La crítica del mormonismo/Documentos en línea/Carta a un Director del SEI/Inquietudes y Preguntas de los Testigos

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Respuesta a "Inquietudes y Preguntas de los Testigos"

Un Análisis FairMormon de: Carta a un Director del SEI
Una obra de autor: Jeremy Runnells

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No existe documento con las firmas reales|No existe documento con las firmas reales]]

"Si el don de Oliver Cowdery era realmente una vara mágica entonces esto nos dice que los orígenes de la Iglesia están mucho más involucrados en la magia y la superstición"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"If Oliver Cowdery’s gift was really a divining rod then this tells us that the origins of the Church are much more involved in folk magic and superstition than we’ve been led to believe by the LDS Church’s whitewashing of its origins and history."

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Doctrine and Covenants/Oliver Cowdery and the "rod of nature"

"quienes compartían una cosmovisión común de clarividencia, magia y excavaciones de tesoro"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"We are told that the witnesses never disavowed their testimonies, but we have not come to know these men or investigated what else they said about their experiences. They are 11 individuals: Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, Hiram Page, David Whitmer, John Whitmer, Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer Jr., Hyrum Smith, Samuel Smith, and Joseph Smith Sr. – who all shared a common worldview of second sight, magic, and treasure digging – which is what drew them together in 1829."

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Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Character

"Martin Harris era todo menos un testigo escéptico"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Martin Harris repeatedly sought empirical proof

"Él era conocido por muchos de sus colegas como un hombre inestable, crédulo y supersticioso"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"[Martin Harris] was known by many of his peers as an unstable, gullible, and superstitious man."

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Martin Harris/Was he unstable, gullible and superstitious

"me dijo que había sopesado las planchas en varias ocasiones en una caja con sólo un mantel o un pañuelo por encima de ellos"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"[Martin Harris] said he had hefted the plates repeatedly in a box with only a tablecloth or a handkerchief over them, but he never saw them only as he saw a city throught [sic] a mountain. And said that he never should have told that the testimony of the eight was false, if it had not been picked out of—–—[him/me?] but should have let it passed as it was…”

– Letter from Stephen Burnett to “Br. Johnson,” April 15, 1838, in Joseph Smith Letter Book, p. 2

....John H. Gilbert, the typesetter for most of the Book of Mormon, said that he had asked Harris, “Martin, did you see those plates with your naked eyes?” According to Gilbert, Harris “looked down for an instant, raised his eyes up, and said, ‘No, I saw them with a spiritual eye.” – EMD 2:548....

If these witnesses literally really saw the plates like everyone else on the planet sees tangible objects…why strange statements like, “I never saw them only as I see a city through a mountain”? What does that even mean? I’ve never seen a city through a mountain. Have you?....

Why couldn’t Martin just simply answer “yes”?"

Martin Harris:“…he said he had hefted the plates repeatedly in a box with only a tablecloth or a handkerchief over them, but he never saw them…” – Letter from Stephen Burnett to “Br. Johnson,” April 15, 1838, in Joseph Smith Letter Book, p. 2

“I did not see them as I do that pencil-case, yet I saw them with the eye of faith; I saw them just as distinctly as I see anything around me, though at the time they were covered over with a cloth.” – Origin and History of the Mormonites, p. 406

There is a difference between saying you “beheld and saw the plates and the engravings thereon” and saying you “hefted the plates repeatedly in a box with only a tablecloth or a handkerchief over them” or that the plates “were covered over with a cloth” and that you “saw them with a spiritual eye”."

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Book of Mormon/Witnesses/"Eye of Faith" and "Spiritual Eye" statements by Martin Harris

"Whitmer respondió que el ángel 'no tenía apariencia o forma.'"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"In 1880, David Whitmer was asked [by John Murphy] for a description of the angel who showed him the plates. Whitmer responded that the angel “had no appearance or shape.” When asked by the interviewer how he then could bear testimony that he had seen and heard an angel, Whitmer replied, “Have you never had impressions?” To which the interviewer responded, “Then you had impressions as the Quaker when the spirit moves, or as a good Methodist in giving a happy experience, a feeling?” “Just so,” replied Whitmer. – Interview with John Murphy, June 1880, EMD 5:63"

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David Whitmer/Interview with John Murphy in June 1880

"Como escriba del Libro de Mormón y primo de José Smith, había un grave conflicto de interés para que Oliver fuera un testigo"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"Oliver Cowdery was not an objective and independent witness. As scribe for the Book of Mormon and cousin to Joseph Smith, there was a serious conflict of interest in Oliver being a witness."

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Oliver Cowdery/Related to Joseph Smith

James Strang y los Testigos de las Planchas de Voree

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"Every single living Book of Mormon witness besides Oliver Cowdery accepted Strang’s prophetic claim of being Joseph’s true successor and joined him and his church. Additionally, every single member of Joseph Smith’s family except for Hyrum’s widow also endorsed, joined, and sustained James Strang as “Prophet, Seer, and Revelator”. What does this say about the credibility of the Book of Mormon witnesses if they were so easily duped by James Strang and his claims of being a prophet called of God to bring forth new scripture from ancient plates only to later turn out to be a fraud?....James Strang’s claims and Voree Plates Witnesses are distinctive and more impressive compared to the Book of Mormon Witnesses" and that none of Strang's witnesses recanted "even after they were excommunicated from the church and estranged from Strang."

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Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Strangite parallels

No existe documento con las firmas reales

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"The closest thing we have in existence to an original document of the testimonies of the witnesses is a printer’s manuscript written by Oliver Cowdery. Every witness name on that document is not signed; they are written in Oliver’s own handwriting. Further, there is no testimony from any of the witnesses directly attesting to the direct wording and claims of the manuscript or statements in the Book of Mormon.....

According to the above manuscript that Oliver took to the printer for the Book of Mormon, they were not signatures. Since there is no evidence of any document whatsoever with the signatures of the witnesses, the only real testimonies we have from the witnesses are later interviews given by them and eyewitness accounts/affidavits made by others, as shown previously....From a legal perspective, the statements of the testimonies of the Three and Eight witnesses hold no credibility or weight in a court of law..."

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Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Signatures on their testimonies

"el hecho de que todos los Testigos del Libro de Mormón - excepto Martin Harris – eran ya sea parientes de José Smith o de David Whitmer"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"the fact that all of the Book of Mormon Witnesses – except Martin Harris – were related to either Joseph Smith or David Whitmer."

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Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Eight witnesses/Related

"a la luz de sus supersticiones y reputaciones"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"In light of the James Strang/Voree Plates witnesses, the fact that all of the Book of Mormon Witnesses – except Martin Harris – were related to either Joseph Smith or David Whitmer, along with the fact that all of the witnesses were treasure hunters who believed in second sight, and in light of their superstitions and reputations…why would anyone gamble with their lives in believing in a book based on anything these guys said or claimed or what’s written on the testimonies of the Witnesses page in the Book of Mormon?"

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Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Does being a "treasure hunter" or believing in "second sight" make one an unreliable witness

"El error que cometen los mormones del siglo 21 es que están viendo a los Testigos del Libro de Mormón como hombres empíricos y racionales del siglo 19"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"The mistake that is made by 21st century Mormons is that they’re seeing the Book of Mormon Witnesses as empirical, rational, nineteenth-century men instead of the nineteenth-century magical thinking, superstitious, and treasure digging men they were."

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Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Were the witnesses not "empirical" or "rational" men

"No importa, por esta simple razón: José no usó las planchas de oro para traducir el Libro de Mormón"

La "Carta a un Director del SEI" dice:

"It doesn’t matter because of this one simple fact: Joseph did not use the gold plates for translating the Book of Mormon."

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Book of Mormon/Translation/Location of the plates

Plantilla:Ariticles Footer 1