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La crítica del Mormonismo
Plantilla:Designación temas
Sumario: FairMormon analiza y ofrece un análisis y respuesta a los libros críticos del mormonismo de reclamo por reclamo.
Sumario: FairMormon analiza y ofrece un análisis y respuesta a los libros críticos del mormonismo página por página.
Sumario: FairMormon analiza y responde a los vídeos críticos del mormonismo en forma de reclamo por reclamo.
Sumario: FairMormon analiza y responde a los sitios web críticos del mormonismo sobre una base de reclamo por reclamo.
Sumario: FairMormon analiza y responde a los documentos en línea críticos del mormonismo sobre una base de reclamo por reclamo.
Sumario: A friend tells me that no one can ascertain what Mormons really believe because "Internet Mormons" and "Chapel Mormons" often disagree on fundamental issues. What is this "divided Church" he's talking about?
Sumario: "My question is about that fellow who wrote the "17 Points of the True Church" and the validity of his story. I stumbled into a web site that talked about a particular fireside this man gave where someone approached him on the truth of his story. Afterwards the man was told by a stake president that he must confess that he lied because he had been essentially "found out," and that many details of his story were fabricated. My testimony is in no way based on the "17 Points," and I feel that it is overused and overemphasized within the Church, but regardless, I would like to know about the information claiming that his story his false."
Sumario: Some claim that the Church is "a cult." -->
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