Masacre de Mountain Meadows

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Masacre de Mountain Meadows

{{{autor}}}, "Masacre de Mountain Meadows"

Temas del Evangelio en
“El 11 de septiembre de 1857, entre cincuenta y sesenta milicianos del sur de Utah, con la ayuda de aliados amerindios, mataron despiadadamente a alrededor de ciento veinte emigrantes que viajaban en carro hacia California. Este terrible crimen, en el que solamente sobrevivieron diecisiete niños de seis años o menos, ocurrió en la altiplanicie llamada Mountain Meadows, situada a unos cincuenta y siete kilómetros al suroeste de Cedar City. Las víctimas, la mayor parte de ellos procedentes de Arkansas, iban rumbo a California con sueños de un futuro brillante” (Richard E. Turley, hijo, “The Mountain Meadows Massacre”, Ensign, sept. 2007).

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Masacre de Mountain Meadows

Sumario: In September 1857 a group of Mormons in southern Utah killed all adult members of an Arkansas wagon train that was headed for California. Critics charge that the massacre was typical of Mormon "culture of violence," and claim that Church leaders—possibly as high as Brigham Young—approved of, or even ordered the killing.
    • Summary
      Sumario: In September 1857 a group of Mormons in southern Utah killed all adult members of an Arkansas wagon train that was headed for California. Critics charge that the massacre was typical of Mormon "culture of violence," and claim that Church leaders—possibly as high as Brigham Young—approved of, or even ordered the killing. (Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo completo)
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    • Brigham Young
      Sumario: Critics make numerous charges and claims against Brigham Young in relation to the Massacre. Most of these are ill-founded or misrepresented. (Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo completo)
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    • Prosecution
      Sumario: Critics charge that Brigham Young blocked prosecution of those who committed the Mountain Meadows Massacre. (Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo completo)
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    • Thomas Kane
      Sumario: Critics who use the Mountain Meadows Massacre to attack the Church often mention non-LDS Col. Thomas Kane. Kane was a good friend to the Mormons prior to Joseph Smith's death, and he was also briefly involved in the Massacre issue. There are two issues raised by critics in conjunction with Kane: 1) some blame Kane for helping Brigham Young to cover up the Massacre, 2) some paint Kane as ridiculous, vain, or foolish—this is apparently done on the theory that anyone who likes or helps the Mormons must either be evil or a dupe. (Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo completo)
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    • Other personalities involved in Mountain Meadows
      Sumario: A variety of charges or claims are made about other observers or participants in the events at Mountain Meadows. (Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo completo)
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