Pregunta: ¿Cómo los Santos de los Últimos Días conciliar cuentas escriturales del Diluvio de Noé con la evidencia científica de presencia humana continua en la tierra?

Revisión del 18:37 5 ago 2015 de RogerNicholson (discusión | contribuciones) (Página creada con «{{FME-Fuente |título=Pregunta: ¿Cómo los Santos de los Últimos Días conciliar cuentas escriturales del Diluvio de Noé con la evidencia científica de presencia humana...»)
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Pregunta: ¿Cómo los Santos de los Últimos Días conciliar cuentas escriturales del Diluvio de Noé con la evidencia científica de presencia humana continua en la tierra?

There is scientific evidence of diversity of species, language and of continuous human habitation

Modern scientific knowledge regarding the diversity of species, language and evidence of continuous human habitation does not support the Biblical story that a global flood wiped out most life as recently as 4,400 years ago.

The following criticisms are often applied to Latter-day Saint (or traditional Christian beliefs) regarding the Flood:

  • It is claimed that LDS scriptures require Mormons to believe in a global flood, and that if LDS doctrine or leaders are fallible in their statements concerning the flood, then they must be wrong about other Church doctrines as well.
  • If Noah's Flood was not global, how do we account for Joseph Smith's claim that the Garden of Eden was located in Missouri?
  • Isn't it true that before the flood all the continents were all one land mass, since the Bible says that the earth was "divided in the days of Peleg."

Santos de los Últimos Días creen que existió Noé, y que él construyó un arca para salvar a su familia de una inundación, y que se produjo la inundación

Hay una serie de enseñanzas básicas que todos aceptamos sin importar el alcance global o local de la inundación:

  • Existía un profeta llamado Noé.
  • Noé fue ordenado por el Señor para construir un arca.
  • Noah advirtió al pueblo del diluvio inminente.
  • El Diluvio fue un evento literal', que en efecto tuvo lugar.
  • Noé, su familia y los animales que había recaudado se salvaron del diluvio.
  • El Señor hizo un pacto con Noé y sus descendientes.

Whether the Flood covered the entire earth, or whether it only covered Noah's world, makes no difference

Latter-day Saints believe that the prophet Noah existed, and that he was commanded to build an ark and save his family from a flood. A belief that this flood was global in nature is not a requirement for Latter-day Saints; traditionally, many earlier members and leaders endorsed the global flood views common in society and Christendom generally. The accumulation of additional scientific information have led some to conclude that a local flood — one limited to the area in which Noah lived — is the best explanation of the available data. People of either view can be members in good standing.
