FAIR Resources for Come, Follow Me – Restoration Scripture
Week 5: January 27–February 2: “My Work Shall Go Forth”

Doctrine and Covenants 3-5

doctrine and covenants 3-5

Doctrinal Focus

  • Key doctrines addressed in this week’s reading
  • These verses affirm that God’s work continues despite human mistakes or attempts to obstruct it. Joseph Smith learned that even though the manuscript was lost, God had prepared a way to fulfill His purposes, demonstrating His omniscience and control over His work.

  • The Book of Mormon was preserved so that the knowledge of a Savior could come to Lehi’s descendants and others. This highlights God’s commitment to His covenant people and His overarching goal of bringing salvation to all.

    • Joseph Smith and Martin Harris were chastened for fearing man more than God, showing that spiritual gifts require humility and submission to divine will. This teaches that repentance is vital to regain favor and continue in God’s work.
  • Despite the loss of the manuscript, the Lord reassured Joseph that he was still chosen, showing that sincere repentance allows individuals to continue fulfilling their divine missions.

  • Martin Harris was promised the opportunity to be a witness of the gold plates, contingent upon his humility and faith. This emphasizes the role of witnesses in establishing truth and building faith in others.
  • The Lord revealed that even seeing the plates would not convince a hard-hearted generation, underscoring the need for personal revelation through the Holy Ghost as the ultimate source of testimony.
  • This principle encourages individuals to commit fully to God’s work, not just in action but also in thought and feeling. By aligning their will with God’s, they become effective instruments in His hands.
  • These godly qualities enable believers to serve effectively in God’s kingdom. They help individuals endure challenges and demonstrate Christlike love, making them fit for divine purposes.

Historical & Contextual Insights

  • Insights in this week’s study
  • In 1828, Joseph Smith, still early in his prophetic calling, was translating the Book of Mormon with the help of Martin Harris as a scribe.
  • Martin, a respected and wealthy farmer, had become an early supporter of Joseph’s work but struggled with doubts due to the skepticism of his wife and others.
  • Martin’s request to show the manuscript to certain individuals, despite the Lord’s previous counsel, led to the loss of the 116 pages of the Book of Mormon manuscript.
  • Doctrine and Covenants 3 was received after the loss of the manuscript. Martin Harris had promised to safeguard the 116 pages but failed to follow the strict conditions given by the Lord.
  • The manuscript was never recovered, and this failure deeply affected both Joseph and Martin. The revelation rebuked Joseph for yielding to Martin’s persistent requests and for fearing man more than God.
  • Doctrine and Covenants 5, received shortly after, addressed Martin’s desire for a witness of the gold plates and promised the role of three witnesses in affirming the authenticity of the Book of Mormon.
  • This historical context underscores the challenges Joseph Smith faced as a young prophet, learning to rely on God’s will rather than human persuasion.
  • It also highlights the foundational moments in the Restoration, as God provided guidance to overcome mistakes and ensure His work would move forward despite human error.
  • Understanding this context helps us see that God’s work is not thwarted by human weaknesses or mistakes. It reminds us that trust in divine guidance, repentance, and humility are crucial in our spiritual growth.
  • Today, this story serves as a powerful example of God’s mercy and His ability to turn setbacks into opportunities for learning and redemption.
  • The loss of the 116 pages of the Book of Mormon manuscript was both a test of faith and a pivotal moment in the unfolding of the Restoration. This loss emphasized the importance of accountability and trust in God’s commandments.

  • Joseph and Martin’s decision to disregard divine counsel resulted in significant consequences, including the temporary suspension of the translation process and Joseph’s chastening by the Lord (Doctrine and Covenants 3:5-11).

  • This moment highlighted that even prophetic figures are held accountable for their actions, teaching the importance of unwavering obedience.

  • The Lord had prepared a contingency plan to prevent opposition from altering His work. Doctrine and Covenants 10 reveals that the plates of Nephi contained a parallel record to the lost portion, ensuring that the Lord’s purposes would not be frustrated. This demonstrates God’s foreknowledge and ability to prepare solutions before challenges arise, providing hope and assurance in His divine plan.

The Lord’s promise to call three witnesses to testify of the Book of Mormon (Doctrine and Covenants 5:11-15) introduced the principle of multiple witnesses in affirming sacred truths.

The witnesses were to provide tangible evidence of the Book of Mormon’s authenticity.
Martin Harris’s desire to see the plates reflected a yearning for confirmation amid doubt. The Lord revealed that three chosen individuals would see and testify of the plates. Their witness, combined with the spiritual testimony the Book of Mormon offers, was intended to strengthen faith and establish truth.

Faith was required even in the presence of witnesses.
Despite the promised testimony of the witnesses, the Lord made clear that those who refused to believe would still reject the truth (Doctrine and Covenants 5:7-8). This insight underscores that physical evidence alone is insufficient without personal spiritual conviction, reinforcing the necessity of faith in receiving divine truths.

If you have questions on this week’s reading, please email your questions to us here.

Apologetic Application

    • Claim: Joseph Smith invented the story of the gold plates to exploit Martin Harris and others financially.


      1. Historical Evidence: Historical accounts demonstrate that Joseph Smith did not financially benefit from the Book of Mormon during its publication. On the contrary, Martin Harris mortgaged his own farm to fund the printing, and Joseph faced significant financial and legal challenges during the process​.
      2. Eyewitness Support: Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer served as the Three Witnesses to the gold plates and consistently affirmed their testimonies, even after leaving the Church. None of them ever recanted their claims, despite facing ridicule and persecution.
      3. Spiritual Confirmation: Doctrine and Covenants 5 promises that witnesses would testify of the plates and the work would be confirmed by the Holy Ghost. Many early converts reported spiritual manifestations affirming the authenticity of the Book of Mormon.
      4. Logical Analysis of Claim: The claim fails to explain why Joseph Smith endured relentless persecution and poverty if his motive was financial gain. It is also illogical that witnesses such as Martin Harris, who personally financed the work, would continue to defend it if they believed it was a fraud.
    • Claim:

      The loss of the 116 pages proves Joseph was not guided by God, as a true prophet would not make such a mistake.


      1. Historical Evidence: Doctrine and Covenants 3 records Joseph being chastened by the Lord for his decision to yield to Martin Harris’s repeated requests. This demonstrates the human fallibility of prophets, consistent with biblical examples of figures like Moses or Peter.
      2. Eyewitness Support: Joseph’s contemporaries testified of his sincerity and unwavering commitment to the translation process. Martin Harris’s role as a scribe and subsequent repentance reaffirmed his faith in Joseph’s prophetic calling.
      3. Spiritual Confirmation: The Lord revealed a contingency plan in Doctrine and Covenants 10, emphasizing that His work cannot be frustrated. The preservation of the plates of Nephi as an alternative record highlights God’s omniscience and capacity to overcome human error.
      Logical Analysis of Claim: The criticism assumes prophets must be infallible, contradicting scriptural accounts of prophets learning through experience. The inclusion of Joseph’s chastisement in the Doctrine and Covenants reinforces the credibility of the record by showing his transparency about his mistakes.
  • Claim: Martin Harris, known to be superstitious, was manipulated by Joseph Smith into financing the Book of Mormon.


    1. Historical Evidence: Martin Harris was a respected and successful farmer, described by his peers as industrious and intelligent. His financial support came after personal investigation and spiritual conviction, not blind faith​.
    2. Eyewitness Support: Harris’s consultations with scholars, such as Charles Anthon and Samuel L. Mitchill, show he sought expert validation before committing his resources. These actions demonstrate caution and due diligence, not gullibility.
    3. Spiritual Confirmation: Doctrine and Covenants 5 records the Lord’s assurance that Martin Harris could receive a personal witness of the plates through faith and humility. Harris later became one of the Three Witnesses and remained steadfast in his testimony until his death.
    Logical Analysis of Claim: If Harris were gullible or deceived, he would likely have recanted his testimony after losing his wealth and facing societal ridicule. His consistent defense of his experiences, even after periods of estrangement from the Church, underscores his conviction.​

Practical Applications

Practical solutions for someone in faith crisis:

Action Step: Reflect on God’s eternal perspective by studying Doctrine and Covenants 3:1-3 and praying to see His hand in your life.

  • Trusting that God’s purposes cannot be frustrated brings peace during times of doubt. Understanding that setbacks and trials are part of His plan helps reframe challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Study Doctrine and Covenants 3 and note how God reassures Joseph Smith after the loss of the 116 pages.
  • – Write down examples from your own life where a difficulty led to a blessing or new understanding.
  • – Pray specifically for the ability to see God’s plan unfolding in your current situation.
  • – Express gratitude for the ways God has guided you in the past.

Encouraging Thought: “God’s works and designs and purposes cannot be frustrated” (Doctrine and Covenants 3:1). Even when we make mistakes, God has already prepared a way forward. You are part of a greater plan, and your story isn’t over yet.

Action Step: Pray for spiritual confirmation of foundational truths, focusing on the promise in Doctrine and Covenants 5:16.

  • Personal revelation through the Holy Ghost brings clarity and peace. When faith feels shaky, turning to God directly for answers provides strength and assurance beyond what external sources can offer.
  • – Set aside quiet time for sincere, focused prayer.
  • – Read Moroni 10:3-5 alongside Doctrine and Covenants 5:16. Reflect on the promises made.
  • – Write down your questions or doubts and bring them to God in prayer.
  • – Maintain a journal to record spiritual impressions or feelings of peace.

Encouraging Thought:
“If you will ask of me, you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you” (Doctrine and Covenants 4:7). God is eager to give answers to those who seek with real intent and faith. 

  • Action Step:
  •  Practice humility by trusting God’s timing and guidance, as Martin Harris was invited to do in Doctrine and Covenants 5:24-25.

  • Humility opens the door to revelation and enables spiritual growth. Recognizing that faith sometimes requires patience and persistence allows us to align our will with God’s.
  • – Study examples of faith and humility in Doctrine and Covenants 5 and ponder how these apply to your life.
  • – Fast and pray for humility and a soft heart.
  • – Perform an act of service for someone in need, focusing on their well-being instead of your concerns.
  • – Reflect on moments in your life when waiting on the Lord led to blessings.

Encouraging Thought:

“Behold, I have reserved those things… for a wise purpose in me” (Doctrine and Covenants 5:9). Trust that God is aware of your struggles and has already prepared answers and solutions, even if you cannot see them yet.

Ideas for Teaching

Objective: Help learners understand that God’s purposes will move forward despite human mistakes.

  • A rope or string, scissors, printed copies of Doctrine and Covenants 3:1-3, and a chalkboard or whiteboard.
    • Introduction (5 minutes): Display a rope or string and ask, “What happens if this rope is cut in the middle? Can it still serve its purpose?” Cut the rope in half and set it aside.
    • Scripture Discussion (5 minutes): Read Doctrine and Covenants 3:1-3 aloud. Emphasize how God’s work continues even when there are interruptions or setbacks.
    • Object Lesson (5 minutes): Tie the two halves of the rope back together, demonstrating that while the rope has been altered, it can still function. Discuss how God’s purposes remain intact, even when human actions disrupt His work.
    Application (5 minutes): Ask learners to reflect on challenges in their lives that seemed like “cut ropes.” How has God helped them move forward despite those challenges?

Follow-Up Question: How can understanding that God’s work cannot be frustrated bring you peace in your own life?

Objective: Teach the importance of witnesses in strengthening faith and affirming truth.

  • – Three printed testimonies of the Book of Mormon (from the Three Witnesses), a flashlight, and a blank sheet of paper for each participant.
  • Introduction (5 minutes): Turn off the lights and use a flashlight to highlight one person’s testimony (from the Three Witnesses). Explain how the flashlight represents the role of witnesses in shedding light on truth.
  • Scripture Discussion (5 minutes): Read Doctrine and Covenants 5:11-15 and discuss why the Lord provided additional witnesses to the plates. Emphasize the principle of “in the mouth of two or three witnesses” (2 Corinthians 13:1).
  • Activity (5 minutes): Distribute blank paper and ask participants to write their own testimonies of the Book of Mormon or a spiritual truth they know. Encourage them to share with a partner to practice “bearing witness.”
  • Discussion (5 minutes): Discuss how sharing testimonies strengthens faith, both for the giver and the receiver.

Follow-Up Question: Why do you think the Lord uses witnesses to confirm sacred truths, and how can you be a witness in your own life?

Objective: Help learners see the importance of humility and faith in receiving answers to prayers and revelation.

  • A clear jar, rocks, sand, and water.
  • – Introduction (5 minutes): Show the clear jar and fill it with rocks, explaining that the rocks represent pride and doubt. Pour sand and water over the rocks to show that little room remains for revelation. Ask, “How do pride and doubt block us from receiving answers?”
  • Scripture Discussion (5 minutes): Read Doctrine and Covenants 5:24-25 and discuss Martin Harris’s journey to becoming humble enough to witness the gold plates.
  • Object Lesson (5 minutes): Remove the rocks and refill the jar with sand and water. Explain that humility and faith allow room for God’s answers to enter our lives.
  • Application (5 minutes): Ask participants to reflect on something in their lives that might be a “rock” blocking revelation. Discuss ways to “remove” those barriers through prayer, fasting, or repentance.

Follow-Up Question: What can you do this week to prepare your heart to receive revelation?


  • – God’s work is unstoppable, even when human error occurs (Doctrine and Covenants 3:1-3).
  • – Trust in God’s commandments is critical; fearing man more than God leads to consequences (Doctrine and Covenants 3:7-8).
  • – Repentance restores opportunities to participate in God’s work (Doctrine and Covenants 3:10).
  • – Witnesses are provided to affirm the Book of Mormon’s truth (Doctrine and Covenants 5:11-15).
  • – The attributes of faith, hope, charity, and diligence qualify individuals to serve God effectively (Doctrine and Covenants 4:5-6).
  • Why trust God’s ability to preserve His work?
    Doctrine and Covenants 3:1-3—God’s purposes cannot be frustrated, demonstrating His omniscience and control over the Restoration process.
  • Why were witnesses needed for the Book of Mormon?
    Doctrine and Covenants 5:11-15—The Lord revealed that three witnesses would confirm the reality of the gold plates, reinforcing the truth through multiple testimonies.
  • How does God respond to human mistakes?
    Doctrine and Covenants 3:10—God is merciful and provides opportunities to repent and continue in His work, as shown in Joseph Smith’s experience with the lost manuscript.
  • Why isn’t physical evidence enough to convert people?
    Doctrine and Covenants 5:7-8—Even if people see physical evidence, their hearts must be open to spiritual confirmation for faith to take root.
  • How does God prepare for setbacks?
    Doctrine and Covenants 10—God’s foreknowledge allowed Him to prepare the plates of Nephi as a safeguard against the loss of the 116 pages.