Mormonismo e História/Censura e revisão


Censura e revisão na história da Igreja

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Censura e revisão na história da Igreja

Alguns afirmam que a igreja tem "caiada" algumas das informações sobre suas origens a aparecer mais palatável para os membros e investigadores. Alguns acham que isso é feito intencionalmente para ocultar aspectos negativos da história da igreja. Outros acham que ele é feito para se concentrar na boa, mas que causa problemas para os membros crentes quando se deparam com essas questões fora do currículo da igreja.

Has the Church "whitewashed" its history?

Resumo: Has the church "whitewashed" some of the information about its origins to appear more palatable to members and investigators?

Arte da Igreja e precisão histórica

Resumo: Ele é reivindicada por alguns que a Igreja conscientemente "mentiras" ou distorce o registro histórico em sua obra, a fim de encobrir o passado, ou para fins de propaganda. Um exemplo comumente usado é a imprecisão de qualquer arte Igreja representando o processo de tradução do Livro de Mórmon.

Does the Church excommunicate scholars who publish historical information?

Resumo: Some claim that the Church excommunicates or disfellowships scholars who publish historical information that is embarrassing to Church leaders. It is often claimed, despite the fact that these disciplinary actions are carried out by local leaders, that they are in reality instigated by general authorities. It is also claimed that the Church is silencing honest people for telling the truth.

Brigham Young manual hides the truth about polygamy

Resumo: It is claimed that the Church's manual, The Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young, attempts to "hide history" by portraying Brigham Young (a well-known polygamist) as having only one wife.

LDS histories over many years omit plural marriage

Resumo: Some claim that LDS histories have a long history of omitting mention of plural marriage as a cause for the Saints' troubles in Illinois.

Sidney Rigdon trial in Times and Seasons versus History of the Church

Resumo: It is claimed that the account of Sidney Rigdon's 'trial' recorded in the Times and Seasons differs markedly from the version available in the History of the Church. They claim that this demonstrates the Church's tendency to "rewrite" history after the fact.

Wilford Woodruff criticizes publication of polygamists

Resumo: Some have claimed that the Church's desire to hide its historical plural marriage is exemplified by Wilford Woodruff's criticism of assistant Church Historian Andrew Jenson's decision to publish the names of those who were married to Joseph Smith.

Hiding the facts in plain sight using Church publications

Resumo: Quite a few items that some claim were hidden by the Church were actually published in Church magazines such as the New Era, the Ensign and the Friend.

Ronald E. Poleman's 1984 conference address

Resumo: Elder Poleman's 1984 conference talk was edited after delivery and re-recorded with a cough track. What can you tell me about this?

Orson Hyde's blessing altered in the History of the Church?

Resumo: Is the ordination blessing given to Orson Hyde an example of false prophecy? Was Hyde's blessing altered in the History of the Church for propaganda reasons?

Brigham Young destroys Lucy Mack Smith's history of Joseph?

Resumo: Did Brigham Young attempt to suppress and destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith because it contained information which would embarrass the Church? It is claimed that Brigham Young inserted the reference to Joseph Smith's First Vision into Lucy's book. Critics also try to prove that the silence of Joseph's mother and siblings in her history prove that the First Vision did not take place, and is a later fabrication by Joseph, and not well known to the early members of the church.

A mãe de Profeta disse Primeira Visão foi de um "anjo"

Resumo: O Profeta mãe Lucy Mack Smith escreveu uma carta em 1831 o que parece indicar que a Primeira Visão de seu filho consistiu de ver um "anjo" em vez de Divindade. Críticos sugerem que isso demonstra que a história do Profeta evoluiu ao longo do tempo e que a sua alegação de ter visto a Deus foi uma adição relativamente tarde para a sua história.