 1838

Martin Harris and the Shakers

Resumo: Some claim that Martin Harris' testimony is unreliable because he associated with the Shakers after his excommunication in 1838

Description of the plates and stone box in which they were found.

Resumo: A collection of all statements regarding the physical appearance, dimensions, and character of the plates and other items associated with them.

Description of translation method and circumstances

Resumo: Friendly and unfriendly accounts of those who witnessed and heard about the translation of the Book of Mormon

Did the Book of Mormon witnesses ever recant?

Resumo: Some have tried to argue that some or all of the Witnesses recanted concerning their testimony. They were all faithful to their testimonies to the end of their lives, even though many of them had personal disagreements with Joseph Smith that caused them to leave the Church.

Did Joseph hypnotize the Book of Mormon witnesses?

Resumo: Some grant that the Book of Mormon witnesses may have been sincere in their testimony, but claim that they were actually the victims of 'hallucination' or 'hypnosis' induced in them by Joseph Smith. The accusation that Joseph Smith was somehow able to hypnotize the witnesses—not individually, but en mass—is simply too preposterous to be true. This accusation vastly overstates the nature of hypnotism and the abilities of those able to practice it.

Did God tell David Whitmer to leave the Church?

Resumo: David Whitmer, one of the Book of Mormon's Three Witnesses, said "If you believe my testimony to the Book of Mormon; if you believe that God spake to us three witnesses by his own voice, then I tell you that in June, 1838, God spake to me again by his own voice from the heavens, and told me to "separate myself from among the Latter Day Saints, for as they sought to do unto me, should it be done unto them." Some argue that if members accept Whitmer's witness of the Book of Mormon, then they must also accept that God wanted David to repudiate the Church as false. Some distort the historical record to make it appear that David Whitmer left the Church because he was told to, when it fact he was excommunicated prior to claiming any revelation to do so. The command to leave, if it was a true revelation, involved David's physical safety and not his membership in the Church, which he had already renounced.

Eight witnesses

Resumo: Some have tried to argue that the Eight witnesses only claimed a 'spiritual' or 'visionary' view of the plates, not a literal, physical one. The witnesses left concrete statements regarding the physical nature of the plates. There were others besides the eleven who saw and felt the plates, and testified that they were real.

Many witnesses were related

Resumo: It is claimed that because many of the witnesses are related, this means they are not to be trusted.

John Whitmer states that the plates were "shown to me by a supernatural power"

Resumo: Some critics of the Restoration have focused on a single statement reportedly made by John Whitmer in 1839 to make it appear as though the Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon did not have a physical encounter with the golden plates (as they so testified on the pages of the book itself), but rather a spiritual or visionary experience only.

"Eye of Faith" and "Spiritual Eye" statements by Martin Harris

Resumo: Martin Harris frequently told people that he did not see the golden plates and the angel with his natural eyes but rather with “spiritual eyes” or the “eye of faith.”

Other Book of Mormon witnesses

Resumo: Are there any other witnesses to the Book of Mormon plates besides the Three and Eight witnesses?

Strangite parallels

Resumo: James Strang's break-off sect produced eyewitnesses of buried records. Does this indicate that Joseph's ability to do so is neither surprising nor persuasive? The Strangite witnesses were not all faithful, and some recanted and described the nature of the fraud perpetuated by Strang.

Were the experiences of the witnesses spiritual or literal?

Resumo: It is claimed that the witnesses’ encounter with the angel and the plates took place solely in their minds. They claim that witnesses saw the angel in a “vision” and equate “vision” with imagination.

Only handled when covered by a tow frock?

Resumo: A frequent claim is that a Book of Mormon witnesses said that he only handled the plates while they were covered in a "tow frock." However, this report is from William Smith, one of Joseph's brothers who was not a Book of Mormon witness. In fact, William insisted in the same statement that he was convinced Joseph was not lying about the plates. William also dismissed the Spalding hypothesis as nonsense.

Does being a "treasure hunter" or believing in "second sight" make one an unreliable witness?

Resumo: Some of Joseph's associates were "treasure hunters" and may have believed in "second sight." Does this make them unreliable witnesses?

Were the Book of Mormon witnesses not "empirical" or "rational" men because they lived in the 19th-Century?

Resumo: Some accuse the Book of Mormon witnesses of not being "empirical" or "rational" because they lived in the 19th-Century.

Was it true the viewing the gold plates would result in death?

Resumo: Did Joseph Smith state that the penalty for viewing the gold plates was death? Was this just a way for Joseph to hide the fact that the plates didn't actually exist?

Oliver Cowdery joined the Methodists after leaving the Church

Resumo: Why did Oliver Cowdery join the Methodists if all other churches had been "condemned of God"?

All were "interested" since they followed Joseph Smith

Resumo: It is claimed that because the witnesses are "interested"—i.e., they were members of the Church and believers in Joseph's mission—that they are therefore not reliable, since they cannot be "neutral" or "disinterested."


Resumo: This page collects statements from the witnesses to the Book of Mormon plates in one convenient location. The same statements are often quoted elsewhere in the wiki under specific articles.

Signatures on the testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses

Resumo: It is claimed that there are no actual signatures on the witness statements printed in the Book of Mormon.

Witnesses knew they would be ridiculed and not believed

Resumo: The Witnesses understood that by giving their names to the witness statements, they would suffer social costs and rejection.

Witnesses persisted even in the face of persecution or death

Resumo: The Witnesses stuck to their claim even in the face of threats or the risk of death.

Witnesses who left the Church continued to maintain their witness

Resumo: Some witnesses were excommunicated and left the Church. However, the staunchly stuck to their witness accounts.

Witnesses had shared experiences which they could compare to confirm their reality

Resumo: The Three and Eight Witnesses did not have merely internal, assuntoive experiences. These were shared experiences, which they could and did use to confirm their reality and objectivity.

Witnesses confirmed the faithfulness of other witnesses

Resumo: The Three and Eight Witnesses often affirmed that others of their number had maintained their witness.

Witnesses reaffirmed published statements in the Book of Mormon

Resumo: The Three and Eight Witnesses often reaffirmed their written statement and referred others to it.