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{{Artículos FairMormon copyright}}
{{título del recurso|Ordenanzas Mormones}}
{{sumario de temas}}
== ==
{{designación temas}}
|L=Ordenanzas Mormones
|link=Ordenanzas Mormones/Bautismo
|H=Ordenanzas Mormones
|L1=El bautismo y la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días ("mormones")
|L2=Bautismo por los muertos
|L3=La ordenanza de la investidura mormona
|link=Ordenanzas Mormones/Bautismo/Esencial para la salvación
|L4=El Mormonismo y el matrimonio en el templo
|sujeto=Esencial para la salvación
|L5=La ordenanza de La Santa Cena en La Iglesia de los Santos de los Últimos Días ("Mormón")
|sumario=Se afirma que la insistencia en el bautismo mormón como una ordenanza esencial de la salvación es "anticristiano" o "anti-bíblico."
|L6=Problemas sociales relacionados con el matrimonio entre los Santos de los Últimos Días
|enlace=El Mormonismo y los Templos/El bautismo por los muertos
|sujeto=El bautismo por los muertos
|sumario=¿Qué es el bautismo por los muertos? ¿Hay alguna evidencia de bautismo por los muertos es una auténtica antigua práctica cristiana?
|enlace=El Mormonismo y los Templos/El bautismo por los muertos/Negarse
|sujeto=Negarse bautismos por los muertos
|sumario=¿Qué pasa si no quiero bautismos vicarios u otra obra del templo SUD realizado por mi difunto de la familia. ¿Qué puedo hacer yo para "deshacer" esos bautismos y la obra del templo?
|enlace=El Libro de Mormón/Cambios en el texto/"o fuera de las aguas del bautismo"
|sujeto="o fuera de las aguas del bautismo", añadió a 1 Nefi 20:01
|sumario=La frase "o fuera de las aguas del bautismo" esta en 1 Nefi 20:01 en la edición de 1840 del Libro de Mormón por Joseph Smith.
|enlace=El Mormonismo y los Templos/La ceremonia de la investidura
|sujeto=La ceremonia de la investidura del templo Mormón
|sumario=Una serie de críticas se relacionan con el de los Últimos Días ceremonia de la investidura. Santos de los Últimos Días consideran que la ceremonia es sagrada en la naturaleza. Tenga en cuenta que como miembros de FairMormon, estamos plenamente comprometidos a mantener a nuestros convenios del templo, y no vamos a discutir algunos detalles relacionados con la ceremonia. Hay, sin embargo, las críticas que podamos responder. Este conjunto de artículos se ocupa de las críticas relacionadas con la Fundación.
|link=Mormonism and temples/Endowment/Adam-God and the "Lecture at the Veil"
|sujeto=Adam-God and the "Lecture at the Veil"
|sumario=Was "Adam-God" ever taught as part of the temple endowment ceremony? I've read about something called "the lecture at the veil" that was supposedly in the endowment at one time.
|link=Mormonism and temples/Endowment/Changes
|sumario=Latter-day Saints believe that the Temple endowment is an eternal ordinance that Joseph Smith received by revelation from God. Why, then, have changes been made to it several times since it was first revealed? God’s directives and how He deals with His people may vary according to His people’s understanding and needs. God doesn’t tell everyone to build an ark and wait for a flood. Changes sometimes occur as a result of God dealing with His children according to their changing circumstances.
|link=Mormonism and temples/Endowment/Freemasonry
|sumario=Some critics of Mormonism see similarities between the rites of Freemasonry and LDS temple ceremonies and assume that since Joseph Smith was initiated as a Freemason shortly before he introduced the Nauvoo-style endowment he must have plagiarized elements of the Masonic rituals. This viewpoint leads them, in turn, to conclude that the LDS endowment is nothing but a variant form of Masonic initiation and therefore not from a divine source.
|link=Mormonism and temples/Endowment/Freemasonry/All Seeing Eye
|sujeto=All Seeing Eye
|sumario=The claim is sometimes made by critics that since the All-Seeing Eye of God is displayed on the exterior and interior of the Salt Lake Temple[1] and the All-Seeing Eye is an emblem utilized by the Freemasons then the Mormon usage must be an indication of a connection between Mormon temples and Freemasonry.
|link=Mormonism and temples/Endowment/Oath of vengeance
|sujeto=Oath of vengeance
|sumario=In nearly every anti-Mormon discussion of the temple, critics raise the issue of the "oath of vengeance" that existed during the 19th century and very early 20th century. These critics often misstate the nature of the oath and try to use its presence in the early temple endowment as evidence that the LDS temple ceremonies are ungodly, violent, and immoral.
|link=Mormonism and temples/Endowment/Penalties
|sumario=Critics point out that a former version of the endowment used to contain mention of various "penalties" associated with the breaking of the temple covenants. They use this fact to claim that the temple encouraged violence or vengeance against those who violated its covenants, or that the Church sought to use fear to motivate members to keep their covenants, however, critics misrepresent this part of the temple ceremony, which is relatively easy to do since members endowed since April 1990 will have had no direct experience with the penalties mentioned.
|link=Ordenanzas Mormones/Marriage
|link=/Marriage/As a requirement for exaltation
|sujeto=As a requirement for exaltation
|sumario=Critics attack the LDS view of marriage as essential on the following grounds: 1)If marriage is essential to achieve exaltation, why did Paul say that it is good for a man not to marry? (1 Corinthians 7:1), 2)Why does the Mormon Church teach that we can be married in heaven when Jesus said in Matthew 22:30 that there is no marriage in the resurrection? 3) Since not all members of the Church are married, doesn't this mean there will be many otherwise good Mormons who will not be exalted?
|link=Ordenanzas Mormones/Marriage/Jesus said that divorce not allowed except for fornication
|sujeto=Jesus said that divorce not allowed except for fornication
|sumario=Jesus taught divorce was not acceptable unless fornication had occured. (Matthew 5:31-32) Why does the LDS church allow divorce when not for this reason? Shouldn't these people either be disfellowshipped or excommunicated? Why does the church permit re-marrying?
|link=Ordenanzas Mormones/Marriage/Jews and early Christians on marriage after death
|sujeto=Jews and early Christians on marriage after death
|sumario=The Jews seem to have believed in eternal marriage from at least second-temple times, since they posed the question about the woman with seven successive husbands, asking which of them would be her husband "in the resurrection" (Matt. 22:28; Mark 12:23; Luke 20:33). The concept of eternal marriage is well-attested among Jews in the medieval period and is frequently mentioned in the Zohar, which also notes that God has a wife, the Matrona ("mother"), and is known in the Talmud. In the Falasha (the black Jews of Ethiopia's text) 5 Baruch, it has Jeremiah's scribe, Baruch, being shown various parts of the heavenly Jerusalem, with different gates for different heirs. The text then says, "I asked the angel who conducted me and said to him: 'Who enters through this gate?' He who guided me answered and said to me: 'Blessed are those who enter through this gate. [Here] the husband remains with his wife and the wife remains with her husband'"
|link=Ordenanzas Mormones/Marriage/Were the early apostles married
|sujeto=Were the early apostles married
|sumario=In the early Church, it was known that the Apostles were married. Early Church leaders also spoke out against those who preached against marriage.
{{:Ordenanzas Mormones/Divorce}}
|link=Ordenanzas Mormones/Sacrament
|link=Ordenanzas Mormones/Sacrament/Uses water instead of wine
|sujeto=Uses water instead of wine
|sumario=Why does the LDS Church use water instead of wine for its sacrament services? The Doctrine and Covenants even allows for wine to be used, despite the Word of Wisdom's prohibitions on alcohol (see DC 89:5-6).
{{:Ordenanzas Mormones/Bautismo}}
{{:El Mormonismo y los Templos/Bautismo por los muertos}}
{{:El Mormonismo y los Templos/La ceremonia de la investidura}}
{{:Ordenanzas Mormones/Matrimonio}}
{{:Ordenanzas Mormones/La Santa Cena}}
{{:Ordenanzas Mormones/Matrimonio/Problemas sociales}}
{{Articles Footer 1}}
[[de:Verordnungen der Mormonen]]
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[[pt:Ordenanças Mórmon]]

Revisión actual del 15:15 21 abr 2019

Tabla de Contenidos

Ordenanzas Mormones

Saltar a subtema:

El bautismo y la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días ("mormones")

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Bautismo por los muertos

Saltar a subtema:

La ordenanza de la investidura mormona

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El mormonismo y el matrimonio

Saltar a subtema:

La ordenanza de La Santa Cena en La Iglesia de los Santos de los Últimos Días ("Mormón")

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Problemas sociales relacionados con el matrimonio entre los Santos de los Últimos Días

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