El Libro de Abraham/Papiros de José Smith

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Plantilla:Designación pregunta

Hay una serie de críticas relacionadas con los fragmentos recuperados de los papiros de José Smith. Estas críticas se dirigen a continuación.

Plantilla:Source document label

Plantilla:Subarticles label


Proceedings of the 2012 FAIR Conference, "Book of Abraham, I Presume"

John Gee,  Proceedings of the 2012 FAIR Conference, (August 2012)
Así que vamos a empezar con la relación del Libro de Abraham a la Papiros de José Smith. Hay tres puntos de vista diferentes aquí. Uno, que José Smith tradujo el Libro de Abraham de los papiros que tenemos. Casi nadie cree realmente esto. Pero escuchar a los críticos dicen que esta es la posición oficial de la iglesia. No lo es. Tampoco la mayoría de los miembros de la iglesia se suscriben a este por lo que yo puedo decir. Por lo tanto, se trata de un hombre de paja. La segunda es que José Smith tradujo el Libro de Abraham de papiros que actualmente no tenemos y esta es la posición que la mayoría concuerda con la evidencia histórica. Y la tercera es que José Smith recibió el Libro de Abraham estrictamente por revelación y que no vino de los papiros en absoluto. Esta posición parece ser muy popular entre los Santos de los Últimos Días, pero parece no tener ninguna evidencia histórica que la apoyen.

Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo completo en Inglés

Plantilla:Designación respuesta

Un ejemplo de lo que estoy hablando es el reciente descubrimiento de los rollos de papiro de la que se presume que José Smith haber traducido el libro de Abraham en la Perla de Gran Precio. Los estudiosos modernos, mirando a los rollos, no encontraron nada que consideraban similar al libro. Comenté en su momento que tal constatación no me molestó en lo más mínimo. Dios no necesita una hoja de pesebre en la forma de un rollo de papiro para revelar los pensamientos y las palabras de Abraham a Joseph Smith, con algún grado de precisión que considere necesaria para sus propósitos. Si la única función de los rollos era despertar el Profeta a la idea de recibir esta inspiración, habrían cumplido su propósito.
—Henry Eyring, Reflections of a Scientist, p. 46
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José Smith tenía en su poder tres o cuatro rollos largos , además de un [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocephalus hipocéfalo ] ([ http://scriptures.lds.org/en/abr/fac_2 Facsímil 2 ] ) . De estos materiales originales , sólo un puñado de fragmentos fueron recuperados en el Museo Metropolitano . La mayoría de los papiros permanece perdido, y es probable que haya sido destruido . Los críticos que dicen que tenemos todos, o la mayoría, de los papiros poseído por Joseph Smith son simplemente equivocado.

Los caracteres egipcios en los documentos recuperados son una parte del " Libro de las Respiraciones ", un texto religioso egipcio enterrado con momias que instruyeron a los muertos sobre la manera de alcanzar con éxito el más allá. Este libro en particular de las Respiraciones fue escrito por un hombre fallecido llamado Hor , por lo que generalmente se llama el Libro de las Respiraciones Hor .

Aparte de la viñeta representado en Facsímil 1 , el material de los papiros recibidos por la Iglesia , por lo menos desde un punto de vista Egyptological estándar , no incluye el propio texto del Libro de Abraham. Esto fue discutido en la publicación de la Iglesia , la nueva era en enero de 1968 .

Los siguientes artículos exploran con más detalle en relación con diversos aspectos del Libro de Abraham.

Plantilla:Designación temas

Cover of the January 1968 issue of the Improvement Era, the Church's official magazine of the time. Note the color photograph of the recovered Facsimile 1.

Papiros de José Smith

Sumario: José Smith tenía en su poder tres o cuatro rollos largos, además de un hipocéfalo (Facsímile 2). De estos materiales originales, sólo un puñado de fragmentos fueron recuperados en el Museo Metropolitano. La mayoría de los papiros permanece perdido, y es probable que haya sido destruido.
    • Identity and nature of the papyrus in the Church's possession
      Sumario: In July 1835, Joseph Smith purchased a portion of a collection of papyri and mummies that had been discovered in Egypt and brought to the United States. Believing that one of the papyrus rolls contained, "the writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt," and "purportedly written by his own hand, upon papyrus,"[1] Joseph commenced a translation. The Book of Abraham was the result of his work. The translated text and facsimiles of three drawings were published in the early 1840s in serial fashion in the LDS newspaper Times and Seasons. The entire work was published in 1852 in England as part of The Pearl of Great Price, which was later canonized as part of LDS scripture. (Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo completo)
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    • When did the Church disclose that the Joseph Smith Papyri were an Egyptian funerary text?
      Sumario: Critics often assert that the Church did not identify the Joseph Smith Papyri as an Egyptian funerary text until after Egyptologists examined them. They also claim that the Church is hiding or "covering up" the papyri's actual contents. Both assertions are incorrect. In fact, the Church ran a multi-part series with color pictures of the papyri in the Improvement Era (the predecessor to the Ensign) less than two months after they were received from the Metropolitan Museum.[2] The series repeatedly affirmed that the recovered papyri contained Egyptian funerary materials and not the text of Book of Abraham. Although the article erroneously identified the papyrus as the Egyptian "Book of the Dead," it was later correctly identified as a "Book of Breathings." (Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo completo)
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    • Dating of the Joseph Smith Papyri
      Sumario: Joseph said that "one of the rolls contained the writings of Abraham,"[3] and his scribes quoted him as saying the scroll was "written by his [Abraham's] own hand, upon papyrus."[4] The problem is that most modern scholars (including LDS scholars) date the papyri to a few centuries before Christ, whereas Abraham lived about two millennia before Christ. Obviously, Abraham himself could not have penned the papyri. The phrase "by his own hand" can simply mean that Abraham is the author of the book. Similarly, we could hold a modern printed Bible in our hands, point to 1 Corinthians, and say, "This was written by the Apostle Paul." Joseph was translating the writings of Abraham, so it is quite possible that he believed that the actual scroll in his possession was written by Abraham himself. There is no evidence, however, that this belief was based on revelation. (Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo completo)
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Book of Abraham/Joseph Smith Papyri/Text Book of Abraham/Joseph Smith Papyri/Kirtland Egyptian Papers

Photograph of Facsimile 1 from the recovered Joseph Smith Papyri

Book of Abraham/Joseph Smith Papyri/Facsimiles


  1. [back] Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 volumes, edited by Brigham H. Roberts, (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1957), 2:235, 236, 348–351. 236, 348 BYU Studies link
  2. [back] John Gee, "Some Puzzles from the Joseph Smith Papyri," 2007 FAIR Apologetics Conference (Sandy, Utah). (Link forthcoming.)
  3. [back] The 11-part series, written by Dr. Hugh Nibley and entitled "A New Look at the Pearl of Great Price", began in the January 1968 Improvement Era and ran in every issue until May 1970 (with the exception of December 1969 and February 1970). Nibley's series has been available as a FARMS reprint (N-NEP) since 1990, and several chapters became part of Nibley's book Abraham In Egypt.
  4. [back] Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 volumes, edited by Brigham H. Roberts, (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1957), 2:236. BYU Studies link
  5. [back] Michael H. Marquardt, "A Book Note — Hugh Nibley's Abraham in Egypt" (2000).
  6. [back] John Gee, A Guide to the Joseph Smith Papyri, 23.
  7. [back]  "In 1906, while visiting Nauvoo, President Joseph F. Smith related to Preston Nibley his experience as a child of seeing his Uncle Joseph in the front rooms of the Mansion House working on the Egyptian manuscripts. According to President Smith, one of the rolls of papyri "when unrolled on the floor extended through two rooms of the Mansion House." This would have been sometime between 1843 when the Mansion House was completed and the prophet's death in June 1844, one or two years after other parts of the papyri had been cut up and placed under glass. - See Hugh Nibley, "Phase I," Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 3:2 (Summer 1968): 101. See also Hugh Nibley, "New Look at the Pearl of Great Price," Improvement Era 71 (March 1968), 17–18. and Hugh Nibley, "Judging and Prejudging the Book of Abraham," Nibley archive, 1979, 6-7; reprinted as an appendix in Robert L. and Rosemary Brown, They Lie in Wait to Deceive, vol. 1, ed. Barbara Ellsworth, rev. ed. (Mesa, AZ: Brownsworth, 1982), 236—245.
  8. [back] John Gee, "Research and Perspectives: Abraham in Ancient Egyptian Texts," Ensign (July 1992): 60–?.; Plantilla:FR-7-1-5
  9. [back] Hugh W. Nibley, "Phase One," Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 3:2 (Summer 1968): 101. off-site (Inglés)
  10. [back] Gee, A Guide to the Joseph Smith Papyri, 12–13.
  11. [back] John Gee, "Facsimile 3," lecture given at the FARMS Book of Abraham Conference (16 October 1999), personal notes of conference talks by Michael Ash; see also, John Gee, "The Ancient Owners of the Joseph Smith Papyri" (Provo: FARMS, 1999), 1.

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