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  1. Journal of Discourses/10/1‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  2. Journal of Discourses/12/64‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  3. Malline:Book:Widtsoe:Evidences and Reconciliations‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  4. Journal of Discourses/24/33‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  5. Doctrine and Covenants/Textual changes/Adam and Michael conflated in Doctrine and Covenants 137‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  6. Journal of Discourses/9/20‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  7. E. B. Grandin‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  8. Specific works/Becoming Gods/Index‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  9. W:ASCII‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  10. Specific works/D. Michael Quinn‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  11. Book of Mormon geography/Statements‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  12. Specific works/Faithful History (GD Smith)‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  13. Malline:JBMS-15-2-6‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  14. Specific works/Joseph Smith and the Origins of The Book of Mormon‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  15. Mormonism and polygamy/Marriages involving mothers, daughters and sisters‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  16. Malline:JBMS-16-2-9‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  17. Malline:CriticalWorks‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  18. Book of Mormon witnesses/Eight witnesses‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  19. Malline:JBMS-2-1-11‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  20. Born again translation‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  21. Specific works/Nauvoo Polygamy/Use of sources‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  22. Latter-day Saints and California Proposition 8‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  23. FAIRwiki:Specific author template‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  24. Brigham Young/Reviews‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  25. Specific works/One Nation Under Gods/Loaded and prejudicial language‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  26. Malline:EvolutionPrint‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  27. Brigham Young and the prosecution of Mountain Meadows Massacre/Church blocked prosecution‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  28. Location of the lost ten tribes‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  29. Malline:JBMS-5-1-2‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  30. Was Jesus crucified on a cross?‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  31. Malline:Book:Newell Avery:Mormon Engima 1‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  32. Joseph Smith/Translator‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  33. Plan of salvation/When are children capable of sin‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  34. Malline:Book:Nibley:Approach to the Book of Mormon‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  35. Polygamy/Book of Mormon condemns the practice‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  36. Bible/Cosmology‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  37. Book of Mormon/Warfare‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  38. Bible/Lost scripture‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  39. Book of Mormon/Witnesses/David Whitmer said was not an actual visitation‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  40. Bible/Trustworthy‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  41. Malline:JosephSmithFAIR‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  42. Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet, and His Progenitors for Many Generations‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  43. Joseph Smith and the occult/Early members believed in "witchcraft"‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  44. Joseph Smith's narcissism/Did Joseph Smith 'boast' of keeping the Church intact‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  45. Word of Wisdom‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  46. Malline:BoMAuthorshipPrint‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  47. Book of Mormon anachronisms/Translation Errors from the KJV/Satyrs‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  48. Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  49. Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Use of sources/Rape by Albert Hamblin‏‎ (2 linkkiä)
  50. Malline:BoMHebrewInfluencesPrint‏‎ (2 linkkiä)

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