Diferencia entre revisiones de «El Mormonismo y la Historia/La magia y la historia mormona»

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Revisión del 09:51 27 jun 2017

Tabla de Contenidos

La magia y la historia mormona

La magia y la historia mormona

Joseph Smith and the "occult" or "magick"

Sumario: Citing Joseph Smith's experiences with folk magic, treasure seeking and seer stones, it is claimed that Joseph Smith's spiritual experiences were originally products of magic and the occult. Some charge that only much later did Joseph retrofit his experiences in Christian, religious terms: speaking of God, angels, and prophethood rather than in terms of magic, treasure guardians and scrying. It is also claimed that a "vagabond fortune-teller" named Walters became popular in the Palmyra area, and that when Walters left the area, "his mantle fell upon" Joseph Smith.

Did early members believe in "witchcraft?"

Sumario: It is claimed that early members of the Church believed in witchcraft. They use this to imply or argue that this supports their view of Joseph Smith as involved in "the occult."

Book of Mormon recovered on autumnal equinox

Sumario: It is claimed that Joseph Smith's preoccupation with "magick" is supported by the fact that meetings with Moroni and the recovery of the Book of Mormon occurred on the autumnal equinox, a date with astrological and magical significance.

Was Joseph Smith influenced by Kabbalah?

Sumario: It is claimed that Joseph Smith's religious ideas derived in part from Kabbalah, a type of (usually Jewish) mysticism.

Lucy Mack Smith on "faculty of Abrac" and "magic circles"

Sumario: It is claimed that Lucy Mack Smith's discussion of the "faculty of Abrac" and "magic circles" is evidence for the strong role which "magick" played in the Smith family's early life.

Jupiter talisman

Sumario: It is claimed that Joseph Smith had a Jupiter Talisman on his person when he was martyred and cite this as proof of his fascination with the occult.

Was the magician Walters a mentor to Joseph Smith?

Sumario: It is claimed that a "vagabond fortune-teller" named Walters became popular in the Palmyra area, and that when Walters left the area, "his mantle fell upon" Joseph Smith.

Pergaminos Magick

Daga Marte

Sumario: Se afirma que la familia Smith poseía una daga mágica que fue uno de las herencias de Hyrum Smith. Citan esto como prueba de la profunda implicación de la familia Smith en la magia ritual.

Piedras videntes

Sumario: ¿Qué puedes decirme sobre piedra vidente de José? ¿Cuál es su relación con el "Urim y Tumim"? ¿Cambió José colocar su piedra vidente en su sombrero mientras estaba traduciendo el Libro de Mormón?

¿Acaso David B. Haight utilizar las ideas astrológicas sobre la luna, sólo para ser censurada después?

Sumario: Se afirma que el élder David B. Haight "reinvoked el principio astrológico que la gente debe" no hacer nada sin la ayuda de la luna "en un discurso que dio durante la Conferencia General en 1998. Un crítico lleva esto un paso más allá al afirmar que la frase "no hacer nada sin la ayuda de la luna" se ha eliminado de la versión transcrita del discurso del élder Haight. Esta afirmación ha evolucionado a lo largo del tiempo debido a sucesivos mala interpretación de las fuentes originales.

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