FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Versio hetkellä 3. marraskuuta 2006 kello 21.08 – tehnyt GregSmith (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Joseph Smith, Jr. wiki articles |
- Holy Ghost, Joseph Smith is the
- Kinderhook Plates [needs work]
- King of the world, anointed
- Kirtland Safety Society
- Legal trials [needs work]
- Martyr?
- Money digging/treasure seeking [needs work]
- Moonmen
- Occult activities [needs work]
- Personal failings
- Political activities [needs work]
- Prophecies [needs work]
- Revelation after Joseph Smith [needs work]
- Seer stones, use of [needs work]
- Status in LDS belief
First Vision wiki articles |
Leading up to the vision:
The vision:
- First Vision accounts (summary)
- Paul's accounts of his vision
- Can't see God without priesthood?
After the vision:
- No reference in 1830s publications?
- Seldom mentioned in LDS publications before 1877?
- No reference in non-LDS publications before 1843?
- Joseph saw "God" in 1830 publication?
- No published references to Father and Son until 1838?
- Joseph unsure of God in 1823?
- Lucy joined Presbyterians in 1823?
- Joined other churches?
- All churches wrong?
- Fabricated to bolster authority?
- Details added over time?
- Created to offset leadership crisis?
Others' accounts:
- George Q. Cannon
- Cowdery version of 1834-5?
- Orson Hyde
- Andrew Jenson
- Heber C. Kimball|
- Orson Pratt
- George A. Smith
- Lucy Mack Smith
- Orson Spencer
- John Taylor
- Brigham never spoke of 1st vision?
- Brigham claimed an angel?
- Seldom published pre-1877 (short)
Other criticisms:
Joseph Smith other visionary issues wiki articles |
Moroni's visit:
- Moroni's visit (summary)
- Joseph Smith's early conception of God
- Personages who appeared to Joseph Smith
- Swedenborg and three degrees of glory
God wiki articles |
- The Father: A Spirit vs. Embodied
- Corporeality of God
- Creatio ex nihilo / Creation out of nothing
- Dallin H. Oaks on God as seen by LDS and other Christians
- Elohim and Jehovah
- Foreknowledge of God
- God is a Spirit
- Godhead and the Trinity and Nicene creed
- Heavenly Mother?
- Infinite regress of Gods?
- Kolob
- "No God beside me" - (includes Isaiah 43-46 issues)
- No man has seen God
- Polytheism - Are Mormons polytheists?
- Spirit bodies for humans and 1 Cor 15
- Theosis or human deification
- Unchanging Nature of God