El Libro de Mormón/Planchas de oro

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El Libro de Mormón y planchas de "oro"

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Question: What are the criticisms related to the "gold plates" of the Book of Mormon? Question: How much did the gold plates weigh? Question: What did Joseph Smith say about efforts that were made to steal the gold plates from him? Source:Lucy Mack Smith:Biographical Sketches:They stood in the yard near the door, and were devising plans to find "Joe Smith's gold bible," as they expressed themselves Question: Is it inconceivable that anybody could run carrying a 50 lb. set of metal plates, jumping over logs and such and be able to outrun three men? Question: What descriptions exist of the "gold" plates' hiding place? Question: Of what material were the Book of Mormon "gold" plates constructed? Question: Could Joseph Smith have manufactured some metal plates out of tin, copper, or some other metal in order to trick witnesses into thinking he had gold plates?
