Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jesucristo/El hermano de Satanás»

Línea 18: Línea 18:
*Jesés es el Creador (Véase San Juan 1:3, [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/mosiah/3/8#8 Mosíah 3:8], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/hel/14/12#12 Helamán 14:12], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/moses/2/1#1 Moisés 2:1], etc.).
*Jesés es el Creador (Véase San Juan 1:3, [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/mosiah/3/8#8 Mosíah 3:8], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/hel/14/12#12 Helamán 14:12], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/moses/2/1#1 Moisés 2:1], etc.).
* Jesús era obediente a su Padre en todas las cosas (Véase [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/3_ne/11/11#113 Nefi 11:11]).
* Jesús era obediente a su Padre en todas las cosas (Véase [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/3_ne/11/11#113 Nefi 11:11]).
* Jesús fue elegido y preordinado a ser el Redentor (Véase Isaías 43:11, [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/mosiah/13/28#34 Mosíah 13:28–34], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/3_ne/9/15#15 3 Nefi 9:15], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/moses/4/2#2 Moisés 4:2]).
* Jesús fue elegido y preordinado a ser el Redentor (Véase Isaías 43:11, [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/mosiah/13/28#34 Mosíah 13:28–34], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/3_ne/9/15#15 3 Nefi 9:15], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/moses/4/2#2 Moisés 4:2]).  
* Jesús es el mediador entre Dios y la humanidad (Véase San Juan 14:6, 1 Timoteo 2:5, Hebreos 8:5,  [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/2_ne/2/28#28 2 Nefi 2:28], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/dc/76/69#69 Doctrina y Convenios 76:69]).
* Jesús es el mediador entre Dios y la humanidad (Véase San Juan 14:6, 1 Timoteo 2:5, Hebreos 8:5,  [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/2_ne/2/28#28 2 Nefi 2:28], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/dc/76/69#69 Doctrina y Convenios 76:69]).
* Jesus was "the Only Begotten"—only He, of all God's children, had a physical inheritance in His body from God the FatherAll other mortals have two mortal parents, and Satan and his followers never receive physical bodies at all. (See [http://scriptures.lds.org/john/1/14#14 John 1:14], [http://scriptures.lds.org/john/3/16#16 John 3:16], [http://scriptures.lds.org/john/14/3#3 John 14:3], [http://scriptures.lds.org/jacob/4/11#11 Jacob 4:11], [http://scriptures.lds.org/alma/12/33#34 Alma 12:33–34]).
* Jesús era el “Hijo Unigénito— Él solo, de todos los hijos de Dios, recibió su cuerpo físico por Dios el Padre y no por un hombre mortalTodos los otros mortales tenemos dos padres mortales, y Satanás y los que lo siguen nunca tendrán cuerpos físicos. (Véase San Juan 1:14], San Juan 3:16, San Juan 14:3, [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/jacob/4/11#11 Jacob 4:11], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/alma/12/33#34 Alma 12:33–34]).
God the Father also had many other spirit children, created in His image and that of His Only Begotten.  These children include all humans born on the earth.  Some of God's children rebelled against Him, and contested the choice of Jesus as Savior.  (See [http://scriptures.lds.org/dc/76/25#27 D&C 76:25–27]).  The leader of these children was Lucifer, or Satan.  Those spirit children of God who followed Satan in his rebellion against Christ are sometimes referred to as "demons," or "devils." (See [http://scriptures.lds.org/moses/4/1#4 Moses 4:1–4], [http://scriptures.lds.org/abr/3/24#28 Abraham 3:24–28]).
Thus, it is technically true to say that Jesus and Satan are "brothers," in the sense that both have the same spiritual parent, God the Father.
Dios el Padre creó muchos hijos espirituales, creados a su imagen y a la imagen de su Hijo Unigénito.  Sus hijos son todos los humanos nacidos en la tierra.  También algunos de los hijos de Dios se rebelaron contra Él, y fueron expulsados de la presencia de Dios.  El líder de ellos es Lucifer y es el diablo.  Los hijos de Dios que fueron expulsados y que siguen a Satanás se conocen como demonios y diablos.  (Véase [http://scriptures.lds.org/dc/es/76/25#27 Doctrina y Convenios 76:25–27], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/moses/4/1#4 Moisés 4:1–4], [http://scriptures.lds.org/es/abr/3/24#28 Abraham 3:24–28]).
However, critics do not provide the context for this doctrineCain and Abel were also brothers, and yet no Bible reader believes that they are spiritual equals or equally admirable. Critics also ignore the Biblical references that imply that Satan is one of the "sons of God." (See [http://scriptures.lds.org/en/job/1/6 Job:16], [http://scriptures.lds.org/en/job/2/1 Job 2:1])
Entonces, en un sentido es correcto decir que Jesús y Satanás son hermanos, en el sentido que los dos tienen el mismo padre espiritual, Dios el Padre.
Sin embargo, los críticos no provienen el contexto de esta doctrinaCaín y Abel también eran hermanos, pero el lector de la Biblia nunca cree que eran iguales espiritualmente ni igualmente honrosos.  Los críticos también no presten atención a la referencias bíblicas que implican que Satanás es uno do los “hijos de Dios” (Véase Job 1:6; 2:1).
Finally, while it is true that all mortals share a spiritual parent with Jesus (and Satan, and every other spiritual child of God), we now have a different, more important relationship with JesusAll of God's children, save Jesus, have sinned and come short of the glory of God ([http://scriptures.lds.org/en/rom/3/23#23 Romans 3:23]). In sinning, they abandon and betray their divine heritage and inheritanceOnly through Jesus can any mortal return home to God the FatherThis return becomes possible when a sinner is born again, and adopted by Christ, who becomes the spiritual father to those whom He redeems. (See [http://scriptures.lds.org/en/rom/8/14-39#14 Romans 8:14–39].)
Por final, de veras todos los humanos, demonios, y el diablo mismo comparten un padre espiritual con Jesús, ninguno de los hijos de Dios se iguala a JesúsTodos los hijos de Dios, menos el Señor Jesús, han pecado «y están destituidos de la gloria de Dios» (Romanos 3:23). Al pecar, abandonamos y rebelamos contra nuestra herencia divinaSolo por medio de Jesús podemos volver a casa para estar con Dios el PadreTodos tenemos que nacer de nuevo y recibir la adopción de Dios para ser restaurados a nuestro herencia divina (Véase Romanos 8:14-18).  
===Cautionary Note to Members===
Elder M. Russell Ballard cautioned members  of the Church:
:We occasionally hear some members refer to Jesus as our Elder Brother, which is a true concept based on our understanding of the premortal life with our Father in Heaven. But like many points of gospel doctrine, that simple truth doesn't go far enough in terms of describing the Savior's role in our present lives and His great position as a member of the Godhead. Thus, some non-LDS Christians are uncomfortable with what they perceive as a secondary role for Christ in our theology. They feel that we view Jesus as a spiritual peer. They believe that we view Christ as an implementor for God, if you will, but that we don't view Him as God to us and to all mankind, which, of course, is counter to biblical testimony about Christ's divinity…
:Now we can understand why some Latter-day Saints have tended to focus on Christ's Sonship as opposed to His Godhood. As members of earthly families, we can relate to Him as a child, as a Son, and as a Brother because we know how that feels. We can personalize that relationship because we ourselves are children, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. For some it may be more difficult to relate to Him as a God. And so in an attempt to draw closer to Christ and to cultivate warm and personal feelings toward Him, some tend to humanize Him, sometimes at the expense of acknowledging His Divinity. So let us be very clear on this point: it is true that Jesus was our Elder Brother in the premortal life, but we believe that in this life it is crucial that we become "born again" as His sons and daughters in the gospel covenant.{{ref|ballard1}}
===Early Christian Evidence===
===Early Christian Evidence===

Revisión del 16:19 1 dic 2007

Artículo traducido y redactado con permiso de FAIRLDS por: Andrew Miller

La acusación

Los críticos reclaman que los SUD creen que Jesucristo y Satanás son hermanos y que así los SUD rebajan la estatura de Cristo o que elevan a Satanás. Unos críticos aun implican que los SUD lo adoran o lo veneran al diablo.

La(s) fuente(s) de la acusación

  • www.allaboutcults.org- «La iglesia mormona enseña que Jesús y Satanás son hermanos espirituales e hijos de Dios… [Los cristianos verdaderos] creen que Jesucristo ha existido eternamente, siendo el Hijo de Dios, la segunda “persona” de la Trinidad.» "[1]

La respuesta

La doctrina SUD no corresponde a los conceptos tradicionales de los cerdos acerca de la Trinidad. O sea, los SUD no creen ni aceptan las doctrinas extra-bíblicas acerca de Dios que influyen tanto a los conceptos de la Deidad de muchos de los cristianos modernos como las que se encuentran en el Credo de Nicea. Específicamente, los SUD no aceptan la doctrina no-bíblica que Dios el Padre, Jesucristo, y el Espíritu Santo son manifestaciones distintas del mismo Ser.

La doctrina SUD enseña que Dios el Padre es distinto en ser y numero de su Hijo Unigénito Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo. Dios el Padre se conoce como el padre literal de los espíritus de todos los hombres y mujeres.

Los SUD creen que el papel de Jesucristo es central en el plan de nuestro Padre Celestial. Cristo es único entre todos los hijos de Dios.

Dios el Padre creó muchos hijos espirituales, creados a su imagen y a la imagen de su Hijo Unigénito. Sus hijos son todos los humanos nacidos en la tierra. También algunos de los hijos de Dios se rebelaron contra Él, y fueron expulsados de la presencia de Dios. El líder de ellos es Lucifer y es el diablo. Los hijos de Dios que fueron expulsados y que siguen a Satanás se conocen como demonios y diablos. (Véase Doctrina y Convenios 76:25–27, Moisés 4:1–4, Abraham 3:24–28).

Entonces, en un sentido es correcto decir que Jesús y Satanás son hermanos, en el sentido que los dos tienen el mismo padre espiritual, Dios el Padre.

Sin embargo, los críticos no provienen el contexto de esta doctrina. Caín y Abel también eran hermanos, pero el lector de la Biblia nunca cree que eran iguales espiritualmente ni igualmente honrosos. Los críticos también no presten atención a la referencias bíblicas que implican que Satanás es uno do los “hijos de Dios” (Véase Job 1:6; 2:1).

Por final, de veras todos los humanos, demonios, y el diablo mismo comparten un padre espiritual con Jesús, ninguno de los hijos de Dios se iguala a Jesús. Todos los hijos de Dios, menos el Señor Jesús, han pecado «y están destituidos de la gloria de Dios» (Romanos 3:23). Al pecar, abandonamos y rebelamos contra nuestra herencia divina. Solo por medio de Jesús podemos volver a casa para estar con Dios el Padre. Todos tenemos que nacer de nuevo y recibir la adopción de Dios para ser restaurados a nuestro herencia divina (Véase Romanos 8:14-18).

Early Christian Evidence

The early pre-nicene Church father Lactantius wrote:

Since God was possessed of the greatest foresight for planning, and of the greatest skill for carrying out in action, before He commenced this business of the world,--inasmuch as there was in Him, and always is, the fountain of full and most complete goodness,--in order that goodness might spring as a stream from Him, and might flow forth afar, He produced a Spirit like to Himself, who might be endowed with the perfections of God the Father... Then He made another being, in whom the disposition of the divine origin did not remain. Therefore he was infected with his own envy as with poison, and passed from good to evil; and at his own will, which had been given to him by God unfettered, he acquired for himself a contrary name. From which it appears that the source of all evils is envy. For he envied his predecessor, who through his steadfastness is acceptable and dear to God the Father. This being, who from good became evil by his own act, is called by the Greeks diabolus: we call him accuser, because he reports to God the faults to which he himself entices us. God, therefore, when He began the fabric of the world, set over the whole work that first and greatest Son, and used Him at the same time as a counselor and artificer, in planning, arranging, and accomplishing, since He is complete both in knowledge, and judgment, and power... [2]

Many things he here taught are not considered "orthodox" by today's standards. However, Lactantius was definitely orthodox during his lifetime. Amazingly, many things here correspond to LDS doctrine precisely in those areas that are "unorthodox." For example,

1. "He produced a Spirit like to Himself," namely Christ. Christ, in this sense, is not the "co-equal," "eternally begotten," "same substance" "persona" of the later creeds.
2. "Then he made another being, in whom the disposition of the divine origin did not remain." God made another spirit who rebelled and who fell from his exalted status. He is the diabolus.
3. Christ is the "first and greatest Son." Not the "only" son.
4. Lastly, since the diabolus and Christ are both spirit sons of God, they are spirit brothers.


Jesus, Satan, and all humanity share God the Father as their spiritual sire. However, moral agency led Jesus to obey God the Father perfectly and share fully in the Father's divine nature and power. The same agency led Satan to renounce God, fight Jesus, and doom himself to eternal damnation. The remainder of God's children—all of us—have the choice to follow the route chosen by Satan, or the path to which Christ invites us and shows the way.

Divine parenthood gives all children of God potential; Christ maximized that potential, and Satan squandered it.

To choose the gospel of Jesus Christ and the grace that attends it will lead us home again. If we choose to follow Satan's example, and refuse to accept the gift of God's Only Begotten Son, our spiritual parentage cannot help us, just as it cannot help dignify or enoble Satan.


  1. [back] www.allaboutcults.org "What do Mormons believe - Doctrinal Differences," (7 November 2007).
  2. [back] M. Russell Ballard, "Building Bridges of Understanding," Ensign (June 1998), 62. off-site (Inglés)
  3. [back] Lactantius, Divine Institutes 2.9. in Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, eds. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, 10 vols. (1885; reprint, Peabody: Hendrickson, 2004), 1:52–53.