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FAIR: Myöhempien aikojen Pyhien Jeesuksen Kristuksen Kirkon puolustusta vuodesta 1997. FAIRwiki portal Mormonin kirjan maantiedettä
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* 1 Hemispheric geography theory * 2 The Church does not take an official position on this issue o 2.1 Other Wiki Pages * 3 Endnotes * 4 Further Reading o 4.1 FAIR Wiki Links o 4.2 FAIR Topical Guide o 4.3 External Links o 4.4 Old World + 4.4.1 Archaeology (Old World) + 4.4.2 Lehi's trail + 4.4.3 Valley of Lemuel + 4.4.4 Nahom and eastward turn + 4.4.5 Bountiful o 4.5 New World + 4.5.1 General and theoretical issues + 4.5.2 Limited Great Lakes / North America + 4.5.3 "Internal" models + 4.5.4 Linguistic issues + 4.5.5 Mesoamerican models + 4.5.6 Models and proposed evidence reviewed + 4.5.7 Textual issues o 4.6 Printed Material o 4.7 Old World o 4.8 New World + 4.8.1 General and theoretical issues + 4.8.2 "Internal" models + 4.8.3 Mesoamerican models
Maanosallinen maantieteellinen teoria (tai MMT) On Mormonin kirjan maantieteen vanha käsitys. Se väittää että Mormonin kirjan tapahtumat tapahtuivat koko Amerikan mantereella käsittäen sekä Etelä- että Pohjois-AmerikanPanaman ollessa se ohut kannas.
Orson Pratt oli tämän teorian aikaisimpia ja parhaiten tunnettuja puolustajia. Hän julkisti sen 1832 [1] ja jatkoi sen opettamista vuosikymmenien ajan. 1800 luvulla moni MAP kirjailija seurasi Prattin mallia, ja vähitellen hänen viitteensä löysivät tiensä 1879 Mormonin kirjaan. Huolimatta maanosallisen teorian saavuttamasta kansan suosiosta ei olla selvillä siitä oliko se Joseph Smithin ja muiden veljien profetaalisen ilmoituksen tai henkilökohtaisten ajatusten ja oletusten tulosta.[2]
Frederick G. Williams Väittää että tämä malli oli Joseph Smithistä lähtöisin,[3] mutta väitös on lähtöisin Williamsin tulkitsemasta nimettömästä käsikirjoituksesta, joka on peräisin vuodelta 1882.[4]
Viimeaikaisempi MMTn suosija, Earl Wunderlin[5]työ on arvosteltu.[6] Wunderli uskoo että Mormonin kirjan teksti on selvästi koko maanosan käsittävä, vaikka näyttää siltä että hän uskoo Joseph Smithin kirjoittaneen teoksen 1800 luku mielessä ja täten se kuvstaa Josephin olia mielipiteitä.[7]
Tämän teorian hyvät puolet:
Kirkolla ei ole asiasta virallista mielipidettä.
Pää artikkeli : Profeettojen erehtyväisyys [1] ja Muuttuuko oppi [2]?
Tämä on yksi monista asioista joihin kirkolla ei ole virallista kantaa. Kuten President J. Reuben Clark opetti tehtävässään ensiommäiseltä presidenttikunnalta:
Tässä asiassa on hyvä muistaa, tietää, että vain kirkon Presidentillä, Johtavalla Ylipapilla joka on hyväksytty Kirkon Profeetaksi, Näkijäksi ja Ilmoituksen saajaksi, ja vain hänellä on oikeus vastaanottaa ilmoituksia Kirkkoa varten. Ilmoitukset voivat olla uusia tai korjaavia hän voi myös antaa virallisia kirjoitusten selityksiä, jotka siten ovat sitovia lausuntoja Kirkossa.... Kun kuka tahansa, paitis Kirkon Presidentti alkaa saarnata oppia joka ei ole virallista, jossa kaksi tai ueampi opinasia kiistelee keskenään voimme tietää että hän ei ole "Pyhä Hengen vaikutuksen alainen" paitsi jos hän tekee niin kirkon presidentin ohjauksen ja vallan alla.
Nämä asiat antavat meille varmuuden ilman tarvetta epäilyyn ja ylenmääräiseen pohdintaan —J. Reuben Clark, Jr., "Church Leaders and the Scriptures," [alkuperäinen nimi "When Are the Writings or Sermons of Church Leaders Entitled to the Claim of Scripture?"] Siveettömyys ja Iankaikkinen Elämä: Reflections from the Writings and Messages of President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Vol, 2, (1969-70): 221; address to Seminari ja Instituutti Opettajat, BYU (7 July 1954); Church Newsissa uudelleen (31 July 1954); myös uudelleen Dialoguessa 12/2 (Summer 1979): 68–81.
Harold B. Lee was emphatic that only one person can speak for the Church:
All over the Church you're being asked this: "What does the Church think about this or that?" Have you ever heard anybody ask that question? "What does the Church think about the civil rights legislation?" "What do they think about the war?" "What do they think about drinking Coca-Cola or Sanka coffee?" Did you ever hear that? "What do they think about the Democratic Party or ticket or the Republican ticket?" Did you ever hear that? "How should we vote in this forthcoming election?" Now, with most all of those questions, if you answer them, you're going to be in trouble. Most all of them. Now, it's the smart man that will say, "There's only one man in this church that speaks for the Church, and I'm not that one man."
I think nothing could get you into deep water quicker than to answer people on these things, when they say, "What does the Church think?" and you want to be smart, so you try to answer what the Church's policy is. Well, you're not the one to make the policies for the Church. You just remember what the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians. He said, "For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified" (1 Cor. 2:2). Well now, as teachers of our youth, you're not supposed to know anything except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. On that subject you're expected to be an expert. You're expected to know your subject. You're expected to have a testimony. And in that you'll have great strength. If the President of the Church has not declared the position of the Church, then you shouldn't go shopping for the answer. (Harold B. Lee, Teachings of Harold B. Lee (Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1996), 445. GospeLink (requires subscrip.))
This was recently reiterated by the First Presidency (who now approves all statements published on the Church's official website):
Not every statement made by a Church leader, past or present, necessarily constitutes doctrine. A single statement made by a single leader on a single occasion often represents a personal, though well-considered, opinion, but is not meant to be officially binding for the whole Church. With divine inspiration, the First Presidency...and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles...counsel together to establish doctrine that is consistently proclaimed in official Church publications. This doctrine resides in the four “standard works” of scripture (the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price), official declarations and proclamations, and the Articles of Faith. Isolated statements are often taken out of context, leaving their original meaning distorted.
—LDS Newsroom, "Approaching Mormon Doctrine," lds.org (4 May 2007) off-site]
Main article: Official doctrine in the Church
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Template:BoMGeoTableList Book of Mormon geography models in table form:
* By Author o All models by author name o LDS models o RLDS models o Critics' models o Miscellaneous models * By Date o All models by date of authorship * By Scope o Hemispheric geography theory (HGT) models o Limited geography theory (LGT) models * By Type o External (real world) models o Internal models - describes relationship between Book of Mormon places, but no attempt at real-world correlate
1. [note] A newspaper account of Mormon missionaries who preached in Pennsylvania in 1832 mentions Orson Pratt in connection with this teaching. See B. Stokely, “The Orators of Mormonism,” Catholic Telegraph (Cincinnati), 14 April 1832, a reprint from Mercer (PA) Free Press. 2. [note] "Statement on Book of Mormon Geography," FARMS (accessed 18 September 2006) off-site 3. [note] John W. Welch and John L. Sorenson, "Did Lehi Land in Chile? An Assessment of the Frederick G. Williams Statement," in Reexploring the Book of Mormon, edited by John W. Welch, (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1992), 57–61. ISBN 0875796001 off-site FAIR linkGL direct link 4. [note] William J. Hamblin, "Basic Methodological Problems with the Anti-Mormon Approach to the Geography and Archaeology of the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993): 161–197. off-site PDF link wiki off-site GL direct link 5. [note] Earl M. Wunderli, "Critique of a Limited Geography for Book of Mormon Events," Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 35 no. 3 (2002), 161–197. off-site 6. [note] Brant Gardner, "An Exploration in Critical Methodology: Critiquing a Critique (Review of: “Critique of a Limited Geography for Book of Mormon Events,” Dialogue 35/3 (2002): 161–97)," FARMS Review 16/2 (2004): 173–224. off-site PDF link 7. [note] See Gardner, "Critiquing a critique," footnote 16 (referring to Wunderli, note 44.)
Further Reading FAIR Wiki Links
Book of Mormon Geography
* Book of Mormon geography o All proposed Book of Mormon geographies in table form o No official geography o Statements made by LDS leaders + Joseph Smith statements about geography + Office of the First Presidency Letter
Models and settings
* Old World o Nahom o Lehi's cave * New World o New World geography models in table form o Hemispheric geography theory (HGT) o Limited geography theory (LGT) + Mesoamerica # Ammon at waters of Sebus [needs work] # Maya and Olmec as Book of Mormon peoples? # Plates to New York + Great Lakes geography? # Vernal Holley (1983) geography # "Heartland" (Meldrum, 2003) model * Burrows Cave [needs work] * Haplogroup X2a? * Michigan artifacts [needs work]
Nineteenth century issues
* Borders of the Lamanites * "Continents" in Joseph Smith's era * Lamanites in the Doctrine and Covenants * Joseph Smith statements about geography * Book of Mormon and the Mound Builders * Place names from Joseph's environment? o Comoros Islands and Moroni * Zarahemla near Nauvoo, Illinois? * Zelph * Zion: location of Zion
Modern issues
* Archaeology, the Bible, and Book of Mormon * DNA and geographic issues o Haplogroup X2a? * Demographics and Population sizes o Book of Mormon tribal affiliation * "Disdaining" or "dismissing" Joseph's views? * Historicity of Book of Mormon
FAIR Topical Guide
Book of Mormon geography FAIR links
* FAIR Topical Guide: Geography of the Book of Mormon FAIR link * FAIR Topical Guide: New World Context FAIR link * FAIR Topical Guide: Old World Context FAIR link
External Links
Book of Mormon geography articles
Old World
Archaeology (Old World)
* Jeffrey R. Chadwick, "An Archaeologist's View," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 68–77. off-site PDF link wiki * John L. Sorenson, "Steel in Early Metallurgy," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 108–109. off-site PDF link wiki
Lehi's trail
* Warren P. Aston, "Review of Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia by Lynn M. and Hope A. Hilton," FARMS Review of Books 9/1 (1997): 15–24. off-site PDF link * Warren P. Aston, "Across Arabia with Lehi and Sariah: "Truth Shall Spring out of the Earth"," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 8–25. off-site PDF link wiki * S. Kent Brown, "Refining the Spotlight on Lehi and Sariah," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 44–57. off-site PDF link wiki * Stephen L. Carr, "Birds Along Lehi's Trail," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 84–93. off-site PDF link wiki * Jeffrey R. Chadwick, "The Wrong Place for Lehi's Trail and the Valley of Lemuel (Review of: Lehi in the Wilderness)," FARMS Review 17/2 (2005): 197–215. off-site PDF link * Jeffrey R. Chadwick, "An Archaeologist's View," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 68–77. off-site PDF link wiki * Lynn M. Hilton, "In Search of Lehi's Trail—30 Years Later," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 4–7. off-site PDF link wiki * David A. LeFevre, "We Did Again Take Our Journey"," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 58–67. off-site PDF link wiki * Daniel B. McKinlay, "The Brightening Light on the Journey of Lehi and Sariah," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 78–83. off-site PDF link wiki * L. Ara Norwood, "Bountiful Found (Review of In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi's Journey across Arabia to Bountiful by Warren P. Aston and Michaela Knoth Aston)," FARMS Review of Books 7/1 (1995): 85–90. off-site PDF link * Wm. Revell Phillips, "Mughsayl: Another Candidate for Land Bountiful," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 16/2 (2007): 48–59. off-site PDF link wiki * Wm. Revell Phillips, "Weather Report from the Valley of Lemuel," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 94–101. off-site PDF link wiki * George Potter and Richard Wellington, "Lehi's Trail: From the Valley of Lemuel to Nephi's Harbor," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 15/2 (2006): 26–43. off-site PDF link wiki
Valley of Lemuel
* S. Kent Brown, "The Hunt for the Valley of Lemuel," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 16/1 (2007): 64–73. off-site PDF link wiki * Jeffrey R. Chadwick, "The Wrong Place for Lehi's Trail and the Valley of Lemuel (Review of: Lehi in the Wilderness)," FARMS Review 17/2 (2005): 197–215. off-site PDF link * Jeff Lindsay, "The Valley of Lemuel: Another "Blunder" Becomes Evidence FOR the Book of Mormon," www.jefflindsay.com (accessed 3 September 2006). off-site
Nahom and eastward turn
* Anonymous, "Nahom and the "Eastward" Turn," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12/1 (2003): 113–114. off-site PDF link wiki * S. Kent Brown, "New Light: "The Place That Was Called Nahom": New Light from Ancient Yemen," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 8/1 (1999): 66–67. off-site [No PDF link] wiki * James Gee, "The Nahom Maps," Journal of the Book of Mormon and Restoration Scripture 17/1 (2008): ?–?. off-site [None PDF link] wiki * Jeff Lindsay, "Bountiful and Nahom in the Arabian Peninsula," www.jefflindsay.com (accessed 8 September 2006). off-site
* Warren P. Aston, "Identifying Our Best Candidate for Nephi's Bountiful," Journal of the Book of Mormon and Restoration Scripture 17/1 (2008): ?–?. off-site [None PDF link] wiki (Key source) * Warren P. Aston, "The Arabian Bountiful Discovered? Evidence for Nephi's Bountiful," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 7/1 (1998): 4–11. off-site [No PDF link] wiki * Warren P. Aston, "Newly Found Altars from Nahom," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 10/2 (2001): 56–61. off-site PDF link wiki * S. Kent Brown and Terry B. Ball and Arnold G. Green, "Planning Research on Oman: The End of Lehi's Trail," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 7/1 (1998): 12–21. off-site [No PDF link] wiki * Jeff Lindsay, "Bountiful and Nahom in the Arabian Peninsula," www.jefflindsay.com (accessed 8 September 2006). off-site
New World General and theoretical issues
* John E. Clark, "A Key for Evaluating Nephite Geographies (Review of Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon by F. Richard Hauck)," FARMS Review of Books 1/1 (1989): 20–70. off-site * William J. Hamblin, "Basic Methodological Problems with the Anti-Mormon Approach to the Geography and Archaeology of the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993): 161–197. off-site PDF link wiki off-site GL direct link (Key source) * Joel C. Janetski, "Review of The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book by John L. Sorenson," FARMS Review of Books 3/1 (1991): 150–153. off-site<--Janetski-->
Limited Great Lakes / North America
* John E. Clark, "Evaluating the Case for a Limited Great Lakes Setting," FARMS Review of Books 14/1 (2002): 9–78. off-site PDF link * John E. Clark, "Searching for Book of Mormon Lands in Middle America (Review of: Sacred Sites: Searching for Book of Mormon Lands)," FARMS Review 16/2 (2004): 1–54. off-site PDF link * FAIR review of Rodney Meldrum, "DNA Evidence for Book of Mormon Geography" (DVD and fireside). FAIR link
"Internal" models
* Randall P. Spackman, "Interpreting Book of Mormon Geography (Review of Mormon's Map)," FARMS Review 15/1 (2003): 19–46. off-site PDF link
Linguistic issues
* Allen J. Christenson, "Linguistic Puzzles Still Unresolved (Review of: Mapping the Book of Mormon: A Comprehensive Geography of Nephite America)," FARMS Review 16/2 (2004): 107–112. off-site PDF link
Mesoamerican models
* Brant Gardner, "An Exploration in Critical Methodology: Critiquing a Critique (Review of: “Critique of a Limited Geography for Book of Mormon Events,” Dialogue 35/3 (2002): 161–97)," FARMS Review 16/2 (2004): 173–224. off-site PDF link Replies to Earl M. Wunderli * William J. Hamblin, "A Stumble Forward? (Review of Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon by F. Richard Hauck)," FARMS Review of Books 1/1 (1989): 71–77. off-site * John L. Hilton and Janet F. Hilton, "A Correlation of the Sidon River and the Lands of Manti and Zarahemla with the Southern End of the Rio Grijalva (San Miguel)," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992): 142–162. off-site PDF link wiki * Lawrence Poulsen, bomgeography.poulsenll.org off-site (Key source) * Michael J. Preece, "Review of Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon by Joseph L. Allen," FARMS Review of Books 3/1 (1991): 32–51. off-site * John L. Sorenson, "Digging into the Book of Mormon: Our Changing Understanding of Ancient America and Its Scripture, Part 1," Ensign (September 1984). off-site * John L. Sorenson, "Digging into the Book of Mormon: Our Changing Understanding of Ancient America and Its Scripture, Part 2," Ensign (October 1984). off-site * Randall P. Spackman, "Interpreting Book of Mormon Geography (Review of Mormon's Map)," FARMS Review 15/1 (2003): 19–46. off-site PDF link * Mark V. Withers, "Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon (Review of Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon by F. Richard Hauck)," FARMS Review of Books 1/1 (1989): 78–79. off-site
Models and proposed evidence reviewed
* John E. Clark, "Evaluating the Case for a Limited Great Lakes Setting," FARMS Review of Books 14/1 (2002): 9–78. off-site PDF link * John Clark, "The Final Battle for Cumorah (Review of Christ in North America by Delbert W. Curtis)," FARMS Review of Books 6/2 (1994): 79–113. off-site PDF link * John E. Clark, "Two Points of Book of Mormon Geography: A Review (Review of The Land of Lehi by Paul Hedengren)," FARMS Review of Books 8/2 (1996): 1–24. off-site PDF link * John E. Clark, "Searching for Book of Mormon Lands in Middle America (Review of: Sacred Sites: Searching for Book of Mormon Lands)," FARMS Review 16/2 (2004): 1–54. off-site PDF link * FAIR review of Rodney Meldrum, "DNA Evidence for Book of Mormon Geography" (DVD and fireside). FAIR link * Brant Gardner, "An Exploration in Critical Methodology: Critiquing a Critique (Review of: “Critique of a Limited Geography for Book of Mormon Events,” Dialogue 35/3 (2002): 161–97)," FARMS Review 16/2 (2004): 173–224. off-site PDF link Replies to Earl M. Wunderli * Brant Gardner, "Where Much Is Promised, Less Is Given, A review of Decoding Ancient America: A Guide to the Archaeology of the Book of Mormon by Diane E. Wirth," FARMS Review 20/1 (2008): 15–32. off-site PDF link wiki * William J. Hamblin, "A Stumble Forward? (Review of Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon by F. Richard Hauck)," FARMS Review of Books 1/1 (1989): 71–77. off-site * Joel C. Janetski, "Review of The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book by John L. Sorenson," FARMS Review of Books 3/1 (1991): 150–153. off-site<--Janetski--> * David A. Palmer, "Review of The Land of the Nephites by Delbert W. Curtis," FARMS Review of Books 2/1 (1990): 67–73. off-site * David A. Palmer, "Review of American Book of Mormon Map by Paul D. Proctor," FARMS Review of Books 2/1 (1990): 205–206. off-site * Michael J. Preece, "Review of Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon by Joseph L. Allen," FARMS Review of Books 3/1 (1991): 32–51. off-site * Randall P. Spackman, "Interpreting Book of Mormon Geography (Review of Mormon's Map)," FARMS Review 15/1 (2003): 19–46. off-site PDF link * John L. Sorenson, "Review of Mapping the Action Found in the Book of Mormon by Harold K. Nielsen," FARMS Review of Books 1/1 (1989): 119–120. off-site * Mark V. Withers, "Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon (Review of Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon by F. Richard Hauck)," FARMS Review of Books 1/1 (1989): 78–79. off-site
Textual issues
* J. Christopher Conkling, "Alma's Enemies: The Case of the Lamanites, Amlicites, and Mysterious Amalekites," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 14/1 (2005): 108–117. off-site PDF link wiki * Kenneth W. Godfrey, "What is the Significance of Zelph In The Study Of Book of Mormon Geography?," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 8/2 (1999): 70–79. off-site [No PDF link] wiki
Printed Material
Book of Mormon geography printed works
Old World
* Eugene Clark, "A Preliminary Survey of the Geology and Mineral Resources of Dhofar, the Sultanate of Oman," (Provo, Ut.: FARMS, 1995). * Warren P. Aston and Michaela Knoth Aston, In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi's Journey across Arabia to Bountiful (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994), 1. ISBN 0875798470 * Hugh W. Nibley, Lehi in the Desert, the World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites, edited by John W. Welch with Darrell L. Matthew and Stephen R. Callister, (Salt Lake City, Utah : Deseret Book Company ; Provo, Utah : Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1988), 1. ISBN 0875791328. off-site GospeLink (requires subscrip.) * Hugh W. Nibley, The Prophetic Book of Mormon (Vol. 8 of the Collected Works of Hugh Nibley), (Salt Lake City, Utah : Deseret Book Company ; Provo, Utah : Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1989), 1. ISBN 0875791794. GospeLink (requires subscrip.) * Hugh W. Nibley, Since Cumorah, 2nd edition, (Vol. 7 of the Collected Works of Hugh Nibley), edited by John W. Welch, (Salt Lake City, Utah : Deseret Book Company ; Provo, Utah : Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1988), 1. ISBN 0875791395. GospeLink (requires subscrip.) * Noel B. Reynolds, "Lehi's Arabian Journey Updated," in Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited: The Evidence for Ancient Origins, edited by Noel B. Reynolds, (Provo, Utah : Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1997),?–?. ISBN 093489325X ISBN 0934893187 ISBN 0884944697. off-site GospeLink (requires subscrip.) GL direct link * John W. Welch, "Wind and Currents: A Look at Nephi's Ocean Crossing," in Reexploring the Book of Mormon, edited by John W. Welch, (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1992), 53–56. ISBN 0875796001 off-site FAIR linkGL direct link
New World General and theoretical issues
* John L. Sorenson, The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book (Provo, Utah: FARMS, revised edition, 1992), 1. AISN B0006QHZWE. off-site (Key source) * John W. Welch, "A Day and a Half's Journey for a Nephite," in John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne (eds.), Rediscovering the Book of Mormon (Salt Lake City, Utah : Deseret Book Co. ; Provo, Utah : Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1991), 187–189. ISBN 0875793878. off-site GospeLink (requires subscrip.)GL direct link
"Internal" models
* John L. Sorenson, Mormon's Map (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2000), 1. ISBN 0934893489. (Key source)
Mesoamerican models
* John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon (Salt Lake City, Utah : Deseret Book Co. ; Provo, Utah : Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1996 [1985]). ISBN 1573451576. GospeLink (requires subscrip.) (Key source)
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