Il Libro di Mormon/Testimoni

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Versione del 2 ago 2014 alle 20:38 di RogerNicholson (Discussione | contributi) (m)
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    Libro di Mormon testimoni

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  • Witnesses to the Book of Mormon
    Riassunto: The world was not left with Joseph Smith's testimony alone. The Book of Mormon provided multiple official and unofficial witnesses who corroborated aspects of Joseph's account. Critics have long tried to dismiss or destroy the witnesses' witness. This page links to subpages which discuss various attacks in detail. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • A FairMormon Analysis of Wikipedia article "Three Witnesses"
    Riassunto: Wikipedia's treatment of the Three Witnesses is controlled by a Protestant editor, and is crafted to discredit the Witnesses by emphasizing the negative and diminishing the positive. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • What was the character of the witnesses?
    Riassunto: It is claimed that the witnesses cannot be trusted, or are unreliable, because they were unstable personalities, prone to enthusiasm and exaggeration. Evidence amply demonstrates that the formal witnesses of the Book of Mormon were men of good character and reputation, and were recognized as such by contemporary non-Mormons. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Martin Harris repeatedly sought empirical proof
    Riassunto: Some claim that Martin Harris was a gullible believer in the supernatural. But, in fact, Martin repeatedly performed empirical tests to confirm Joseph Smith's claims. He came away convinced. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • {{{soggetto}}}
    Riassunto: A collection of all statements regarding the physical appearance, dimensions, and character of the plates and other items associated with them. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Description of translation method and circumstances
    Riassunto: Friendly and unfriendly accounts of those who witnessed and heard about the translation of the Book of Mormon (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Did the Book of Mormon witnesses ever recant?
    Riassunto: Some have tried to argue that some or all of the Witnesses recanted concerning their testimony. They were all faithful to their testimonies to the end of their lives, even though many of them had personal disagreements with Joseph Smith that caused them to leave the Church. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Did Joseph hypnotize the Book of Mormon witnesses?
    Riassunto: Some grant that the Book of Mormon witnesses may have been sincere in their testimony, but claim that they were actually the victims of 'hallucination' or 'hypnosis' induced in them by Joseph Smith. The accusation that Joseph Smith was somehow able to hypnotize the witnesses—not individually, but en mass—is simply too preposterous to be true. This accusation vastly overstates the nature of hypnotism and the abilities of those able to practice it. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Did God tell David Whitmer to leave the Church?
    Riassunto: David Whitmer, one of the Book of Mormon's Three Witnesses, said "If you believe my testimony to the Book of Mormon; if you believe that God spake to us three witnesses by his own voice, then I tell you that in June, 1838, God spake to me again by his own voice from the heavens, and told me to "separate myself from among the Latter Day Saints, for as they sought to do unto me, should it be done unto them." Some argue that if members accept Whitmer's witness of the Book of Mormon, then they must also accept that God wanted David to repudiate the Church as false. Some distort the historical record to make it appear that David Whitmer left the Church because he was told to, when it fact he was excommunicated prior to claiming any revelation to do so. The command to leave, if it was a true revelation, involved David's physical safety and not his membership in the Church, which he had already renounced. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Eight witnesses
    Riassunto: Some have tried to argue that the Eight witnesses only claimed a 'spiritual' or 'visionary' view of the plates, not a literal, physical one. The witnesses left concrete statements regarding the physical nature of the plates. There were others besides the eleven who saw and felt the plates, and testified that they were real. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Many witnesses were related
    Riassunto: It is claimed that because many of the witnesses are related, this means they are not to be trusted. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • {{{soggetto}}}
    Riassunto: Some critics of the Restoration have focused on a single statement reportedly made by John Whitmer in 1839 to make it appear as though the Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon did not have a physical encounter with the golden plates (as they so testified on the pages of the book itself), but rather a spiritual or visionary experience only. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • "Eye of Faith" and "Spiritual Eye" statements by Martin Harris
    Riassunto: Martin Harris frequently told people that he did not see the golden plates and the angel with his natural eyes but rather with “spiritual eyes” or the “eye of faith.” (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • {{{soggetto}}}
    Riassunto: Are there any other witnesses to the Book of Mormon plates besides the Three and Eight witnesses?
  • Strangite parallels
    Riassunto: James Strang's break-off sect produced eyewitnesses of buried records. Does this indicate that Joseph's ability to do so is neither surprising nor persuasive? The Strangite witnesses were not all faithful, and some recanted and described the nature of the fraud perpetuated by Strang. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Were the experiences of the witnesses spiritual or literal?
    Riassunto: It is claimed that the witnesses’ encounter with the angel and the plates took place solely in their minds. They claim that witnesses saw the angel in a “vision” and equate “vision” with imagination. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • {{{soggetto}}}
    Riassunto: A frequent claim is that a Book of Mormon witnesses said that he only handled the plates while they were covered in a "tow frock." However, this report is from William Smith, one of Joseph's brothers who was not a Book of Mormon witness. In fact, William insisted in the same statement that he was convinced Joseph was not lying about the plates. William also dismissed the Spalding hypothesis as nonsense.
  • Does being a "treasure hunter" or believing in "second sight" make one an unreliable witness?
    Riassunto: Some of Joseph's associates were "treasure hunters" and may have believed in "second sight." Does this make them unreliable witnesses?


  • Was it true the viewing the gold plates would result in death?
    Riassunto: Did Joseph Smith state that the penalty for viewing the gold plates was death? Was this just a way for Joseph to hide the fact that the plates didn't actually exist?
  • Oliver Cowdery joined the Methodists after leaving the Church
    Riassunto: Why did Oliver Cowdery join the Methodists if all other churches had been "condemned of God"? (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • All were "interested" since they followed Joseph Smith
    Riassunto: It is claimed that because the witnesses are "interested"—i.e., they were members of the Church and believers in Joseph's mission—that they are therefore not reliable, since they cannot be "neutral" or "disinterested." (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Statements
    Riassunto: This page collects statements from the witnesses to the Book of Mormon plates in one convenient location. The same statements are often quoted elsewhere in the wiki under specific articles. (Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo)
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  • Signatures on the testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses
    Riassunto: It is claimed that there are no actual signatures on the witness statements printed in the Book of Mormon.


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