Diferencia entre revisiones de «La Primera Visión de José Smith/Cuentas/1832/La motivación es diferente»

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The texts that are employed by critics to justify the charge of 'differing motivations' are as follows:
The texts that are employed by critics to justify the charge of 'differing motivations' are as follows:

Revisión del 21:57 9 jul 2014

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La motivación de Joseph Smith por orar en su cuenta de Primera Visión 1832

porque yo vuelvo condenado por mis pecados ... y me sentí a llorar por mis pecados y por los pecados del mundo ...

—1832 relato de la Primera Visión de José Smith
∗       ∗       ∗

Plantilla:Designación pregunta

La motivación expresada por José Smith para orar al Señor cambia entre el primer relato conocido de la Primera Visión (1832) y la versión oficial de la misma (1838).

  • ¿Cuenta esto como evidencia de que la historia del Profeta cambió con el tiempo y, por lo tanto, simplemente estaba formado por el principio?

Plantilla:Designación conclusión

La afirmación de que la motivación de José Smith para los cambios de oración en relatos posteriores del evento Primera Visión no pasa la prueba de un examen minucioso. La evidencia muestra, más bien, que los elementos de la historia se mantienen estables en el tiempo. Motivaciones de José para la oración no son, como un crítico dice "por todo el lugar." Él tenía dos motivaciones: el perdón de los pecados, y el deseo de saber qué iglesia era la verdadera.

  • Cuenta de 1832
    mi relación íntima con los de diferentes denominaciones, me llevó a maravillarse en gran manera. Porque yo descubrí que no adornan su profesión por un paseo santa y piadosa conversación aceptable para lo que encontré que figura en el depósito sagrado. Este fue un dolor de mi alma....
    Mi mente se convierten en extremadamente angustiada porque se convenció de mis pecados .... Él me habló diciendo: 'José mi hijo, tus pecados te son perdonados.
  • Cuenta de 1835 (9 Nov. 1835)
    siendo forjado en mi mente, respetando el tema de la religión y mirando a los diferentes sistemas que se enseñan a los hijos de los hombres, yo no sabía que estaba en lo correcto o quién estaba equivocado y lo considero de la mayor importancia que debía tener razón....
    él me dijo: tus pecados te son perdonados....
  • Cuenta de 1835 (14 Nov. 1835)
    Esta cuenta no es más que un resumen de una línea de la visión - no se le da el motivo de José.
  • Cuenta de 1838 (publicado en 1842)
    ¿Cuál de todos estos grupos tiene razón; o, ¿están todos en error? Si alguno de ellos es verdadero, ¿cuál es, y cómo podré saberlo? .... Mi objeto recurrir a consultar al Señor para saber cuál de todas las sectas era la verdadera, a fin de saber a cuál unirme....
    muchas otras cosas qué dijo a mí que no puedo escribir en este momento....
  • Cuenta de 1840 de Orson Pratt
    ...si cualquiera de estas denominaciones es la iglesia de Cristo, ¿cuál es?...
    Se le informó de que sus pecados habían sido perdonados.

Hay que tener en cuenta que las personas que denuncian la manifestación inaugural del Profeta en la escritura no siempre explicar cosas exactamente de la misma manera; a veces la información oscura por el idioma que elijan para utilizar y, en ocasiones, omiten elementos de la historia en conjunto (posiblemente debido a consideraciones de la audiencia).

Plantilla:Designación respuesta

The texts that are employed by critics to justify the charge of 'differing motivations' are as follows:


"I cried unto the Lord for mercy for there was none else to whom I could go and obtain mercy"


"My object in going to enquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join."

The words that precede the point at which Joseph Smith offers his prayer in the 1832 text demonstrate that the anti-Mormon claim about his motivation changing is not sustainable. These words read as follows (standardized for readability):

At about the age of twelve years my mind become seriously impressed with regard to the all important concerns for the welfare of my immortal soul which led me to searching the scriptures believing, as I was taught, that they contained the word of God.
Thus applying myself to them, and my intimate acquaintance with those of different denominations, led me to marvel exceedingly. For I discovered that they did not adorn their profession by a holy walk and godly conversation agreeable to what I found contained in that sacred depository. This was a grief to my soul.
Thus, from the age of twelve years to fifteen I pondered many things in my heart concerning the situation of the world of mankind: the contentions and divisions, the wickedness and abominations, and the darkness which pervaded the minds of mankind.
My mind become exceedingly distressed for I became convicted of my sins.
And by searching the scriptures I found that mankind did not come unto the Lord but that they had apostatized from the true and living faith and there was no society or denomination that built upon the gospel of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament.
And I felt to mourn for my own sins and for the sins of the world.
For I learned in the scriptures that God was the same yesterday, today, and forever. That He was no respecter to persons, for He was God. For I looked upon the sun - the glorious luminary of the earth - and also the moon rolling in their majesty through the heavens, and also the stars shining in their courses, and the earth also upon which I stood, and the beast of the field and the fowls of heaven, and the fish of the waters, and also man walking forth upon the face of the earth in majesty and in the strength of beauty - whose power and intelligence in governing the things which are so exceding great and marvelous, even in the likeness of Him who created them.
And when I considered upon these things my heart exclaimed, "Well hath the wise man said, 'It is a fool that saith in his heart there is no God.'" My heart exclaimed, "All all these bear testimony and bespeak an omnipotent and omnipresent power; a Being who maketh laws and decreeeth and bindeth all things in their bounds; who filleth eternity; who was, and is, and will be from all eternity to eternity." And when I considered all these things and that that Being seeketh such to worship Him as worship Him in spirit and in truth, therefore I cried unto the Lord for mercy for there was none else to whom I could go and obtain mercy.

Summary of themes

  • Between the ages of 12 and 15 Joseph Smith became exceedingly distressed about his personal sins and mourned over them. He became seriously concerned about the welfare of his soul and so he searched the scripture for information on that topic.
  • He both marveled and grieved that his acquaintances who belonged to various Christian denominations did not act in accordance with what was found on the pages of the Bible.
  • His study of the New Testament led him to the conclusion that all the Christian denominations with which he was acquainted had apostatized from the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Joseph pondered the darkness that pervaded the minds of mankind and its resultant wickedness and abominations - and he mourned for the sins of the world.
  • He also thought about the "contentions and division" among men [see - revival mentioned in the 1832 text].
  • Joseph believed from his personal observation of created objects and entities that God did indeed exist.
  • He also believed the scriptures that taught God was an eternal Being who was all powerful and everywhere present, who was no respecter of persons, who was a God of law and did not change over time, and wanted mankind to worship Him in truth.
  • When Joseph Smith "considered all these things" he prayed to the Lord and received his First Vision.

It is clear from a consultation of the 1832 text that Joseph Smith's desire to be forgiven of his personal sins was NOT the only motivation for his prayer in the wilderness. He prayed (as he explicitly states) because of "all" of the things he mentions - including the desire to worship God in truth; according to His laws (which Joseph did not believe was the case among any of the Christians denominations that he knew of).

Patterns within documents

The 1832 textual pattern of (1) desire to prepare for eternity / worship God in truth and (2) desire for forgiveness of personal sins can be detected in subsequent First Vision recitals, demonstrating that there is no change in his declared motive over time. The confusion of the critics on this issue arises when they do not see exact matches in themes across documents or insist that every detail of the story be present in every text that relates it.

1832 (Smith)

"my mind became seriously impressed with regard to the all important concerns for the welfare of my immortal soul . . . . my mind become excedingly distressed for I became convicted of my sins . . . . when I considered all these things and that that Being seeketh such to worship Him as worship Him in spirit and in truth therefore I cried unto the Lord . . . . He spake unto me saying, 'Joseph my son, thy sins are forgiven thee.'"

1834 (Cowdery/Smith)

Joseph Smith had a "determination to know for himself of the certainty and reality of pure and holy religion . . . . [but he also] call[ed] upon the Lord in secret for a full manifestation of divine approbation, and . . . to have an assurance that he was accepted of Him." Joseph is classified in this text among the "humble, penitent sinner."

1835 (Smith)

"being wrought up in my mind, respecting the subject of religion and looking at the different systems taught the children of men, I knew not who was right or who was wrong and I considered it of the first importance that I should be right . . . being thus perplexed in mind I retired to the silent grove and bowed down before the Lord . . . . He said unto me, 'Thy sins are forgiven thee.'"

1838 (Smith)

"how to act I did not know and unless I could get more wisdom than I then had, would never know . . . . My object in going to enquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. . . . many other things did He say unto me which I cannot write at this time" [INDIRECT REFERENCE TO FORGIVENESS OF SINS?]

1840 (Pratt)

"[Joseph] began seriously to reflect upon the necessity of being prepared for a future state of existence; but how, or in what way, to prepare himself, was a question, as yet, undetermined in his own mind. He perceived that it was a question of infinite importance, and that the salvation of his soul depended upon a correct understanding of the same. . . . He was informed that his sins were forgiven"

1842 (Smith)

"I began to reflect upon the importance of being prepared for a future state, and upon enquiring the plan of salvation I found that there was a great clash in religious sentiment . . . . considering that all could not be right, and that God could not be the author of so much confusion, I determined to investigate the subject more fully" [FORGIVENESS OF SINS IS NOT MENTIONED]

1842 (Hyde)

"[Joseph] began seriously to reflect upon the necessity of being prepared for a future state of existence; but how, or in what way to prepare himself, was a question, as yet, undetermined in his own mind; he perceived that it was a question of infinite importance. . . . [The two personages] told him that his prayers had been answered, and that the Lord had decided to grant him a special blessing." [VEILED REFERENCE TO FORGIVENESS OF SINS? - Remember that Hyde utilized information straight from Pratt's account]

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