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{{Artículos FairMormon copyright}}
{{título del recurso|José Smith}}
{{sumario de temas}}
|summary=We should be careful not to claim for Joseph Smith perfections he did not claim for himself. He need not have been superhuman to be the instrument in God’s hands that we know him to be. In May, 1844, Joseph declared: “I never told you I was perfect, but there is no error in the revelations which I have taught.” He had commented earlier: “Although I do wrong, I do not the wrongs I am charged with doing: the wrong that I do is through the frailty of human nature, like other men. No man lives without fault. Do you think that even Jesus, if He were here, would be without fault in your eyes? His enemies said all manner of evil against Him—they all watched for iniquity in Him.” Joseph Smith was a mortal man striving to fulfill an overwhelming, divinely- appointed mission against all odds. The wonder is not that he ever displayed human failings, but that he succeeded in his mission. His fruits are undeniable and undeniably good.
|author=Elder D. Todd Christofferson,
|title=The Prophet Joseph Smith
|publication=Brigham Young University-Idaho Devotional
|date=September 24, 2013
== ==
{{designación temas}}
==Character of Joseph Smith==
|L=José Smith
|link=José Smith/Early Smith family history
|H=José Smith
|sujeto=Early Smith family history
|L1=Antecedentes familiares de Joseph Smith
|L2=El carácter de José Smith
|L3=Narcisismo supuesta de José Smith
|link=José Smith/Early Smith family history/No positive witnesses
|L4=Búsqueda del tesoro, el dinero de excavación y José Smith
|sujeto=No positive witnesses
|L5=La relación entre la piedra vidente de José y el Urim y Tumim
|sumario=It is claimed that there are "no contemporary pro-Mormon statements from reliable and informed sources who knew the Smith family and Joseph intimately."
|L6=La Primera Visión de José Smith
|L7=José Smith y lo "oculto" o "magia"
|L8=José Smith como traductor
|link=José Smith/Early Smith family history/Lazy Smiths
|L9=La Traducción de José Smith de la Santa Biblia
|sujeto=Lazy Smiths
|L10=José Smith y milagros
|sumario=It is claimed that José Smith and his family were lazy, shiftless, and sought to make a living without labor.
|L11=José Smith y el sacerdocio
|L12=José Smith como profeta
|L13=José Smith y asuntos legales
|link=José Smith/Early Smith family history/Early work as a farmhand
|L14=La Sociedad de Seguridad de Kirtland
|sujeto=Early work as a farmhand
|L15=Joseph Smith, la política y el gobierno
|sumario=Critics wish to portray "money digging" as José Smith, Jr's primary source of income during his early years. Joseph is even claimed to have run a successful "magic business."
|L16=José Smith y la poligamia
|L17=La muerte de José Smith
|L18=La importancia de José Smith en la creencia mormona
|link=José Smith/Character
|sumario=It is claimed that José Smith was a disreputable person.
|sujeto=Claimed mismanagement of the Lawrence estate
|sumario=José Smith was appointed the guardian of two daughters, Maria and Sarah Lawrence, and their inheritance. He later married them in plural marriage. The evidence shows that José Smith faithfully discharged his legal duties, despite the claims made by some nineteeth-century and modern critics.
|sujeto=Con man
|sumario=Some claim that Joseph was a con man.  Yet, his behavior does not match the typical behavior of those consciously deceiving others for gain.  Some of this claim relies on a misrepresentation of a 1826 court hearing.
|link=Specific works/The Hurlbut affidavits
|sujeto=The Hurlbut affidavits
|sumario=Many critics cite a collection of affidavits from José Smith’s neighbors which claim that the Smith family possessed a number of character flaws. Many of José Smith’s friends and neighbors signed affidavits that accused him and his family of being lazy, indolent, undependable treasure-seekers.
|link=José Smith/"Amusing recitals" of ancient American inhabitants
|sujeto="Amusing recitals" and "Tall Tales?"
|sumario=José Smith's mother reported that he told "amusing recitals" about the ancient inhabitants of the American continent well before he translated the Book of Mormon. Does this indicate that Joseph was simply a teller of "tall tales?"
|link=José Smith/Land speculation in Nauvoo
|sujeto=Land speculation in Nauvoo
|sumario=Did José Smith engage in "land speculation" in Nauvoo?
|link=José Smith/Personality and temperament
|sujeto=Personality and temperament
|sumario=Critics point to what they perceive as personal failings of José Smith, such as his allegedly short temper, as evidence that he was not a true prophet of God.
|sujeto=Boastful about the Church?
|sumario=Why did José Smith say that he had "more to boast of than ever any man had" and that he was the only man who had been "able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam?"
|link=José Smith/Taught Porter Rockwell 'it was right to steal'
|sujeto=Joseph taught Porter Rockwell 'it was right to steal'?
|sumario=Did Joseph really teach Orrin Porter Rockwell that "it was right to steal?"
|link=José Smith/Psychobiographical analysis of
|sujeto=Psychobiographical analysis
|sumario=Is it possible to deduce José Smith's thoughts and dreams years after his death? Some critics think so.
|link=José Smith/Narcissism
|sujeto=José Smith's alleged narcissism
|sumario=Critics quote José Smith as saying such things as: "I am learned, and know more than all the world put together," "I combat the errors of ages; I meet the violence of mobs; I cope with illegal proceedings from executive authority; I cut the Gordian knot of powers, and I solve mathematical problems of universities, with truth . . . diamond truth; and God is my ‘right hand man.’” They use these quotes to portray Joseph as egomaniacal, proud, and narcissistic.
==Treasure seeking, money digging and José Smith, Jr.==
|link=José Smith/Money digging
|sujeto=Treasure seeking
|sumario=Was José Smith's engagement in "money digging" or looking for buried treasure a blot on his character?
|link=José Smith/Occultism and magic
|sujeto=Practitioner of occultism and magic?
|sumario=It is claimed that José Smith's spiritual experiences began as products of "magic," the "occult," or "treasure seeking," and that only later did Joseph describe his experiences in Christian, religious terms: speaking of God, angels, and prophethood.
|link=José Smith/Early Smith family history/Early work as a farmhand
|sujeto=Joseph's early work as a farmhand
|sumario=Critics wish to prioritize the role that treasure-seeking played in Joseph's like by claiming that it took precedence over any other work that he may have done, such as working as a hired farmhand.
==José Smith's First Vision==
|link=José Smith's First Vision
|sujeto=José Smith's First Vision
|sumario=José Smith's claim that he saw the Father and the Son in 1820 has produced a wide variety of criticism. This set of articles addresses the various critical claims related to the First Vision. The linked articles below are designed to help readers to see some of the weaknesses that are found in arguments that are made against José Smith's First Vision accounts. Some of these arguments are currently being advocated in anti-Mormon literature that is handed out near the Sacred Grove in Palmyra, New York.
==José Smith, occultism and magic==
|link=Mormonism and history/"Magic" in Mormon history
|sujeto="Magic" in Mormon history
|link=José Smith/Occultism and magic/Jupiter_talisman
|sujeto=Jupiter talisman
|sumario=It is claimed that José Smith had a Jupiter Talisman on his person when he was martyred and cite this as proof of his fascination with the occult.
<!-- {{epígrafe|Debemos tener cuidado de no reclamar por Joseph Smith perfecciones que no reclaman para sí mismo. Él no necesita haber sido sobrehumano para ser el instrumento en manos de Dios que sabemos que él sea. En mayo de 1844, José declaró: "Nunca te dije que era perfecto, pero no hay ningún error en las revelaciones que he enseñado." Se había comentado antes: "A pesar de que he hecho mal, yo no los agravios se me acusa con hacer: el mal que hago es a través de la fragilidad de la naturaleza humana, como los demás hombres. Ningún hombre vive sin culpa. ¿Crees que a Jesús, si Él estuviera aquí, sería sin culpa en los ojos? Sus enemigos dijeron toda clase de mal contra Él-todos ellos vio la iniquidad en él. "José Smith fue un hombre mortal se esfuerza por cumplir con una abrumadora misión divinamente señalada contra todo pronóstico. La maravilla no es que él nunca aparece fallas humanas, pero que él tuvo éxito en su misión. Sus frutos son innegables e innegablemente bueno.<br><br>&mdash;Elder D. Todd Christofferson, "El profeta José Smith," Brigham Young University-Idaho Devotional (September 24, 2013) {{link|url=http://www2.byui.edu/Presentations/Transcripts/Devotionals/2013_9_24_Christofferson.htm}}
|link=José Smith/Occultism and magic/The magician Walters as a mentor to José Smith
|sujeto=The magician Walters as a mentor to José Smith?
|sumario=Did a "vagabond fortune-teller" named Walters who became popular in the Palmyra area pass his "mantle" to José Smith?
{{parabreak}} -->
{{:José Smith/Antecedentes familiares de José Smith}}
{{:José Smith/Carácter}}
{{:José Smith/Narcisismo}}
{{:José Smith/Dinero cavar}}
{{:José Smith/Piedras videntes}}
{{:La Primera Visión de José Smith}}
{{:José Smith/El ocultismo y la magia}}
{{:José Smith/Traductor}}
{{:El Mormonismo y la Santa Biblia/Traducción de José Smith}}
{{:José Smith/Milagros}}
{{:José Smith/Sacerdocio}}
{{:José Smith/Como profeta}}
{{:José Smith/Cuestiones legales}}
{{:El Mormonismo y las finanzas de la Iglesia/Sociedad de Seguridad de Kirtland }}
{{:José Smith/Política y gobierno}}
{{:José Smith/Poligamia}}
{{:José Smith/El martirio}}
{{:José Smith/Importancia en la creencia mormona}}
==José Smith as a translator==
|link=José Smith/Translator
|sujeto=Joseph as a translator
|sumario=It is claimed that José Smith claimed to translate other texts or items, which can be checked against modern academic translations. They claim that this "cross-checking" proves that Joseph could not have translated the Book of Mormon or other ancient texts.
|link=José Smith/Piedras videntes
|sujeto=José como vidente y su uso de piedras videntes
|sumario=¿Qué sabemos sobre la piedra vidente de José? ¿Cuál es su relación con el "Urim y Tumim"? ¿Cambió José colocar su piedra vidente en su sombrero mientras estaba traduciendo el Libro de Mormón?
|link=José Smith/Translator/Greek psalter
|sujeto=Joseph and the Greek psalter
|sumario=Did José Smith misidentify an ancient text of Greek psalms (a "psalter") as containing "reformed" Egyptian hieroglyphics?
|link=Book of Abraham
|sujeto=Book of Abraham
|link=Bible/José Smith Translation/Relationship to the Book of Mormon
|sujeto=The José Smith "translation" of the Bible and its relationship to the Book of Mormon
|sumario=Some passages from the Bible (parts of Isaiah, for example) were included in the Book of Mormon text. However, the same passages were later revised for the José Smith Translation of the Holy Bible. In some cases these passages are not rendered identically. It is claimed that if the JST was an accurate translation, it would match the supposedly more 'pure' Isaiah text possessed by the Nephites.
==José Smith and miracles==
|link=José Smith/Healings and miracles
|sujeto=Healings and miracles
|sumario=Do we have any record of José Smith performing healings or other miracles by the power of Christ's priesthood?
|link=José Smith/Walking on water
|sujeto=Walking on water
|sumario=Did Joseph pretend to walk on water?
==José Smith as a priesthood holder==
|sujeto=Date of the restoration of the Melchizedek priesthood
|sumario=It is claimed that the restoration of the priesthood was "back dated" later by José Smith to justify his desire to dominate the Church. It is claimed that no one seems to know "when or how" José Smith received the Melchizedek priesthood.
==José Smith as a prophet==
|link=José Smith/No more prophets after Christ
|sujeto=No more prophets after Christ?
|sumario=Most of Christianity today claim that there are not supposed to be any more prophets after Christ's day.
|link=José Smith/Alleged false prophecies
|sujeto=Alleged false prophecies
|sumario=It is claimed that José Smith was not a true prophet, and that he made "false prophecies."
|link=José Smith/Personages who appeared to him
|sujeto=Personages who appeared to José Smith
|sumario=A list of known personages who appeared to the Prophet José Smith or who were seen by him in vision. The list does not include instances where he only heard supernatural voices.
|link=José Smith/Status in LDS belief
|sujeto=José Smith: Status in LDS belief
|sumario=Do members worship José Smith or treat him as more than a man? Critics charge that since Joseph claimed (or it was claimed in his behalf) the right to "approve whether or not someone gets into heaven," this arrogates to a mortal a right properly reserved for God and Jesus Christ. Some critics have even charged that "Mormons worship José Smith."
==José Smith and legal issues==
|link=José Smith/Legal issues
|sujeto=Legal issues
|sumario=What can you tell me about José Smith's problems with the law?
|link=/Legal issues/Trials/1826 glasslooking_trial
|sujeto=1826 glasslooking trial
|sumario=José Smith was brought to trial in 1826 for "glasslooking."  Didn't Hugh Nibley claim that if this trial record existed that it would be "the most damning evidence in existence against José Smith?"
|sujeto=Claimed mismanagement of the Lawrence estate
|sumario=José Smith was appointed the guardian of two daughters, Maria and Sarah Lawrence, and their inheritance. He later married them in plural marriage. The evidence shows that José Smith faithfully discharged his legal duties, despite the claims made by some nineteeth-century and modern critics.
==José Smith and finance==
|link=Kirtland Safety Society
|sujeto=Kirtland Safety Society
|sumario=Joseph established the Kirtland Safety Society, which later failed. Many left the Church because they thought that Joseph's involvement and his calling as a prophet would guarantee its success. When the bank failed, many thought that Joseph was a fallen prophet.
==José Smith, politics and government==
|link=José Smith/Politics
|sumario=Critics charge that José Smith's decision to run for President of the United States in 1844 shows him to be either a megalomaniac bent on amassing ever more power, or a fanatic with delusions of grandeur.
|link=City of Nauvoo
|sujeto=City of Nauvoo
|link=City of Nauvoo/City charter
|sujeto=Nauvoo city charter
|link=City of Nauvoo/Nauvoo Expositor
|sujeto=Nauvoo Expositor
|link=The Council of Fifty
|sujeto=The Council of Fifty
==José Smith and polygamy==
|link=José Smith/Polygamy
|sujeto=José Smith and polygamy
==Death of José Smith==
|link=José Smith/Martyrdom
|link=José Smith/Martyrdom/Joseph fired a gun
|sujeto=Joseph fired a gun
|sumario=Was José Smith actually not a martyr because, while in jail, he had a gun and he had the temerity to defend himself? Did Joseph kill two men by firing at the mob?
|link=José Smith/Martyrdom/Hiding Joseph's gun
|sujeto=Hiding Joseph's gun?
|sumario=It is claimed that the Church has tried to hide the fact that Joseph fired a pepperbox pistol at the mob which murdered Hyrum and was soon to kill him, despite the fact that the gun is on display at the Church History museum.
|link=José Smith/Martyrdom/Nauvoo Legion to rescue Joseph
|sujeto=Nauvoo Legion to rescue Joseph?
|sumario=Did Joseph panic at Carthage Jail, and write an order to Jonathan Dunham (head of the Nauvoo legion), telling him to have the Legion attack the jail and "save him at all costs?"
|link=José Smith/Martyrdom/Masonic cry of distress
|sujeto=Masonic distress cry
|sumario=Just before he died, did José Smith begin to give the Masonic cry of distress?
|link=José Smith/Martyrdom/Removed garments
|sujeto=Removed garments prior to leaving for Carthage
|sumario=Critics have claimed that Joseph and others with him removed their garments prior for leaving for Carthage in order to avoid identification as polygamists. What was the real reason for this?
==Other critical claims related to José Smith==
|link=José Smith/Office of the Holy Ghost
|sujeto=José Smith and the "office of the Holy Ghost"
|sumario=Did certain Church leaders say that José Smith was the Holy Ghost or that he "held the office of Holy Ghost?"
|link=José Smith/Status in LDS belief
|sujeto=What is José Smith's role in LDS belief?
|sumario=Did Church leaders claim that Joseph had the right to "approve whether or not someone gets into heaven," rather than Jesus Christ? Do Latter-day Saints worship José Smith?
|link=José Smith/Moon inhabited
|sujeto=José Smith and inhabitants of the moon
|sumario=Did Joseph claim that the moon was inhabited?
|link=José Smith/Garden of Eden in Missouri
|sujeto=Garden of Eden in Missouri
|sumario=Is it true Mormons believe the original Garden of Eden was located in Missouri? What can you tell me about this?
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Revisión actual del 22:11 26 oct 2017

Tabla de Contenidos

José Smith

Saltar a subtema:


Antecedentes familiares de Joseph Smith

Saltar a subtema:


El carácter de José Smith

Saltar a subtema:


Narcisismo supuesta de José Smith

Saltar a subtema:

Búsqueda del tesoro, el dinero de excavación y José Smith

Saltar a subtema:

La relación entre la piedra vidente de José y el Urim y Tumim

Sumario: Joseph Smith used the Nephite Interpreters as well as his own seer stone (both of which were later referred to as "Urim and Thummim") to translate the Book of Mormon.

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La Primera Visión de José Smith

Sumario: La afirmación de José Smith que él vio al Padre y al Hijo en el año 1820 se ha producido una gran variedad de críticas. Este conjunto de artículos se ocupa de las diversas reclamaciones críticos relacionados con la Primera Visión. Los artículos vinculados a continuación están diseñados para ayudar a los lectores a ver algunos de los puntos débiles que se encuentran en los argumentos que se hacen en contra de las cuentas de la Primera Visión de José Smith. Algunos de estos argumentos en la actualidad están siendo defendidos en la literatura anti-mormona que se entrega cerca de la Arboleda Sagrada, en Palmyra, Nueva York.

Saltar a subtema:

José Smith y lo "oculto" o "magia"

Sumario: Citando las experiencias de José Smith con la magia popular, la búsqueda de tesoros y piedras videntes, se afirma que las experiencias espirituales de José Smith eran originalmente productos de la magia y el ocultismo. Algunos cobran que sólo mucho más tarde hizo José readaptar sus experiencias en cristiano, términos religiosos: hablar de Dios, los ángeles y la Profecía y no en términos de la magia, los guardianes del tesoro y la adivinación. También se afirma que un "vagabundo adivino" llamado Walters se hizo popular en la zona de Palmira, y que cuando Walters salió de la zona ", su manto cayó sobre" José Smith.

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José Smith como traductor

Sumario: Se afirma que José Smith afirmó que traducir otros textos o artículos, que se pueden contrastarse traducciones académicas modernas. Afirman que este "control cruzado" demuestra que José no podría haber traducido el Libro de Mormón o de otros textos antiguos.

Saltar a subtema:

La Traducción de José Smith de la Santa Biblia

Saltar a subtema:

José Smith y milagros

Saltar a subtema:

José Smith y el sacerdocio

Saltar a subtema:

José Smith como profeta

Saltar a subtema:

José Smith y asuntos legales

Sumario: ¿Qué me puede decir acerca de los problemas de José Smith con la ley?

Saltar a subtema:

La Sociedad de Seguridad de Kirtland

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Joseph Smith, la política y el gobierno

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José Smith y la poligamia

Sumario: José Smith es criticado con frecuencia por su introducción y práctica de la poligamia. Desde una perspectiva cristiana, estos ataques suelen centrarse en el argumento de que la poligamia no es cristiana ni bíblica, y que José ocultó la verdad del mundo. Desde una perspectiva secular, se afirma que la práctica de la poligamia brotó de sus deseos carnales de casarse con mujeres jóvenes. De particular interés es el hecho de que José fue sellada a mujeres que ya estaban casadas con otros hombres (poliandria).

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La muerte de José Smith

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La importancia de José Smith en la creencia mormona

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