FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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- Economics of LDS immigration (2 linkkiä)
- Viisauden sana (2 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Two natures of Christ (2 linkkiä)
- Specific works/Behind the Mask (2 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Attempt to sell copyright (2 linkkiä)
- Specific works/From Captain Kidd's Treasure Ghost to the Angel Moroni: Changing Dramatis Personae in Early Mormonism (2 linkkiä)
- Malline:JBMS-15-2-7 (2 linkkiä)
- Specific works/Joseph Smith and the Origins of The Book of Mormon/Index (2 linkkiä)
- Malline:JBMS-16-2-10 (2 linkkiä)
- American Massacre (2 linkkiä)
- Specific works/Nauvoo Polygamy/Assumptions and presumptions (2 linkkiä)
- An Insider's View of Mormon Origins/Use of sources (2 linkkiä)
- Malline:DNAPortal (2 linkkiä)
- Brigham Young (2 linkkiä)
- Specific works/New Approaches to the Book of Mormon (2 linkkiä)
- Brigham Young/Teachings (2 linkkiä)
- Specific works/One Nation Under Gods/Mind reading (2 linkkiä)
- Link (2 linkkiä)
- Brigham Young and the prosecution of Mountain Meadows Massacre/Church interference in trials (2 linkkiä)
- Location of the organization of the Church (2 linkkiä)
- Archaeology and the Bible (2 linkkiä)
- Lucy Mack Smith (2 linkkiä)
- Atonement not carried out on the cross (2 linkkiä)
- Mormonismi ja moniavioisuus (2 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Moroni's promise (2 linkkiä)
- Specific works/The Making of a Prophet (2 linkkiä)
- B.H. Roberts' testimony of the Book of Mormon (2 linkkiä)
- Castration in Utah (2 linkkiä)
- Specific works/Word of God (Vogel) (2 linkkiä)
- Becoming Gods/Use of sources (2 linkkiä)
- Suicide rate among Mormons (2 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Nibley:Teachings of the Book of Mormon 3 (2 linkkiä)
- Mormonismi ja moniavioisuus/Myöhempien aikojen pyhien pyhät kirjoitukset (2 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:PP Pratt:Plain Facts/Full title (2 linkkiä)
- Bible/Insufficient (2 linkkiä)
- Church history/Censorship and revision/Hiding the facts (2 linkkiä)
- Book of Mormon/Why is baptism for the dead not taught (2 linkkiä)
- Malline:Book:Porter Backman Black:Regional Studies in Church History:New York (2 linkkiä)
- Malline:JosephSmithLinks (2 linkkiä)
- Women and the Church (2 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith and the occult/Jupiter talisman (2 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith's narcissism/Joseph as a "second Mohammad" (2 linkkiä)
- Word of Wisdom/Almon Babbitt followed Joseph (2 linkkiä)
- Malline:MarriageWiki (2 linkkiä)
- Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies (2 linkkiä)
- Word of Wisdom/Joseph Smith sold liquor in Nauvoo (2 linkkiä)
- Moroni's visit/Siblings remained asleep (2 linkkiä)
- Keskustelu:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Animals (2 linkkiä)
- Multiple authors of Isaiah (2 linkkiä)
- Grace and works/Salvation by faith alone (2 linkkiä)
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