Diferencia entre revisiones de «José Smith»

(Treasure seeking, money digging and José Smith, Jr.: m)
(Treasure seeking, money digging and José Smith, Jr.: m)
Línea 82: Línea 82:
|sujeto=Practitioner of occultism and magic?
|sujeto=Practitioner of occultism and magic?
|sumario=It is claimed that José Smith's spiritual experiences began as products of "magic," the "occult," or "treasure seeking," and that only later did Joseph describe his experiences in Christian, religious terms: speaking of God, angels, and prophethood.
|sumario=It is claimed that José Smith's spiritual experiences began as products of "magic," the "occult," or "treasure seeking," and that only later did Joseph describe his experiences in Christian, religious terms: speaking of God, angels, and prophethood.
|enlace=José Smith/Early Smith family history/Early work as a farmhand
|sujeto=Joseph's early work as a farmhand
|sumario=Critics wish to prioritize the role that treasure-seeking played in Joseph's like by claiming that it took precedence over any other work that he may have done, such as working as a hired farmhand.

Revisión del 21:25 23 mar 2014

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José Smith



Plantilla:Designación temas

Carácter de José Smith

Antecedentes familiares de Joseph Smith

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Sumario: Se afirma que José Smith era una persona de mala reputación.

Con man

Sumario: Some claim that Joseph was a con man. Yet, his behavior does not match the typical behavior of those consciously deceiving others for gain. Some of this claim relies on a misrepresentation of a 1826 court hearing.

The Hurlbut affidavits

Sumario: Many critics cite a collection of affidavits from José Smith’s neighbors which claim that the Smith family possessed a number of character flaws. Many of José Smith’s friends and neighbors signed affidavits that accused him and his family of being lazy, indolent, undependable treasure-seekers.

"Amusing recitals" and "Tall Tales?"

Sumario: José Smith's mother reported that he told "amusing recitals" about the ancient inhabitants of the American continent well before he translated the Book of Mormon. Does this indicate that Joseph was simply a teller of "tall tales?"

Land speculation in Nauvoo

Sumario: Did José Smith engage in "land speculation" in Nauvoo?

Personality and temperament

Sumario: Critics point to what they perceive as personal failings of José Smith, such as his allegedly short temper, as evidence that he was not a true prophet of God.

Boastful about the Church?

Sumario: Why did José Smith say that he had "more to boast of than ever any man had" and that he was the only man who had been "able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam?"

Joseph taught Porter Rockwell 'it was right to steal'?

Sumario: Did Joseph really teach Orrin Porter Rockwell that "it was right to steal?"

Psychobiographical analysis

Sumario: Is it possible to deduce José Smith's thoughts and dreams years after his death? Some critics think so.

José Smith's alleged narcissism

Sumario: Critics quote José Smith as saying such things as: "I am learned, and know more than all the world put together," "I combat the errors of ages; I meet the violence of mobs; I cope with illegal proceedings from executive authority; I cut the Gordian knot of powers, and I solve mathematical problems of universities, with truth . . . diamond truth; and God is my ‘right hand man.’” They use these quotes to portray Joseph as egomaniacal, proud, and narcissistic.

Treasure seeking, money digging and José Smith, Jr.

Treasure seeking

Sumario: Was José Smith's engagement in "money digging" or looking for buried treasure a blot on his character?

Practitioner of occultism and magic?

Sumario: It is claimed that José Smith's spiritual experiences began as products of "magic," the "occult," or "treasure seeking," and that only later did Joseph describe his experiences in Christian, religious terms: speaking of God, angels, and prophethood.

La Primera Visión de José Smith

La Primera Visión de José Smith

Sumario: La afirmación de José Smith que él vio al Padre y al Hijo en el año 1820 se ha producido una gran variedad de críticas. Este conjunto de artículos se ocupa de las diversas reclamaciones críticos relacionados con la Primera Visión. Los artículos vinculados a continuación están diseñados para ayudar a los lectores a ver algunos de los puntos débiles que se encuentran en los argumentos que se hacen en contra de las cuentas de la Primera Visión de José Smith. Algunos de estos argumentos en la actualidad están siendo defendidos en la literatura anti-mormona que se entrega cerca de la Arboleda Sagrada, en Palmyra, Nueva York.

José Smith, occultism and magic

"Magic" in Mormon history

    • Jupiter talisman
      Sumario: It is claimed that José Smith had a Jupiter Talisman on his person when he was martyred and cite this as proof of his fascination with the occult.
    • The magician Walters as a mentor to José Smith?
      Sumario: Did a "vagabond fortune-teller" named Walters who became popular in the Palmyra area pass his "mantle" to José Smith?

José Smith como traductor

José Smith como traductor

Sumario: Se afirma que José Smith afirmó que traducir otros textos o artículos, que se pueden contrastarse traducciones académicas modernas. Afirman que este "control cruzado" demuestra que José no podría haber traducido el Libro de Mormón o de otros textos antiguos.

José como vidente y su uso de piedras videntes

Sumario: ¿Qué sabemos sobre la piedra vidente de José? ¿Cuál es su relación con el "Urim y Tumim"? ¿Cambió José colocar su piedra vidente en su sombrero mientras estaba traduciendo el Libro de Mormón?

Joseph and the Greek psalter

Sumario: Did José Smith misidentify an ancient text of Greek psalms (a "psalter") as containing "reformed" Egyptian hieroglyphics?

El Libro de Abraham

The José Smith "translation" of the Bible and its relationship to the Book of Mormon

Sumario: Some passages from the Bible (parts of Isaiah, for example) were included in the Book of Mormon text. However, the same passages were later revised for the José Smith Translation of the Holy Bible. In some cases these passages are not rendered identically. It is claimed that if the JST was an accurate translation, it would match the supposedly more 'pure' Isaiah text possessed by the Nephites.

José Smith and miracles

Healings and miracles

Sumario: Do we have any record of José Smith performing healings or other miracles by the power of Christ's priesthood?

Walking on water

Sumario: Did Joseph pretend to walk on water?

José Smith as a priesthood holder

Date of the restoration of the Melchizedek priesthood

Sumario: It is claimed that the restoration of the priesthood was "back dated" later by José Smith to justify his desire to dominate the Church. It is claimed that no one seems to know "when or how" José Smith received the Melchizedek priesthood.

José Smith as a prophet

No more prophets after Christ?

Sumario: Most of Christianity today claim that there are not supposed to be any more prophets after Christ's day.

Alleged false prophecies

Sumario: It is claimed that José Smith was not a true prophet, and that he made "false prophecies."

Personages who appeared to José Smith

Sumario: A list of known personages who appeared to the Prophet José Smith or who were seen by him in vision. The list does not include instances where he only heard supernatural voices.

José Smith: Status in LDS belief

Sumario: Do members worship José Smith or treat him as more than a man? Critics charge that since Joseph claimed (or it was claimed in his behalf) the right to "approve whether or not someone gets into heaven," this arrogates to a mortal a right properly reserved for God and Jesus Christ. Some critics have even charged that "Mormons worship José Smith."

José Smith and legal issues

Legal issues

Sumario: What can you tell me about José Smith's problems with the law?
    • 1826 glasslooking trial
      Sumario: José Smith was brought to trial in 1826 for "glasslooking." Didn't Hugh Nibley claim that if this trial record existed that it would be "the most damning evidence in existence against José Smith?"

Claimed mismanagement of the Lawrence estate

Sumario: José Smith was appointed the guardian of two daughters, Maria and Sarah Lawrence, and their inheritance. He later married them in plural marriage. The evidence shows that José Smith faithfully discharged his legal duties, despite the claims made by some nineteeth-century and modern critics.

José Smith y finanzas

La Sociedad de Seguridad de Kirtland

Sumario: José estableció la Sociedad de Seguridad de Kirtland, que más tarde fracasó. Muchos abandonaron la Iglesia, porque pensaban que la participación de José y de su llamamiento como profeta garantizaría su éxito. Cuando el banco quebró, muchos pensaron que José era un profeta caído.

José Smith, la política y el gobierno


Sumario: Los críticos sostienen que la decisión de José Smith a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos en 1844 muestra que es ya sea una inclinación megalómano en acumular cada vez más poder, o un fanático con delirios de grandeza.

Ciudad de Nauvoo

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Carta de la ciudad de Nauvoo

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El Nauvoo Expositor

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Nauvoo Expositor Texto Completo


El Consejo de los Cincuenta

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José Smith and polygamy

José Smith y la poligamia

Sumario: Joseph Smith es atacada con frecuencia por su introducción y práctica de la poligamia.

Death of José Smith

La muerte de José Smith

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Otras reclamaciones críticos relacionados con José Smith

José Smith y el "oficio del Espíritu Santo"

Sumario: ¿Se ciertos líderes de la iglesia dicen que José Smith era el Espíritu Santo o que él "sostuvo la oficina del Espíritu Santo?"

¿Cuál es el papel de José Smith en la creencia mormona?

Sumario: ¿Se reclamó líderes de la Iglesia que José tenía el derecho de "aprobar o no a alguien se mete en el cielo", en lugar de Jesucristo? No los Santos de los Últimos Días adoran a José Smith?

José Smith y los habitantes de la luna

Sumario: ¿Cambió José afirman que la Luna estaba habitada?

Garden of Eden se encuentra en Missouri

Sumario: ¿Es cierto mormones creen que el Jardín del Edén original se encuentra en Missouri? ¿Qué me puede decir al respecto?

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