Diferencia entre revisiones de «La crítica del mormonismo/Documentos en línea/Carta a un Director del SEI/Otras Inquietudes y Preguntas»

Línea 26: Línea 26:
==Deshonestidad de la Iglesia y el encubrimiento de su historia==
==Deshonestidad de la Iglesia y el encubrimiento de su historia==
|claim=Early in its history, Church leaders stopped conferring the priesthood on black males of African descent.  Church records offer no clear insights into the origins of this practice.<br>....<br>
the 2013 edition Official Declaration 2 Header in the scriptures is not only misleading, it’s dishonest.  We do have records – including from the First Presidency itself – with very clear insights on the origins of the ban on the blacks.
{{:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Origin of the priesthood ban}}
=="Zina Diantha Huntington Young"==
=="Zina Diantha Huntington Young"==
|claim=The following is a quick biographic snapshot of Zina:<br>
She was married for 7.5 months and was 6 months pregnant with her first husband, Henry Jacobs, when she married Joseph after being told Joseph’s life was in danger from an angel with a flaming sword.<br>
After Joseph’s death, she married Brigham Young and had Young’s baby while her first husband, Henry, was on a mission.
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs/Circumstances of her plural marriage}}
=="Manual de la Escuela Dominical de Brigham Young"==
=="Manual de la Escuela Dominical de Brigham Young"==
|claim=In the Church’s Sunday School manual, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young, the Church changed the word “wives” to “[wife]”.
....the manual deceptive in disclosing whether or not Brigham Young was a polygamist....
{{:Brigham Young/Polygamy/Hiding history}}
=="Los únicos hombres que se convierten en dioses, incluso en los hijos de Dios, son los que entran en la poligamia"==
=="Los únicos hombres que se convierten en dioses, incluso en los hijos de Dios, son los que entran en la poligamia"==
|claim=Not only is the manual deceptive in disclosing whether or not Brigham Young was a polygamist but it’s deceptive in hiding Brigham Young’s real teaching on marriage:  “The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy.” – Journal of Discourses 11:269
{{:Mormonism and polygamy/Brigham Young said that the only men who become gods are those that practice polygamy}}
=="Finanzas de la Iglesia"==
=="Finanzas de la Iglesia"==
|claim=Estimated $5 billion megamall City Creek Center: Total Church humanitarian aid from 1985-2011:  $1.4 billion
Something is fundamentally wrong with 'the one true Church' spending more on a multi-billion dollar high-end megamall than it has in 25 years of humanitarian aid.
|note=In a later version of his letter, the author corrects his erroneous initial "$5 billion" estimate.
{{:Mormonism and church integrity/City Creek Center Mall in Salt Lake City}}
|claim=I find the following quote in the December 2012 ''Ensign'' very disturbing:
If paying tithing means that you can’t pay for water or electricity, pay tithing. If paying tithing means that you can’t pay your rent, pay tithing. Even if paying tithing means that you don’t have enough money to feed your family, pay tithing. The Lord will not abandon you.
Would a loving, kind, empathic God really place parents in the horrible position of having to choose whether to feed their children or pay what little they have to a multi-billion megamall owning Church that receives an estimated $8,000,000,000 in annual tithing receipts?
{{:Mormonism and church finances/Tithing/Paying tithing versus feeding your children or paying your rent}}
=="Los Nombres de la Iglesia"==
=="Los Nombres de la Iglesia"==
|claim=After deciding “Church of Jesus Christ” on April 6, 1830, Joseph Smith made the decision on May 3, 1834 to change the name of the Church to, “The Church of the Latter Day Saints”.  Why did Joseph take the name of “Jesus Christ” out of the very name of His restored Church?  The one and only true Church on the face of the earth in which Christ is the Head?....Why would Christ instruct Joseph to name it one thing in 1830 and then change it in 1834 and then change it again in 1838?
{{:Mormonism and church organization/Changes in the name of the Church}}
=="Algunas cosas que son verdad no son muy útiles"==
=="Algunas cosas que son verdad no son muy útiles"==
|claim=[Boyd K.] Packer said the following: “There is a temptation for the writer or the teacher of Church history to want to tell everything, whether it is worthy or faith promoting or not.  Some things that are true are not very useful.' Joseph using a rock in a hat instead of the gold plates to translate the Book of Mormon is not a useful truth?  The fact that there are multiple conflicting First Vision accounts is not a useful truth?  The fact that Joseph Smith was involved in Polyandry when D&C 132:61 condemns it as “adultery” is not a useful truth?
{{:Mormonism and history/Boyd K. Packer's talk: "The Mantle is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect"}}
=="Criticar a los líderes"==
=="Criticar a los líderes"==
|claim=Dallin H. Oaks made the following disturbing comment in the PBS documentary, “The Mormons”: 'It is wrong to criticize the leaders of the Church, even if the criticism is true.'
{{:Dallin H. Oaks/It’s wrong to criticize leaders of the Church, even if the criticism is true}}
=="Investigar materiales "no aprobados" en el Internet"==
=="Investigar materiales "no aprobados" en el Internet"==
|claim=Who cares whether you received the information from a stranger, television, book, magazine, comic book, napkin, and even the scary internet?  They’re all mediums or conduits of information.  It’s the information itself, its accuracy, and its relevance that you need to focus on and be concerned with.
With all this talk from General Authorities against the scary internet and daring to be balanced by looking at what both defenders and critics are saying about the Church, it is as if questioning and researching and doubting is now the new pornography.<br>....<br>
Under [Elder Quentin] Cook’s counsel, FAIR and unofficial LDS apologetic websites are anti-Mormon sources that should be avoided.  Not only do they introduce to Mormons “internet materials that magnify, exaggerate, and in some cases invent shortcoming of early Church leaders” but they provide many ridiculous answers with logical fallacies and omissions while leaving members confused and hanging with a bizarre version of Mormonism.
{{:Mormonism and the internet/Does the Church teach members to avoid using it}}
=="La persecución de los miembros que publican o comparten sus preguntas, inquietudes y dudas"==
=="La persecución de los miembros que publican o comparten sus preguntas, inquietudes y dudas"==
|claim=The September Six were six members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who were excommunicated or disfellowshipped by the LDS in September 1993, allegedly for publishing scholarly work on Mormonism or critiquing Church doctrine or leadership." He then notes that "Boyd K. Packer made the following comment regarding the three “enemies” of the Church: 'The dangers I speak of come from the gay-lesbian movement, the feminist movement (both of which are relatively new), and the ever-present challenge from the so-called scholars or intellectuals.'
|note=The author is quoting the introduction to the "September Six" Wikipedia article.
{{:Mormonism and Church discipline/Scholars/Does the Church excommunicate historians}}
==El Comité de Fortalecer a los Miembros de la Iglesia==
==El Comité de Fortalecer a los Miembros de la Iglesia==
|claim=Strengthening the Church Members Committee: The spying and monitoring arm of the Church.  It is secretive and most members have been unaware of its existence since its creation in 1985 after President Ezra Taft Benson took over.  Elder Jeffrey R. Holland admitted it still exists in March 2012.  The historical evidence and the September Six points to SCMC’s primary mission being to hunt and expose intellectuals and/or disaffected members who are influencing other members to think and question, despite Holland’s claim that it’s a committee primarily to fight against polygamy.
{{:Mormonism and Church discipline/Strengthening Church Members Committee}}
=="Cuando el profeta habla el debate se acaba"==
=="Cuando el profeta habla el debate se acaba"==
|claim=N. Eldon Tanner, 1st Counselor in the First Presidency, gave a First Presidency Message in the August 1979 Ensign that includes the following statement: “When the prophet speaks the debate is over.”<br><br>
Some things that are true are not very useful + It is wrong to criticize leaders of the Church, even if the criticism is true + Spying and monitoring on members + Intellectuals are dangerous + When the prophet speaks the debate is over + Obedience is the First Law of Heaven = Policies and practices you’d expect to find in a totalitarian system such as North Korea or 1984; not from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
{{:Mormonism and church leadership/The debate is over}}
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Revisión del 18:55 10 jul 2014

Tabla de Contenidos

Respuesta a "Otras Inquietudes y Preguntas"

Un Análisis FairMormon de: Carta a un Director del SEI
Una obra de autor: Jeremy Runnells

Navegación Rápida

Deshonestidad de la Iglesia y el encubrimiento de su historia

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Origin of the priesthood ban

"Zina Diantha Huntington Young"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs/Circumstances of her plural marriage

"Manual de la Escuela Dominical de Brigham Young"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Brigham Young/Polygamy/Hiding history

"Los únicos hombres que se convierten en dioses, incluso en los hijos de Dios, son los que entran en la poligamia"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and polygamy/Brigham Young said that the only men who become gods are those that practice polygamy

"Finanzas de la Iglesia"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and church integrity/City Creek Center Mall in Salt Lake City


Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and church finances/Tithing/Paying tithing versus feeding your children or paying your rent

"Los Nombres de la Iglesia"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and church organization/Changes in the name of the Church

"Algunas cosas que son verdad no son muy útiles"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and history/Boyd K. Packer's talk: "The Mantle is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect"

"Criticar a los líderes"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Dallin H. Oaks/It’s wrong to criticize leaders of the Church, even if the criticism is true

"Investigar materiales "no aprobados" en el Internet"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and the internet/Does the Church teach members to avoid using it

"La persecución de los miembros que publican o comparten sus preguntas, inquietudes y dudas"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and Church discipline/Scholars/Does the Church excommunicate historians

El Comité de Fortalecer a los Miembros de la Iglesia

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and Church discipline/Strengthening Church Members Committee

"Cuando el profeta habla el debate se acaba"

Plantilla:CESLetterItemShort Mormonism and church leadership/The debate is over

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