Sustaining Membership

In addition to supporting FAIR, becoming a Sustaining Member entitles you to the following:

  • exclusive discounts at the FAIR bookstore
  • discounted tickets to the FAIR annual conference
  • subscription to the FAIR newsletter
  • A free PDF download of Mike Ash’s ebook, Bamboozled by the CES Letter

Monthly giving is an easy, convenient and cost-effective way to support FAIR. Your donation will be charged to your credit card every month, without your needing to do anything. Why chose a monthly sustaining membership?

It’s easy – automatic monthly payments from your credit card or bank account mean ongoing membership privileges until you make a change.

It’s economical -spreading membership giving throughout the year is easier on your budget.

Your support goes even further by saving on postage, paper, and administrative costs. Plus, you help ensure a steady, reliable income source for FAIR.

A Sustaining Membership is comparable to paying membership dues to any secular or vocational group you might belong to: in return for your dues, the member is granted certain benefits and privileges. Thus, Sustaining Memberships are not tax deductible, because the member receives benefit in return for the Membership. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to FAIR, please do so here.

Would you rather pay annually? Click here.

$13.00 / month

