FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
FAIR:Portal de la comunidad
Revisión del 00:28 13 feb 2007 de Jlynch (discusión | contribuciones) (→La Restoratión de la iglesia y el sacerdocio)
- 1 Breve Artículos del Wiki
- 1.1 Las Escrituras
- 1.2 Historia de la Iglesia Mormona
- 1.3 Doctrinal questions and controversies
- 1.4 Mormon culture and attitudes
- 1.5 Specific authors
- 1.6 Otros Temas
- 1.7 Referencias
- 1.8 Templates
- 2 Artículos Detallados y Integral
Breve Artículos del Wiki
Las Escrituras
La Santa Biblia
Los artículos wiki La Santa Biblia |
- El Mormonismo y la Santa Biblia
- Basicos de La Biblia [Necesita traducción]
- «Si alguno añadiere a» o «si alguno quitare de» la Biblia?
- La arqueología y la Biblia
- Ser «nacido de nuevo»—¿Que quiere decir la Biblia?
- Es la Bibla completa y suficiente?
- El diluvio, global o local
- Genealogía, condenación de [Necesita traducción]
- Historialidad de Genesis 1-11 [Necesita traducción]
- Una Biblia sin errores
- Hebreos 7 y el Sacerdocio de Arrón [Necesita traducción]
- Escrituras perdidas
- Canon abierto vs. canon cerrado
- Traducciones de La Biblia [Necesita traducción]
Traducción de José Smith
Articulos wiki del JST |
El Libro de Mormón
Plantilla:Errores del Libro de Mormón
La profesión de Escritor del Libro
Plantilla:Teorías de La profesión de Escritor del Libro
Evidéncias de la autenticidad
Otros Asuntos del Libro de Mormón
Book of Mormon Geography |
- La arqueología y la Santa Biblia
- Comoros Islands and Moroni
- Demografía
- Book of Mormon geography - Main page
- Book of Mormon geography - New World
- Book of Mormon geography - Old World
- Book of Mormon geography - Statements made
- Book of Mormon geography - First Presidency Letter
- Historicity of Book of Mormon
- Place names from Joseph's environment?
- Zelph [Necesita traducción]
Temas otras del Libro de Mormón
- "Añadir" o "Quitar de" La Biblia
- Personas Indigenes de las Americas como Lamanitas
- Transcripción de Anthon
- Arqueología
- Chiasmus
- Cronología
- Las islas Comoros y Moroni
- Demográficos
- Evidencia ADN
- La Plenitud del Evangelio
- Hebraico [Necesita traducción]
- Hebreo y las idiomas Indígenas de las Americas
- Autenticidad Histórica
- Traducción de José Smith y el Libro de Mormón [Necesita traducción]
- Reinado y Coronación [Necesita traducción]
- Moroni como un ángel de Satanás
- ¿Moroni o Nefi?
- Lo “más correcto de cualquier libro”
- Matanza de por Nefi
- La Condenación de Poligamia
- Sami Hanna y El Libro de Mormón
- Stick of Ephraim
- Textual changes
- Translation chronology
- Translation method [Necesita traducción]
- Zelph
Doctrinas y Convenios
- El templo de Independence será construido "en esta generación"
- Declaración oficial—1 El resultar de la presión política
- Revelación después de José Smith [Necesita traducción]
- Cambios en el texto
Conferencias en la Fe
La Perla de Gran Precio
The Book of Abraham
FAIR Book of Abraham wiki articles |
- Book of Abraham papyri (summary) [Necesita traducción]
- Book of Joseph [Necesita traducción]
- Hiding Book of the Dead connection? [Necesita traducción]
- Kirtland Egyptian Papers [Necesita traducción]
Evidences of authenticity
José Smith—Historia
First Vision wiki articles |
- First Vision accounts (Summary and index page)
- Religious revivals in 1820
- Conflation of 1824-25 revival?
- Early Smith family history
- Joseph Smith did not know if God existed in 1823
- Joseph Smith joined other churches
- 1830 statement about seeing "God"
- First Vision fabricated to give "Godly authority"
- D&C 84 says God not seen without priesthood?
- No reference to First Vision in 1830s publications?
- 1838 account modified to offset leadership crisis?
- First Vision story became more detailed and colorful after 1832?
- The "Angels" of the 1835 account
- Controversy Concerning D&C 121:28
- The Father: A Spirit vs. Embodied
- Lack of contemporary Father/Son vision until 1838?
- No mention in non-LDS literature before 1843?
- Seldom mentioned in LDS publications before 1877
- Claims about the 1832 First Vision account
- Only one Deity appears in the 1832 account
- 1832 account doesn't mention new dispensation
- 1832 account doesn't mention a revival
- 1832 account doesn't forbid joining a church
- 1832 account doesn't mention persecution
- Motivation in 1832 account is different
- Different age provided in the 1832 text
- Struggle with Satan not in the 1832 account
- 1832 says wicked will be destroyed but 1838 doesn't
- 1832 vision set in heaven or on earth?
- Eternal life regardless of church affiliation in 1832 text?
- Claims about other members and the First Vision
- George Q. Cannon referred to "angels"
- Oliver Cowdery not aware of First Vision in 1834-35
- Orson Hyde referred to "angels"
- Andrew Jenson called personage an "angel"
- Heber C. Kimball denied the Father appeared
- Orson Pratt confused about "angel" or Father-Son
- Parley P. Pratt only said that "God" appeared
- George A. Smith said First Vision was an "angel"
- Lucy Mack Smith claimed "angel"?
- William Smith said First Vision was an "angel"?
- Orson Spencer said an "angel" was the first manifestation?
- John Taylor's understanding of the First Vision
- Wilford Woodruff spoke of an "angel"
- Brigham Young said the Lord didn't appear
- Brigham Young never mentioned the First Vision
Joseph Smith other visionary issues wiki articles |
- Joseph Smith's early conception of God
- Moroni as an angel of Satan
- Did Nephi or Moroni appear in 1823?
- Personages who appeared to Joseph Smith
- Swedenborg and three degrees of glory
God wiki articles |
- Corporeality of God
- Creatio ex nihilo
- Downplaying the King Follett discourse?
- Elohim and Jehovah
- Foreknowledge of God
- God is a Spirit
- Godhead and the Trinity
- Infinite regress of Gods?
- "No God beside me"
- No man has seen God
- Theosis/deification of man
Articles of Faith
Historia de la Iglesia Mormona
José Smith, Jr.
Joseph Smith, Jr. wiki articles |
- Did Joseph boast of keeping the Church intact?
- Healings and miracles?
- Holy Ghost, Joseph Smith is the
- Kinderhook Plates
- King of the world, anointed
- Martyr?
- Money digging/treasure seeking
- Moonmen
- Occult activities?
- Personal failings
- Political activities
- Seer stones, use of
- Status in LDS belief
Joseph Smith and legal issues wiki articles |
Prophecy wiki articles |
- Joseph Smith prophecies
- LDS prophets don't prophesy?
- Revelation after Joseph Smith [Necesita traducción]
First Vision wiki articles |
- First Vision accounts (Summary and index page)
- Religious revivals in 1820
- Conflation of 1824-25 revival?
- Early Smith family history
- Joseph Smith did not know if God existed in 1823
- Joseph Smith joined other churches
- 1830 statement about seeing "God"
- First Vision fabricated to give "Godly authority"
- D&C 84 says God not seen without priesthood?
- No reference to First Vision in 1830s publications?
- 1838 account modified to offset leadership crisis?
- First Vision story became more detailed and colorful after 1832?
- The "Angels" of the 1835 account
- Controversy Concerning D&C 121:28
- The Father: A Spirit vs. Embodied
- Lack of contemporary Father/Son vision until 1838?
- No mention in non-LDS literature before 1843?
- Seldom mentioned in LDS publications before 1877
- Claims about the 1832 First Vision account
- Only one Deity appears in the 1832 account
- 1832 account doesn't mention new dispensation
- 1832 account doesn't mention a revival
- 1832 account doesn't forbid joining a church
- 1832 account doesn't mention persecution
- Motivation in 1832 account is different
- Different age provided in the 1832 text
- Struggle with Satan not in the 1832 account
- 1832 says wicked will be destroyed but 1838 doesn't
- 1832 vision set in heaven or on earth?
- Eternal life regardless of church affiliation in 1832 text?
- Claims about other members and the First Vision
- George Q. Cannon referred to "angels"
- Oliver Cowdery not aware of First Vision in 1834-35
- Orson Hyde referred to "angels"
- Andrew Jenson called personage an "angel"
- Heber C. Kimball denied the Father appeared
- Orson Pratt confused about "angel" or Father-Son
- Parley P. Pratt only said that "God" appeared
- George A. Smith said First Vision was an "angel"
- Lucy Mack Smith claimed "angel"?
- William Smith said First Vision was an "angel"?
- Orson Spencer said an "angel" was the first manifestation?
- John Taylor's understanding of the First Vision
- Wilford Woodruff spoke of an "angel"
- Brigham Young said the Lord didn't appear
- Brigham Young never mentioned the First Vision
Joseph Smith other visionary issues wiki articles |
- Joseph Smith's early conception of God
- Moroni as an angel of Satan
- Did Nephi or Moroni appear in 1823?
- Personages who appeared to Joseph Smith
- Swedenborg and three degrees of glory
God wiki articles |
- Corporeality of God
- Creatio ex nihilo
- Downplaying the King Follett discourse?
- Elohim and Jehovah
- Foreknowledge of God
- God is a Spirit
- Godhead and the Trinity
- Infinite regress of Gods?
- "No God beside me"
- No man has seen God
- Theosis/deification of man
Casamiento Plural
Prophecy wiki articles |
- Joseph Smith prophecies [Necesita traducción]
- LDS prophets don't prophesy? [Necesita traducción]
- Revelation after Joseph Smith [Necesita traducción]
La Restoración de la iglesia y el sacerdocio
FAIR Priesthood wiki articles |
- Elias and Elijah at the Kirtland Temple
- Jesus is the only Melchizedek priesthood holder
- Location of the organization of the Church [Necesita traducción]
- Priesthood non-transferable?
- Need for priesthood restoration
- Women and the priesthood [Necesita traducción]
1978 Priesthood revelation wiki articles |
Evidencias de la autenticidad
Temple worship
Vicarious baptism for the dead wiki articles |
Temple wiki articles |
- Adam-God and the "Lecture at the Veil"
- Baptism for the dead [Necesita traducción]
- Do LDS temples always face east?
- Mosaic temple in the New World? [Necesita traducción]
- Oath of vengeance
- Penalties in the endowment
- Symbols on the Nauvoo Temple
- Temple endowment and Freemasonry
- Temple endowment changes
- Temple obsolete after Christ
Evidences of authenticity
Other Church history
Emma Smith wiki articles |
Forgery wiki articles |
Hugh Nibley wiki articles |
Political issues in Church history wiki articles |
- Authoritarianism and Church leaders? [Necesita traducción]
- Church involvement in politics [Necesita traducción]
- The Council of Fifty
- Joseph Smith and politics
Other Church history
- Authorship of History of the Church
- B.H. Roberts' testimony of the Book of Mormon
- Blacks and the priesthood
- Blood atonement
- Censorship and revision of LDS history
- Danites [Necesita traducción]
- Excommunication of scholars [Necesita traducción]
- Hyrum Smith [Necesita traducción]
- Journal of Discourses
- Kirtland Safety Society
- Lying for the Lord?
- Modern prophets
- Mountain Meadows Massacre
- Nauvoo Expositor
- Predestination [Necesita traducción]
- Racist statements by Church leaders
- Succession in the Presidency of the Church [Necesita traducción]
- Women and the priesthood
Doctrinal questions and controversies
God wiki articles |
- Corporeality of God
- Creatio ex nihilo
- Downplaying the King Follett discourse?
- Elohim and Jehovah
- Foreknowledge of God
- God is a Spirit
- Godhead and the Trinity
- Infinite regress of Gods?
- "No God beside me"
- No man has seen God
- Deificación de los Seres Humanos
Jesu Cristo
Articulos acerca de Jesucristo |
- Alpha and Omega
- Are LDS Christians?
- Have LDS only recently claimed to be Christian?
- Do the LDS worship a "different Jesus"?
- ¿Es Jesucristo el hermano de Satanás? ¡Está traducido ahora!
- Conception
- Elohim and Jehovah
- Jesus is the only Melchizedek priesthood holder
- Savior of other worlds
- Was Jesus Christ married?
- Was Jesus crucified on a cross?
El Espiritu Santo
Holy Ghost wiki articles |
- Anachronistic Holy Ghost in Book of Mormon?
- Burning in the bosom [Necesita traducción]
- Identity
- Joseph Smith is the Holy Ghost?
- Moroni's promise [Necesita traducción]
Evolution |
- Creatio ex nihilo [Necesita traducción]
- Death before the Fall [Necesita traducción]
- Dinosaurs [Necesita traducción]
- Evolution (official statements) [Necesita traducción]
- Pre-Adamites [Necesita traducción]
- Procreation before the Fall [Necesita traducción]
- Un-official primary sources on evolution [Necesita traducción]
Obras y la Gracia
Grace wiki articles |
- Does the Church neglect the doctrine of grace?
- Early Christian views on salvation
- Relationship between works and grace [Necesita traducción]
- Salvation by faith alone
Mormon culture and attitudes wiki articles |
- Anti-Mormon
- Attitude to non-members
- Birth control
- Childbearing
- Church over family?
- Marriage, duties in [Necesita traducción]
- Mothers, duties toward
- Mormons as neighbors
- Wives, duties toward
- Salvation of non-members
- Temple work for Holocaust victims
- Wayward family members, attitude toward
Other questions and controversies
Plantilla:ApostasyWiki Plantilla:LyingWiki
Word of Wisdom wiki articles |
- 17 Points of the True Church
- Angels
- Anti-Mormon
- Apologetics
- Apostles married in early Church?
- Creatio ex nihilo
- Cult, LDS Church is a
- Deification of man / theosis
- Excommunication and Church discipline [Necesita traducción]
- Feelings and emotions as the basis of a testimony [Necesita traducción]
- Free will and science
- Government during the Millennium
- Grace
- General authorities' statements as scripture
- Latter-day Saints aren't Christians
- Premortal existence [Necesita traducción]
- Progression between kingdoms of glory
- Prophets don't prophesy
- Sabbath changed to Sunday
Mormon culture and attitudes
Mormon culture and attitudes wiki articles |
- Anti-Mormon
- Attitude to non-members
- Birth control
- Childbearing
- Church over family?
- Marriage, duties in [Necesita traducción]
- Mothers, duties toward
- Mormons as neighbors
- Wives, duties toward
- Salvation of non-members
- Temple work for Holocaust victims
- Wayward family members, attitude toward
Statistical claims
Statistical issues wiki |
- Antidepressant use among Mormons
- Bankruptcy rate in Utah
- Is the LDS population in Utah shrinking?
- Suicide rate among Mormons [Necesita traducción]
Specific authors
Specific authors |
- Richard Abanes
- Fawn McKay Brodie
- Charles Larson
- Christopher Marc Nemelka
- D. Michael Quinn
- Jerald and Sandra Tanner
Otros Temas
- Dan Brown's next book and Mormonism
- Lies and self-contradiction
- Logical fallacies
- Quote mining, selective quotation, and distortion
- Rumors, hoaxes, and urban legends
- Scripture index
- Online textual sources and materials
- Primary Sources at FAIR Wiki [Necesita traducción]
- GospeLink quick links
Templates |
- All templates master list
- FARMS Review Vol. 01-10
- FARMS Review Vol. 11-20
- JBMS Vol. 01-10
- JBMS Vol. 11-20
- Other books and periodicals
- Scripture auto-links!
- GospeLink quick links