El Libro de Mormón/Testigos/"El ojo de la fe" y "ojo espiritual" declaraciones de Martin Harris

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"El ojo de la fe" y "ojo espiritual" declaraciones de Martin Harris

Plantilla:Designación pregunta

Martin Harris con frecuencia decía a la gente que él no vio las planchas de oro y el ángel con los ojos naturales, sino más bien con "ojos espirituales" o el "ojo de la fe."

Plantilla:Designación conclusión

Cuando Martin Harris dijo que había visto un ángel y las placas con sus "ojos espirituales" o con un "ojo de la fe" se puede simplemente han estado empleando un lenguaje escritural que estaba familiarizado. Tales declaraciones no significan que el ángel y las placas eran imaginarios, alucinatoria, o simplemente una imagen interior-los primeros relatos mentales del testimonio de Martin Harris hace que la naturaleza literal de la experiencia inconfundible.

En lugar de ser alucinatorio o "simplemente" espiritual, Martin afirmó que las placas y Ángel fueron vistos por los ojos físicos que habían sido mejorados' por el poder de Dios para ver más objetos de un mortal normal podría ver (cf. DC 76:12; DC 67:10-13).

Los que afirman lo contrario no proporcionan a sus lectores con todas las declaraciones de Martín, lo que distorsiona el registro histórico.

Plantilla:Response label

Los anti-mormones desear desesperadamente de hacer que parezca como si las declaraciones hechas por Martin Harris acerca de la manifestación de descuento los Tres Testigos su realidad. Pero en su celo por la destrucción de los críticos de la fe SUD han arrancado declaraciones Hermano Harris fuera de su contexto adecuado. Este punto de vista vital puede ser recuperado con sólo echar un vistazo a varios pasajes del Libro de Mormón y Doctrina y Convenios—que todos son anteriores a las declaraciones públicas de Martin acerca de la naturaleza de su experiencia.

Cuentas Early hostiles no están de acuerdo

Una cuenta hostil a principios del testimonio de los tres testigos 'de febrero 1830 es instructiva:

En el Investigador, No. 12, 11 de diciembre, que publicó, a modo de precaución, una carta de Oliver HP Cowdry, en respuesta a mi carta a José Smith, hijo de Martin Harris, y David Whitmore-dijo a los creyentes en la biblia de las placas-que oro Afirman que tienen milagrosamente, o sobrenaturalmente vieron. Busqué evidencias, y como no podía ser cuestionado, de la existencia de esta Biblia de planchas de oro. Pero la respuesta fue: el mundo debe tomar sus palabras para su existencia; y que el libro aparecería este mes.[1]

Es evidente que el autor utiliza aquí "sobrenatural" como sinónimo de "milagrosa", no un intento de argumentar que no existen, literalmente, las placas, ya que "sus palabras" están pensados ​​como "evidencias ... de su existencia."

Por otra parte, Martin Harris 'testimonio se informó en un artículo periodístico burlona, que todavía deja claro que Harris experiencia fue tangible y literal:

Martin Harris, otro jefe de impostores mormones, llegó aquí el sábado pasado por la cantera biblia en Nueva-York. De inmediato se plantó en el bar-salón del hotel, donde pronto comenzó a leer y explicar el engaño Mormón, y todos los pasajes oscuros desde el Génesis hasta el Apocalipsis. Le dijo todo sobre las planchas de oro, ángeles, espíritus, y Jo Smith.-Había visto y se los manipule, por el poder de Dios![2]

Los testigos de las Escrituras

Ether 5:2–3

Este pasaje profético tenía una aplicación directa a Martin Harris como uno de los tres testigos. Decía: "las placas. . . . a tres, ellos serán mostrado por el poder de Dios

DC 5:11,13,24–26

"A [tres de mis siervos] Yo te mostraré estas cosas. . . . Les daré poder para que miren y ver estas cosas ', ya que están' "Hablando específicamente de Martin Harris:". entonces le daré a él una visión de las cosas que él desea ver. Y entonces dirá a los hombres de esta generación: He aquí, yo he visto las cosas que el Señor ha mostrado a José Smith, hijo, y sé con certeza que son verdaderas, por Yo los he visto, porque se ha demostrado a mí por el poder de Dios y no del hombre. Y el Señor le mande, mi siervo Martin Harris, que no dirán más a ellos acerca de estas cosas, a menos que lo diga: Yo los he visto, y he mostrado a mí por el poder de Dios; y estas son las palabras que él diga ".

DC 17:1–3,5

All three of the witnesses were told: “you shall have a view of the plates . . . . And it is by your faith that you shall obtain a view of them, even by that faith which was had by the prophets of old . . . . And after that you have obtained faith, and have seen them with your eyes, you shall testify of them . . . . And ye shall testify that you have seen them, even as my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., has seen them; for it is by my power that he has seen them, and it is because he had faith

From these scriptural texts it is evident that:

  • The Three Witnesses were required by God to exercise faith like “the prophets of old” in order to view the angel and the plates (cf. Moroni 7:37; DC 20:6).
  • God would exercise His power to enable the Three Witnesses to see things that were not usually visible to mortal eyes.
  • Nevertheless, the Three Witnesses would see the angel and the plates “with [their] eyes” and “as they are” in objective reality.

Contemporary witnesses

Joseph Smith was an eyewitness to what Martin Harris said at the exact moment that the manifestation took place. He reported that Martin's words were: "Tis enough; mine eyes have beheld".[3] Another eyewitness, named Alma Jensen, saw Martin Harris point to his physical eyes while testifying that he had seen both the angel and the plates.[4]

Oliver Cowdery wrote a letter to a skeptical author in November 1829, and spoke for both himself and Harris on the question of whether there was some trickery or "juggling" at work:

"It was a clear, open beautiful day, far from any inhabitants, in a remote field, at the time we saw the record, of which it has been spoken, brought and laid before us, by an angel, arrayed in glorious light, [who] ascend [descended I suppose] out of the midst of heaven. Now if this is human juggling—judge ye" (énfasis añadido).[5]

David Whitmer helps clear up the "spiritual" vs. "natural" viewing of the plates. Responding to the questions of Anthony Metcalf (the same Metcalf who interviewed Harris) Whitmer wrote:

In regards to my testimony to the visitation of the angel, who declared to us three witnesses that the Book of Mormon is true, I have this to say: Of course we were in the spirit when we had the view, for no man can behold the face of an angel, except in a spiritual view, but we were in the body also, and everything was as natural to us, as it is at any time. Martin Harris, you say, called it 'being in vision.' We read in the Scriptures, Cornelius saw, in a vision, an angel of God. Daniel saw an angel in a vision; also in other places it states they saw an angel in the spirit. A bright light enveloped us where we were, that filled at noon day, and there in a vision, or in the spirit, we saw and heard just as it is stated in my testimony in the Book of Mormon. I am now passed eighty-two years old, and I have a brother, J. J. Snyder, to do my writing for me, at my dictation. [Signed] David Whitmer. [6]

And to leave absolutely no doubt about the nature of the manifestation Whitmer explained, "I was not under any hallucination . . . . I saw with these eyes."[7]

Early hostile newspapers claimed that the witnesses' descriptions did not match, but were clear that both Harris and Whitmer had at some point physically handled and examined the plates:

Whitmar’s [sic] description of the Book of Mormon, differs entirely from that given by Harris; both of whom it would seem have been of late permitted, not only to see and handle it, but to examine its contents. Whitmar relates that he was led by Smith into an open field, on his father’s farm near Waterloo, when they found the book lying on the ground; Smith took it up and requested him to examine it, which he did for the space of half an hour or more, when he returned it to Smith, who placed it in its former position, alledging that the book was in the custody of another, intimating that some Divine agent would have it in safe keeping.[8]

David, like Martin, had been charged with being deluded into thinking he had seen an angel and the plates. One observer remembers when David was so accused, and said:

How well and distinctly I remember the manner in which Elder Whitmer arose and drew himself up to his full height--a little over six feet--and said, in solemn and impressive tones: "No sir! I was not under any hallucination, nor was I deceived! I saw with these eyes, and I heard with these ears! I know whereof I speak!" Plantilla:Cn

On another occasion in which Whitmer was asked about the plates, the interviewer recorded:

He then explained that he saw the plates, and with his natural eyes, but he had to be prepared for it--that he and the other witnesses were overshadowed by the power of God and a halo of brightness indescribable. Plantilla:Cn

Paul understood the difficulty of describing spiritual experiences when he wrote:

I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) Plantilla:Cn

Paul's vision was real, yet he was unsure whether he had the experience in or out of his body. Harris may have felt a similar experience. He knew the plates were real, yet he also knew that when the angel showed him the plates he was only able to see them by the power of God. On a separate occasion Harris testified to the reality of his vision. The scene as recorded by Edward Stevenson was instrumental in getting Harris to re-enter the Church.

On one occasion several of his old acquaintances made an effort to get him tipsy by treating him to some wine. When they thought he was in a good mood for talk they put the question very carefully to him, "Well, now, Martin, we want you to be frank and candid with us in regard to this story of your seeing an angel and the golden plates of the Book of Mormon that are so much talked about. We have always taken you to be an honest good farmer and neighbor of ours but could not believe that you did see an angel. Now, Martin, do you really believe that you did see an angel, when you were awake?" "No," said Martin, "I do not believe it." The crowd were delighted, but soon a different feeling prevailed, as Martin true to his trust, said, "Gentlemen, what I have said is true, from the fact that my belief is swallowed up in knowledge; for I want to say to you that as the Lord lives I do know that I stood with the Prophet Joseph Smith in the presence of the angel, and it was the brightness of day."49 Plantilla:Cn

Choice of phrase

The only question that remains, then, is why Martin Harris used the particular phraseology that he did in describing his experience. Perhaps the answer lies in another passage found in the book of Ether 12:19 (created by June 1829). Here it is noted that those people who have "exceedingly strong" faith can see things "within the veil." But even though they see things in the spiritual realm "with their eyes" it is described as beholding things with "an eye of faith."

Another possibility can be seen in the text of Moses 1:11 (created in June 1830). It reads:

"But now mine own eyes have beheld God; but not my natural, but my spiritual eyes, for my natural eyes could not have beheld; for I should have withered and died in his presence; but his glory was upon me; and I beheld his face."

This dovetails nicely with the description of David Whitmer who "explained that he saw the plates, and with his natural eyes, but he had to be prepared for it—that he and the other witnesses were overshadowed by the power of God."[9]

Other accounts

Harris made his views clear in other statements, and they do not match the critics' reading:

When in England to preach for an LDS splinter group, Martin Harris was ejected from a meeting of Latter-day Saints. He left, and began to loudly criticize the Church leadership. Critics of Mormonism arrived quickly:

When we came out of the meeting Martin Harris was beset with a crowd in the street, expecting he would furnish them with material to war against Mormonism; but when asked if Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, he answered yes; and when asked if the Book of Mormon was true, this was his answer: "Do you know that is the sun shining on us? Because as sure as you know that, I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, and that he translated that book by the power of God."[10]

An LDS author reported in 1870:

On one occasion several of his old acquaintances made an effort to get him tipsy by treating him to some wine. When they thought he was in a good mood for talk they put the question very carefully to him, ‘Well, now, Martin, we want you to be frank and candid with us in regard to this story of your seeing an angel and the golden plates of the Book of Mormon that are so much talked about. We have always taken you to be an honest good farmer and neighbor of ours but could not believe that you did see an angel. Now, Martin, do you really believe that you did see an angel, when you were awake?’ ‘No,’ said Martin, ‘I do not believe it.’ The crowd were delighted, but soon a different feeling prevailed, as Martin true to his trust, said, ‘Gentlemen, what I have said is true, from the fact that my belief is swallowed up in knowledge; for I want to say to you that as the Lord lives I do know that I stood with the Prophet Joseph Smith in the presence of the angel, and it was the brightness of day.”[11]

And, at his death, Harris reported:

The Book of Mormon is no fake. I know what I know. I have seen what I have seen and I have heard what I have heard. I have seen the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon is written. An angel appeared to me and others and testified to the truthfulness of the record, and had I been willing to have perjured myself and sworn falsely to the testimony I now bear I could have been a rich man, but I could not have testified other than I have done and am now doing for these things are true.[12]

Plantilla:Endnotes label

  1. [back]  C. C. Blatchley, “Caution Against the Golden Bible,” New-York Telescope 6, no. 38(20 February 1830): 150. off-site (Inglés)
  2. [back]  “Martin Harris . . .,” Painesville Telegraph (Painesville, Ohio) 2, no. 39 (15 March 1831). off-site (Inglés)
  3. [back]  NeedAuthor, Times and Seasons 3 no. 21 (1 September 1842), 898. off-site (Inglés)
  4. [back]  Autobiography of Alma L. Jensen, 1932.
  5. [back]  Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris, in letter dated 29 November 1829, quoted in Corenlius C. Blatchly, "THE NEW BIBLE, written on plates of Gold or Brass," Gospel Luminary 2/49 (10 Dec. 1829): 194.
  6. [back]  Anthony Metcalf, Ten Years Before the Mast (Malad, Idaho: A. Metcalf, 1888), 74.
  7. [back]  “Gold Bible, No. 6,” The Reflector (Palmyra, New York) 2, no. 16 (19 March 1831): 126–27. off-site (Inglés)
  8. [back]  Palmyra Reflector, 19 March 1831; cited in The Saints' Herald, 28 January 1936.
  9. [back]  Nathan Tanner Jr. Journal, 13 April 1886.
  10. [back]  Matthew Roper, "Comments on the Book of Mormon Witnesses: A Response to Jerald and Sandra Tanner," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993): 164–193. off-site (Inglés) wiki citing George Mantle to Marietta Walker, 26 December 1888, Saint Catherine, Missouri, cited in Autumn Leaves 2 (1889): 141.
  11. [back] Letter of Elder Edward Stevenson to the Millennial Star quoted in William Edwin Berrett, The Restored Church (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1974), 57–58.
  12. [back] George Godfrey, “Testimony of Martin Harris,” from an unpublished manuscript copy in the possession of his daughter, Florence (Godfrey) Munson of Fielding, Utah; quoted in Eldin Ricks, The Case of the Book of Mormon Witnesses (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1971), 65–66.

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