El Mormonismo y la poligamia

Revisión del 21:43 17 mar 2014 de RogerNicholson (discusión | contribuciones) (m)
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El mormonismo y la poligamia

Plantilla:Criticism label

Joseph Smith initiated the practice of plural marriage in the early days of the Church. Plural marriage was practiced in secret during Joseph's lifetime, and was not publicly announced until the Saints had moved to Utah. There are no contemporaneous records which tell us when Joseph first taught plural marriage, or when he first had a revelation endorsing it. A number of questions arise regarding the practice of plural marriage in the Church.

  • Why was the practice initiated?
  • How was it practiced among Latter-day Saints?
  • Why did the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants state that monogamy was the practice of the Church?
  • Why did the Church deny that polygamy was practiced prior to the time that it was revealed to the world?
  • Was divorce available if one was not happy in a plural marriage?
  • What effect did the Manifesto have on the practice of plural marriage?



Plantilla:Designación temas

Polygamy in Latter-day Saint scripture

1835 Doctrine and Covenants denies polygamy (D&C 101)

Sumario: The 1835 edition of the D&C contained a statement of marriage which denied the practice of polygamy. Since this was published during Joseph Smith's lifetime, why might the prophet have allowed it to be published if he was actually practicing polygamy at that time?

¿El Libro de Mormón condena la poligamia?

Sumario: Los críticos utilizan el libro de Jacob para mostrar que el Libro de Mormón condena la práctica de la poligamia, y pasar a afirmar que José Smith ignoró esta restricción mediante la introducción de la doctrina del matrimonio plural.

Polygamy in the 19th Century

Deseret News 7 Nov 1855 - Polygamy never to go away

Sumario: It is claimed that some Church leaders taught that plural marriage was a practice that would persist forever. Jerald and Sandra Tanner wrote that "Brigham Young" said that polygamy would never go away in Deseret News of 7 November 1855.

Divorce in the 19th century

Sumario: Some members of the Church remarried without obtaining a formal legal divorce. Critics of the Church try to make this seem dishonest and adulterous, when it was in fact the norm for the period, especially on the frontier and among the poor. Critics are not honest about the legal realities faced by nineteenth century Americans.

Did early Church leaders speak of plural marriage difficulties?

Sumario: It is claimed that early Church leaders "admitted" that there were many difficulties with plural marriage that caused "problems" and "great sorrow."

Divine manifestations to plural wives, their families, and other members

Sumario: Did those who entered into plural marriage do so simply because Joseph Smith (or another Church leader) "told them to"? Is this an example of "blind obedience"? No, they bore witness that only powerful revelatory experiences convinced them that the command was from God.

Lamanites to become "white and delightsome" through polygamous marriage

Sumario: It is claimed that the Church “suppressed” a revelation given to Joseph Smith in 1831 which encouraged the implementation of polygamy by intermarriage with the Indians in order to make them a “white and delightsome” people.

Practiced after the Manifesto

Sumario: limited number of plural marriages were solemnized after Wilford Woodruff's Manifesto of 1890 (Official Declaration 1). Some of these marriages were apparently sanctioned by some in positions of Church leadership. It is claimed that this demonstrates that the Manifesto was merely a political tactic, and that the "revelation" of the Manifesto was merely a cynical ploy. They also claim that Post-Manifesto marriages demonstrate the LDS Church's contempt for the civil law of the land.

Prevalence of in Utah

Sumario: What was the prevalence of polygamy in Utah? How many wives did most polygamist males have?

Purpose of plural marriage

Sumario: Why would the Lord have commanded the 19th century Saints to implement plural marriage? What purpose(s) did polygamy accomplish?

Requirement for exaltation

Sumario: Some Church leaders taught that plural marriage was a requirement for those wishing to enter the highest degree of the celestial kingdom. Because the Church does not currently practice plural marriage, some claim this means that either the leaders were wrong, or that current members are not destined for exaltation.

The Law of Adoption

Sumario: Critics point to the early practice of sealing men and women as children to prominent LDS leaders as an example of changes in LDS belief.

Brigham Young and polygamy

Brigham Young said that the only men who become gods are those that practice polygamy

Sumario: Since Brigham Young said "The only men who become Gods, even the sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy" (Journal of Discourses 11:269), does this mean plural marriage is required for exaltation?

Remarrying without civil divorce

Sumario: Some critics like to emphasize that some LDS members did not receive civil divorces before remarrying—either monogamously or polygamously. They either state or imply that this shows the Saints' cavalier attitude toward the law.

Parley P. Pratt's marriage and murder

Sumario: It is claimed that Parley P. Pratt's practice of polygamy was responsible for his murder, partly because he married a woman who hadn't been divorced from her first husband. What can you tell me about this?

Leaders worried missionaries take best plural wives

Sumario: It is claimed that nineteenth century Church leaders worried that missionaries would "take all the best" convert women as plural wives before they got to Salt Lake.

Polygamy in the 20th Century

Relationship to the modern Church

Sumario: Critics or ill-informed commentators often try to make it appear as if modern polygamist groups continue to have Church connections. Some often call upon the Church to "stop" the polygamist activities of such groups.

Polygamy as practiced anciently

Declaraciones temprano cristianas sobre el matrimonio plural

Sumario: Existe una amplia evidencia inequívoca de que las relaciones polígamas fueron condonados en diversas circunstancias por los profetas bíblicos, a pesar de lo incómodo que esto podría hacer un cristiano moderno. El élder Orson Pratt fue ampliamente visto como el vencedor en un debate de tres días sobre este mismo punto con el reverendo John P. Newman, capellán del Senado de los EE.UU., en 1870.[1]

Joseph Smith/Polygamy Polygamy book

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