Diferencia entre revisiones de «El Libro de Mormón/Acusaciones de plagio»

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Revisión del 11:55 8 mar 2014

Tabla de Contenidos

Acusaciones de plagio y el Libro de Mormón


Plantilla:Designación pregunta

Critics look to numerous contemporary sources to explain how Joseph Smith was able to produce the Book of Mormon.

Plantilla:Designación temas Plagiarism book collection.png

The following contemporary sources are claimed by various critics to be sources for the Book of Mormon.


Sumario: It is claimed that Joseph Smith created the story of Nephi and Laban by plagiarizing concepts and phrases from the story of Judith and Holofernes in the Apocrypha. It is also claimed that Joseph Smith copied the name "Nephi" from the Apocrypha.

Benjamin based on Bishop M'Kendree, a Methodist revivalist?

Sumario: Former LDS Church Education System (CES) teacher Grant Palmer argues that Joseph Smith used the speech of a revivalist preacher—Benjamin—as the source for his "King Benjamin" in the El Libro de Mormón.

las Islas Comoras y el nombre de "Moroni"

Sumario: Comoras es una pequeña nación compuesta por tres islas frente a la costa sureste de África. Su capital es Moroni. Algunos críticos han afirmado que José Smith creó los nombres de El Libro de Mormón y Moroni Cumorah copiándolos de un mapa de las islas Comoras.

The King James Bible

Sumario: Critics of the El Libro de Mormón claim that major portions of it are copied, without attribution, from the Bible. They present this as evidence that Joseph Smith wrote the El Libro de Mormón by plagiarizing the Authorized ("King James") Version of the Bible.

The Golden Pot

Sumario: Former LDS Church Education System (CES) teacher Grant Palmer argues that Joseph Smith developed his story of visits by Moroni and the translation of a sacred book from The Golden Pot, a book by German author E.T.A. Hoffmann.

History of Mexico

Sumario: Critics theorize that Joseph Smith could have used details from Ixtilxochitl's History of Mexico to write the Book of Ether.

Joseph Smith, Sr.'s dream

Sumario: Critics point to similarities between a Lucy Mack Smith's account of a dream Joseph Smith's father had and Lehi's dream of the tree of life as evidence that Joseph wrote the El Libro de Mormón based on his own experiences.

North American place names

Sumario: It is claimed that Joseph Smith is clearly the author of the El Libro de Mormón because many El Libro de Mormón place names supposedly have clear evidence of "borrowing" from geographic locations in the United States and Canada.

The Spalding manuscript

Sumario: It is claimed that Joseph Smith either plagiarized or relied upon a manuscript by Solomon Spaulding to write the El Libro de Mormón. There is a small group of critics who hold to the theory that the production of the El Libro de Mormón was a conspiracy involving Sidney Rigdon, Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery and others. These critics search for links between Spalding and Rigdon. Joseph Smith is assumed to have been Rigdon's pawn.

View of the Hebrews

Sumario: It is claimed that a 19th century work by Ethan Smith, View of the Hebrews, provided source material for Joseph Smith's construction of the El Libro de Mormón. Critics also postulate a link between Ethan Smith and Oliver Cowdery, since both men lived in Poultney, Vermont while Smith served as the pastor of the church that Oliver Cowdery's family attended at the time that View of the Hebrews was being written.

The Westminster Confession

Sumario: It is claimed that the content of Alma Chapter 40 derived from a Presbyterian document called The Westminster Confession

The Wonders of Nature and Providence Displayed

Sumario: It is claimed that Joseph Smith plagiarized Josiah Priest's The Wonders of Nature and Providence Displayed in order to write portions of The El Libro de Mormón. Critics also claim that Joseph Smith plagiarized Shakespeare.

The Pilgrims Progress

Sumario: It is claimed that Joseph Smith plagiarized John Bunyan's book "The Pilgrim's Progress"

The late war between the United States and Great Britain from June, 1812, to February, 1815

Sumario: It is claimed that Joseph Smith was influenced by Gilbert Hunt's 1819 book "The late war between the United States and Great Britain from June, 1812, to February, 1815," which was written in Biblical style.