FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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Alla näytetään 50 tulosta väliltä 751–800.
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- Malline:BoMWitnessesPrint (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Anderson:History of Joseph Smith by His Mother (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Aston:In the Footsteps of Lehi (3 linkkiä)
- Nauvoo Polygamy/Index (3 linkkiä)
- Identity of the Holy Ghost (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Brown:Gate of Heaven (3 linkkiä)
- One Nation Under Gods/Use of sources/Brigham Says to "Cut Their Throats" (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Hunter Ferguson:Ancient America and the Book of Mormon (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Kirkham:New Witness for Christ in America (3 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Children of polygamous marriages/Did he have any (3 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Sent husbands on missions to steal wives (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:McLellin:Journals (3 linkkiä)
- Ohje:Redirect (3 linkkiä)
- Jesus is the only Melchizedek priesthood holder (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Automatic writing (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Evidences/Hebraisms/Chiasmus (3 linkkiä)
- Temples/Obsolete after Christ (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Geography/Definition of "continent" (3 linkkiä)
- Revelation after Joseph Smith/Oliver Cowdery/Orson Hyde promise (3 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith and the occult/Magick parchments (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Zarahemla near Nauvoo (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:FR-20-2-4 (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Smith:View of the Hebrews BYU (3 linkkiä)
- Search for the Truth DVD/A New Beginning (3 linkkiä)
- Attitude to non-members:Primary sources (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Sorenson:Geography of Book of Mormon Events (3 linkkiä)
- Search for the Truth DVD/Eternal Life (3 linkkiä)
- Search for the Truth DVD/Who is God (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Witnesses/"Eye of Faith" and "Spiritual Eye" statements by Martin Harris (3 linkkiä)
- Doctrine and Covenants/Oliver Cowdery and the "rod of nature" (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Strangite parallels (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon and DNA evidence/Geography issues/Haplotype X2a (3 linkkiä)
- Emma Smith and polygamy (3 linkkiä)
- Kirtland Safety Society/Boxes filled with sand (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon witnesses/Character (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon (3 linkkiä)
- Lamanite curse (3 linkkiä)
- FAIRwiki:Project home (3 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Archaeology (3 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith and polygamy/"Love letters" (3 linkkiä)
- Polygamy book/Early womanizer (3 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith and polygamy/Fanny Alger and William McLellin (3 linkkiä)
- Polygamy not Biblical/No biblical mandate for plural marriage (3 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith and polygamy/The Peace Maker (3 linkkiä)
- Premortal existence (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:NeedCite (3 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith/Money digging (3 linkkiä)
- Myths about the Church (3 linkkiä)
- Hell (3 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Brown:Plan of Salvation (3 linkkiä)
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