FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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- Malline:AntiBook:Howe:Mormonism Unvailed → Malline:CriticalWork:Howe:Mormonism Unvailed
- Malline:AntiBook:Ostling:Mormon America → Malline:CriticalWork:Ostling:Mormon America
- Malline:AntiBook:Palmer:Insider → Malline:CriticalWork:Palmer:Insider
- Malline:AntiBook:Quinn:Mormon Hierarchy → Malline:CriticalWork:Quinn:Mormon Hierarchy
- Malline:AntiBook:Southerton:Losing → Malline:CriticalWork:Southerton:Losing
- Malline:AntiBook:Tanner:Changing World → Malline:CriticalWork:Tanner:Changing World
- Malline:AoF → Malline:Book:Talmage:Articles of Faith
- Malline:AoF1 → Malline:Book:Talmage:Articles of Faith
- Malline:ApostasyPortal → Malline:EarlyChristianityPortal
- Malline:Aremormonschristians → Malline:Book:Robinson:Are Mormons Christians
- Malline:Aremormonschristians0 → Malline:Book:Robinson:Are Mormons Christians
- Malline:Aremormonschristians1 → Malline:Book:Robinson:Are Mormons Christians
- Malline:Ashurst-McGee-Thesis → Malline:Thesis:Ashurst-McGee:Pathway to Prophethood
- Malline:Ashurst-McGee-Thesis0 → Malline:Thesis:Ashurst-McGee:Pathway to Prophethood
- Malline:BD → Malline:Book:LDS:Bible Dictionary
- Malline:BD1 → Malline:Book:LDS:Bible Dictionary
- Malline:BKPlawlight0 → Malline:Periodical:Packer:Law and the Light
- Malline:BYA → Malline:Book:Watson:Brigham Young Addresses
- Malline:BYA1 → Malline:Book:Watson:Brigham Young Addresses
- Malline:BYUS1 → Malline:BYUS
- Malline:BarneyJred1 → Malline:Periodical:Barney:Facsimile and Semitic Adaption of Existing Sources
- Malline:BeginningsofMormonism → Malline:Book:Bushman:Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism
- Malline:BeginningsofMormonism1 → Malline:Book:Bushman:Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism
- Malline:Biblewiki → Malline:BibleWiki
- Malline:BioLS → Malline:Book:Snow:Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow
- Malline:BioLS1 → Malline:Book:Snow:Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow
- Malline:Biosketch → Malline:Book:Smith:Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith and Progenitors
- Malline:Biosketch1 → Malline:Book:Smith:Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith and Progenitors
- Malline:BlackAndMormon → Malline:Book:Bringhurst Smith:Black and Mormon
- Malline:BlackAndMormon1 → Malline:Book:Bringhurst Smith:Black and Mormon
- Malline:BlackWiki → Malline:BlacksPriesthoodWiki
- Malline:BloodAtonementWiki → Malline:Brigham Young and Mormon Reformation wiki
- Malline:BoC → Malline:Book:LDS:Book of Commandments
- Malline:BoCmini → Malline:Book:LDS:Book of Commandments short
- Malline:BoMArchaelogyLinks → Malline:BoMArchaeologyLinks
- Malline:BoMArchaelogyPrint → Malline:BoMArchaeologyPrint
- Malline:BoMComesForth → Malline:Book:Brown:Plates of Gold
- Malline:BoMComesForth1 → Malline:Book:Brown:Plates of Gold
- Malline:BoMCompedium1 → Malline:Book:Sperry:Book of Mormon Compedium
- Malline:BoMCompendium1 → Malline:Book:Sperry:Book of Mormon Compedium
- Malline:BoMFooter → Malline:BoMFooterLinks
- Malline:BoMGeo:TRUE BMOG 2004 RAW → Malline:BoMGeo:TRUE BOMG 2004 RAW
- Malline:BoMGeo:True-tm RAW → Malline:BoMGeo:TRUE BOMG 2004 RAW
- Malline:BoMGeoFAIR → Malline:BoMGeographyFAIR
- Malline:BoMHebrewInfluences → Malline:BoMHebrewInfluencesWiki
- Malline:BoMPP → Malline:Book:Parry:Book of Mormon Reformatted by Parallelistic Patterns
- Malline:BoMPP0 → Malline:Book:Parry:Book of Mormon Reformatted by Parallelistic Patterns
- Malline:BoMPP1 → Malline:Book:Parry:Book of Mormon Reformatted by Parallelistic Patterns
- Malline:BoMRC → Malline:Book:Largey:Book of Mormon Reference Companion
- Malline:BoMRC1 → Malline:Book:Largey:Book of Mormon Reference Companion
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