Diferencia entre revisiones de «El Libro de Mormón/Plantas»

(No se muestran 23 ediciones intermedias de 3 usuarios)
Línea 1: Línea 1:
Critics claim that plants mentioned in the Book of Mormon are not found in the New World, and are thus evidence that Joseph fabricated the text based upon his own cultural background.
|L=El Libro de Mormón/Plantas
|H=Plantas o fibras en el Libro de Mormón
|L1=Cebada en el Libro de Mormón
|L2=Lino en el Libro de Mormón
|L3=Neas en el Libro de Mormón
|L4=Sheum in the Book of Mormon
|L5=Silk in the Book of Mormon
|L6=Wheat in the Book of Mormon
|L7=Wine and grapes in the Book of Mormon
{{:El Libro de Mormón/Plantas/Cebada}}
{{:El Libro de Mormón/Plantas/Lino}}
{{:El Libro de Mormón/Plantas/Neas}}
{{:Book of Mormon/Plants/Sheum}}
{{:Book of Mormon/Plants/Silk}}
{{:Book of Mormon/Plants/Wheat}}
{{:Book of Mormon/Plants/Wine}}
===Source(s) of the Criticism===
{{notas finales}}
*William Edward Biederwolf, ''Mormonism Under the Searchlight'' (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1947).
*Rick Branch, "Nephite Nickels," ''The Utah Evangel'' 29:10 (October 1982): 1.
*Gordon Fraser, ''Is Mormonism Christian?'' (Chicago: Moody Press, 1977), 141.
*Gordon Fraser, ''What Does the Book of Mormon Teach? An Examination of the Historical and Scientific Statements of the Book of Mormon'' (Chicago: Moody Press, 1964), 90.
*M.T. Lamb, ''The Golden Bible, or, The Book of Mormon: Is It From God?'' (New York: Ward & Drummond, 1887), 304.
*Walter Martin, ''Kingdom of the Cults'' (Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1997),
*Latayne Colvett Scott, ''The Mormon Mirage : a former Mormon tells why she left the church'' (Grand Rapids : Zondervan Pub. House, 1979), 82&ndash;84.
*Charles A. Shook, ''Cumorah Revisited...'' (Cincinnati: The Standard Publishing Company, 1910), 382-383.
*James White, ''Letters to a Mormon Elder'' (Southbridge, MA: Crowne, 1990), 139.
Barley in the New World was long a source of anti-Mormon amusement, with one author insisting, "barley never grew in the New World before the white man brought it here!" [Scott, 82.]
[[de:Das Buch Mormon/Pflanzen]]
[[en:Book of Mormon/Plants]]
Unfortunately for Ms. Scott, this is simply false.  New World barley has been known since 1983.{{ref|sorensmith}}
[[pt:O Livro de Mórmon/Anacronismos/Plantas]]
''(i.e. flax)''
:[The Spaniards] encountered and referred to what they considered "linen" or linenlike cloth made from plants other than flax.{{ref|soren1}}
*Bernal Diaz, who served with Cortez in the initial wave of conquest, described native Mexican garments made of "henequen which is like linen." The fiber of the maguey plant, from which henequen was manufactured, closely resembles the flax fiber used to make European linen
*yucca plant fibres makes linen-like cloth
* ixtle (agave) plant fibre makes linen-like cloth
* fig tree bark can be stripped, soaked, and pounded for a cloth with "some of the characteristics of linen."{{ref|soren2}} {{ref|soren3}}
This crop is mentioned but once (See [http://scriptures.lds.org/mosiah/9/9#9 Mosiah 9:9]).  We do not know to what it applied, but this does not count ''against'' the Book of Mormon's claims.
One must credit Joseph Smith with a bullseye on this issue:
:The name rather obviously derives from Akkadian (Babylonian) "she'um," barley (Old Assyrian, wheat), "the most popular ancient Mesopotamian cereal name."{{ref|soren4}}
We do not know to which crop this name was applied, but it is certainly not out of place in an ancient context (See [http://scriptures.lds.org/mosiah/9/9#9 Mosiah 9:9]).  Critics must explain how Joseph Smith chose this word, since Akkadian was not translated until 27 years after the publication of the Book of Mormon.{{ref|roper1}}
''(i.e. mulberry leaves and silkworms)''
The production of Old World "silk" requires both silkworms and the mulberry trees upon whose leaves they feed, which critics have charged is impossible.
However, there are several examples of silk or silk-like fabric in pre-Columbian America:
* wild silkworms do exist, and some commentators insisted that the Amerindians spun and wove it from their coccoons
* hair from rabbit bellies was also spun into a cloth dubbed "silk" by the Spanish conquerors
* floss from the ceiba (silk-cotton) tree was made into a "soft delicate cloth," ''kapok''.
* fibres from the wild pineable were also prized for their ability to be woven into a fine, durable fabric
* cotton cloth in Mexico from A.D. 400 is "even, very fine, and gossamer-thin."{{ref|soren5}}{{ref|soren6}}
===Wine (i.e. grapes)===
:[The Spaniards] spoke of "vineyards," not planted in grapevines but in maguey plants, from which pulque, which they termed "wine," was manufactured. Half a dozen different types of "wine" made from fruits other than grapes were identified by the Spanish explorers...[another researcher also] reports the Opata of northern Mexico used a drink made from native grapes.{{ref|soren7}}
So, there ''were'' grapes locally, as well as several other plant species which produced alcoholic drinks which the Spanish were quite happy to consider 'wine.'
None of the Book of Mormon's plant species causes a problem &mdash; Spanish conquerors described pre-Columbian products in exactly the terms used by the Book of Mormon.  Barley, silkworms, and grapes were known.  One of the terms unknown to Joseph's day (the Akkadian ''sheum'') is impressive evidence for the Book of Mormon's antiquity.
# {{note|sorensmith}} {{reexploring|author=John L. Sorenson and Robert F. Smith|article=Barley in Ancient America|start=130|end=132}}
# {{note|soren1}} John L. Sorenson, "Plants and Animals," in {{FR-6-1-10}}
# {{note|soren2}} {{Aas1|start=232}}{{GL1|url=http://gospelink.com/library/doc?doc_id=263779}}
# {{note|soren3}} {{Ensign1|author=John L. Sorenson|article=Silk and Linen in the Book of Mormon - Book of Mormon Update|date=April 1992|start=62}} {{link|url=http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll/Magazines/Ensign/1992.htm/ensign%20april%201992%20.htm/research%20and%20perspectives%20book%20of%20mormon%20update.htm?fn=document-frame.htm$f=templates$3.0}}
# {{note|soren4}} Sorenson, "Zaputo," 338; citing Robert F. Smith, "Some 'Neologisms' from the Mormon Canon," Conference on the Language of the Mormons 1973, Brigham Young University Language Research Center, 1973, 66.]{{link|url=http://farms.byu.edu/display.php?table=review&id=142}}
# {{note|roper1}} Matt Roper, "Right on Target: Boomerang Hits and the Book of Mormon," FAIR Presentation, 2001. {{fairlink|url=http://www.fairlds.org/pubs/conf/2001RopM.html}}
#{{note|soren5}} {{Aas1|start=232}}{{GL1|url=http://gospelink.com/library/doc?doc_id=263779}}
# {{note|soren6}} Sorenson, ''Ensign'' (April 1992): 62.{{link|url=http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll/Magazines/Ensign/1992.htm/ensign%20april%201992%20.htm/research%20and%20perspectives%20book%20of%20mormon%20update.htm?fn=document-frame.htm$f=templates$3.0}}
#{{note|soren7}} Sorenson, "Zaputo," 335-336.
==Further reading==
===FAIR wiki articles===
{{Book of Mormon anachronisms}}
===FAIR web site===
* Matthew Roper, "Right on Target: Boomerang Hits and the Book of Mormon" {{fairlink|url=http://www.fairlds.org/pubs/conf/2001RopM.html}}
===External links===
*{{Ensign1|author=John L. Sorenson|article=Silk and Linen in the Book of Mormon - Book of Mormon Update|date=April 1992|start=62}} {{link|url=http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll/Magazines/Ensign/1992.htm/ensign%20april%201992%20.htm/research%20and%20perspectives%20book%20of%20mormon%20update.htm?fn=document-frame.htm$f=templates$3.0}}
===Printed material===
* John L. Sorenson, "Plants and Animals," in {{FR-6-1-10}}{{GL1|url=http://gospelink.com/library/doc?doc_id=288327}}{{GL1|url=http://gospelink.com/library/doc?doc_id=288327}}
*{{reexploring|author=John L. Sorenson and Robert F. Smith|article=Barley in Ancient America|start=130|end=132}}{{GL1|url=http://gospelink.com/library/doc?doc_id=296829}}
*{{reexploring|author=John W. Welch|article=Possible 'Silk' and 'Linen' in the Book of Mormon|start=162|end=164}}{{GL1|url=http://gospelink.com/library/doc?doc_id=296838}}

Revisión actual del 18:42 4 feb 2018

Tabla de Contenidos

Plantas o fibras en el Libro de Mormón

Saltar a subtema:

Cebada en el Libro de Mormón

Saltar a subtema:

Lino en el Libro de Mormón

Saltar a subtema:

Neas en el Libro de Mormón

Saltar a subtema:

Book of Mormon/Plants/Sheum Book of Mormon/Plants/Silk Book of Mormon/Plants/Wheat Book of Mormon/Plants/Wine
