Malline:QuoteMining:JoD 9:312

Versio hetkellä 3. toukokuuta 2010 kello 22.17 – tehnyt GregSmith (keskustelu | muokkaukset) (robot Adding: fr:Modèle:QuoteMining:JoD 9:312)

||I have taught for thirty years, and still teach, that he that believeth in his heart and confesseth with his mouth that Jesus is the Christ and that Joseph Smith is his Prophet to this generation, is of God; and he that confesseth not that Jesus has come in the flesh and sent Joseph Smith with the fulness of the Gospel to this generation, is not of God, but is anti-christ. —Brigham Young ||He that confesseth not that Jesus has come in the flesh and sent Joseph Smith with the fullness of the Gospel to this generation, is not of God, but is anti-christ.