Millet, Robert L.

Precept upon Precept: Joseph Smith and the Restoration of Doctrine


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How did Joseph Smith do it? How did he, when just a teenager, open the floodgates of revelation on a spring day in 1820? How did he continue to receive, restore, and refine the rich doctrine of the restored gospel until his martyrdom in 1844? And how could a man who delivered such a comprehensive system of doctrine, that laid such a profound theological foundation, be anything other than a prophet of God?

Latter-day Saint doctrine is based on the restoration of a correct understanding of God’s “character, perfections, and attributes.” In Precept upon Precept, esteemed Latter-day Saint scholar and speaker Robert L. Millet explored how the restoration of one truth led to questions that led to answers and the restoration of more truths—line upon line, precept upon precept.

From the original theophany of the First Vision and its implications for a world steeped in Trinitarian doctrine to the cosmic scope of the King Follett sermon, the Prophet’s revelations shook up the entrenched doctrines of nineteenth-century Christianity. And by the time of Joseph’s martyrdom, God had through him laid the foundations for a restored church of Jesus Christ that will last until the Millennium.