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==Pregunta: ¿El sacerdocio de Jesús no era 'transferible' a los miembros de la Iglesia?==
|H=Fue el sacerdocio en poder de Jesús no sacerdocio 'transferible' a los miembros de la Iglesia?
===The Bible supports that Latter-day Saints position that the Priesthood is the authority God has given man to perform the ordinances===
Se afirma que sólo Jesús tenía el sacerdocio, y que tal sacerdocio no es "transferible" a los miembros de la Iglesia.
It is claimed that only Jesus held the priesthood, and that such priesthood was not 'transferable' to members of the Church. However, the claim that priesthood is non-transferrable fails on linguistic, scriptural, scholarly, and logical grounds.
== ==
The Bible supports that Latter-day Saints position that the Priesthood is the authority God has given man to perform the ordinances (e.g. baptism, sacrament, sealing, etc.) that Jesus has declared to be necessary, in order that the atonement may have full effect in our lives.
{{designación conclusión}}
La afirmación de que el sacerdocio no es transferible falla por razones lingüísticas, escriturales, académicos y lógicas.
===The claim that the priesthood is not transferable is based upon old scholarship===
In Bauer's Greek-English lexicon, we read:
La Biblia apoya que los Santos de los Últimos Días posición que el sacerdocio es la autoridad que Dios ha dado al hombre para llevar a cabo las ordenanzas (por ejemplo, el bautismo, la Santa Cena, sellado, etc) que Jesús ha declarado que es necesario, con el fin de que la expiación puede tener plena efectuar en nuestras vidas.
:''Aparabatos'', on (see parabaino; belonging to later Greek [Phryn. 313 Lob];not LXX) {{b||Hebrews|7|24}} usually interpreted 'without a successor'.  But this meaning is found nowhere else.  ''Aparabatos'' rather has the sense of permanent, unchangeable" [followed by citations].<ref>Reference "aparabatos," in Walter Bauer and Frederick William Danker (editors), ''A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature '', 3rd edition, (Urbana and Chicago, University Of Chicago Press, 2001), 97. ISBN 0226039331.</ref>
===La afirmación de que el sacerdocio no es transferible está basada en la erudición antigua===
Thus, it is the ''priesthood'' which is unchangeable, rather than being non-transferable.  Claims that the priesthood is not transferable are not supported by the Biblical text.  Rather, the priesthood is a permanent and necessary part of the Church&mdash;any Church claiming it is unnecessary does not meet the Biblical model.
En Bauer Léxico Griego-Inglés, leemos:
The ten-volume ''Theological Dictionary of the New Testament'' agrees, in which the word ''aparabatos'' is discussed:
:'' Aparabatos'', en (ver parabaino; perteneciente al griego posterior [Phryn 313 Lob.]; No LXX) Hebreos 7:24 generalmente interpretado "sin un sucesor». Pero este significado se encuentra en ninguna otra parte. '''' Aparabatos lugar tiene la sensación de permanente, inmutable "[seguido de citas]. <ref>Reference "aparabatos," in Walter Bauer and Frederick William Danker (editors), ''A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature '', 3rd edition, (Urbana and Chicago, University Of Chicago Press, 2001), 97. ISBN 0226039331.</ref>
:This is a rare word found only in later Greek.... Its usual sense is 'unchangeable,' 'immutable.'"
Por lo tanto, es el'''' sacerdocio que es inmutable, en lugar de ser intransferible. Las afirmaciones de que el sacerdocio no es transferible, no son compatibles con el texto bíblico. Más bien, el sacerdocio es una parte permanente y necesaria de la Iglesia&mdash;cualquier Iglesia afirmando que es innecesaria no cumple con el modelo bíblico.
:[after giving examples from secular literature: Plutarch, Josephus, Epictetus, etc]
El diez volúmenes Diccionario'' Teológico del Nuevo Testamento'' está de acuerdo, en el que se discute la palabra'''' aparabatos:  
: Esta es una palabra rara que sólo se encuentra en el griego posterior .... Su sentido usual es "inmutable", "inmutable".
: [después de dar ejemplos de literatura secular: Plutarco, Josefo, Epicteto, etc]
: Hebreos 7.24 dice de Cristo que, como Él permanece a la eternidad Él tiene un sacerdocio inmutable e imperecedero. En lugar de los pasivos "inmutables" [743] muchos expositores sugerir el sentido activo "que no puede ser transferida a otro;" '. Cristo tiene un sacerdocio que no puede ser transferida a cualquier otra persona "[citando Bengel] Se trata de una interpretación natural y los rendimientos un buen sentido, pero no encaja realmente el contexto. debemos mantener a la prestación "inmutable", tanto más cuanto que el sentido activo no está atestiguada en otros lugares. "  (742-3). <ref>Gerhard Kittel and Gerhard Friedrich (editors), Geoffrey W. Bromiley (translator), ''Theological Dictionary of the New Testament'' (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1993), 5: 742-743. </ref>
:Hebrews 7.24 says of Christ that because He remains to eternity He has an unchangeable and imperishable priesthood. Instead of the passive 'unchangeable' [743] many expositors suggest the active sense 'which cannot be transferred to another;" 'Christ has a priesthood which cannot be transferred to anyone else' [citing Bengel].  This is a natural interpretation and yields a good sense, but it does not really fit the context. We should keep to the rendering 'unchangeable,' the more so as the active sense is not attested elsewhere."  (742-3).<ref>Gerhard Kittel and Gerhard Friedrich (editors), Geoffrey W. Bromiley (translator), ''Theological Dictionary of the New Testament'' (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1993), 5: 742-743. </ref>
La declaración " da un buen sentido ' , sugiere que los que optan por que la traducción está probablemente haciendo por razones teológicas , razones no gramaticales o lingüísticas ; y el autor '' '' TDNT vota en contra de esta elección .
The statement 'yields a good sense' suggests that those who choose that translation are probably doing so for theological reasons, not grammatical or linguistic reasons; and the ''TDNT'' author is voting against such a choice.
En una reseña del libro de Walter Martin, '' El laberinto del mormonismo '' , en la que Martin basa su argumento en contra del Sacerdocio de Melquisedec en la interpretación de " inmutable " ser " , no transferible y Richard Lloyd Anderson nos informa que :
In a review of Walter Martin's book, ''The Maze of Mormonism'', in which Martin bases his argument against the Melchizedek Priesthood on the interpretation of "unchangeable" being "non-transferable, Richard Lloyd Anderson informs us that:
: En lugar de tratar a las descripciones de los actos o cartas pastorales relativas a la concesión de la autoridad apostólica sobre los demás, Martin prefiere basar su caso en una traducción dudosa de Hebreos 7:24 , manteniendo que el sacerdocio de Cristo es " intransferible ". Pero su vendimia 1889 de la citación del léxico de Thayer para este uso está de lleno en contradicción con las mejores autoridades en el campo . El léxico de Arndt- Gingrich ( de acuerdo con Moulton - Milligan ) le ofrece más de una docena de usos seculares de la época para mostrar que el término en cuestión ('' '') aparabatos "más tiene el sentido permanente , inmutable. " El punto del pasaje no es que el sacerdocio de Cristo no puede ser transferido , pero que de forma permanente se mantiene superior, al igual que él , a toda otra autoridad. <ref>{{BYUS1|author=Richard Lloyd Anderson|start=60|num=1|vol=6|date=Autumn 1964|article=Book Review of Walter Martin's ''The Maze of Mormonism''}}{{GL1|url=http://gospelink.com/library/doc?book_doc_id=283375}}</ref>
:Instead of treating descriptions in the Acts or Pastoral Letters concerning the bestowal of apostolic authority on others, Martin prefers to base his case on a dubious translation of Hebrews 7:24, maintaining that Christ's priesthood is "untransferable." But his vintage 1889 citation from Thayer's lexicon for this use is squarely contradicted by the best authorities in the field. The lexicon of Arndt-Gingrich (in agreement with Moulton-Milligan) gives more than a dozen secular uses of the period to show that the term in question (''aparabatos'') "rather has the sense permanent, unchangeable." The point of the passage is not that Christ's priesthood cannot be transferred, but that it permanently remains superior, as does he, to all other authority.<ref>{{BYUS1|author=Richard Lloyd Anderson|start=60|num=1|vol=6|date=Autumn 1964|article=[https://byustudies.byu.edu/showTitle.aspx?title=8938 Book Review of Walter Martin's ''The Maze of Mormonism'']}}</ref>
Así que vemos que es incorrecto interpretar "inmutable" como "intransferible".
So we see that it is incorrect to interpret "unchangeable" as "non-transferable."
===Pruebas adicionales===  
===Additional evidence===  
: La comprensión cristiana más bien tarde que Jesús sería el último sumo sacerdote de la orden de Melquisedec (. Ver Hebreo 07:24, lectura marginal no 5 en la mayoría de las traducciones Reina-Valera) se basa en una interpretación errónea de la palabra griega que hace aparabaton no significa "intransmisible" sino que significa "inamovible" cuando se refiere al sacerdocio de Jesús. <ref>{{BYUS1|author=S. Kent Brown|start=56|start=56|vol=23|num=1|article=The Dead Sea Scrolls: a Mormon Perspective|date=Winter 1983}}{{GL1|url=http://gospelink.com/library/doc?book_doc_id=282571}}</ref>
:The rather late Christian understanding that Jesus would be the last High Priest of the Melchizedek order (see Hebrew 7:24, marginal reading no. 5 in most King James Version translations) is based on an erroneous interpretation of the Greek word aparabaton which does not mean "intransmissible" but means "unchangeable" when referring to Jesus' priesthood.<ref>{{BYUS1|author=S. Kent Brown|start=56|start=56|vol=23|num=1|article=[https://byustudies.byu.edu/showtitle.aspx?title=5562 The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Mormon Perspective]|date=Winter 1983}}</ref>
y :
: Promesas de Dios a Abraham se extienden a todos los que vienen a Cristo : Jesús era un sacerdote según el orden de Melquisedec , que era el sacerdote que bendijo a Abraham , en sus lomos era Leví. La superioridad del sacerdocio de Melquisedec de Cristo sobre el sacerdocio levítico y la Ley de Moisés se desarrolla en el capítulo 7 . Melquisedec era un tipo de Cristo . Su sacerdocio era más duradero que el sacerdocio levítico , que se limitaba a líneas de sangre y no se le dio con un juramento y cuyos sacerdotes no continuó debido a la muerte y la renovación diaria necesaria ( Heb. 07:03 , 21, 23 , 27 ) . El orden de Melquisedec del sacerdocio , sin embargo , fue dirigida por Jesucristo, que , a diferencia del sumo sacerdote según la Ley de Moisés, en el Día de la Expiación ( Lev. 16:04 ), no tiene que "ofrecer sacrificios por sus propios pecados , porque él no conocía los pecados "( JST Heb . 7:26) . Su sacerdocio era '' aparabatos '' significa " permanente , inmutable e incomparable " ( Heb. 7:24) . Ningún otro sacerdocio tendrá éxito él. Será el poder permanente de la salvación y la vida eterna dentro de la iglesia de Cristo para siempre (ver{{TPJS1|start=166, 322}}). <ref>{{EoM1|vol=2|article=Epistle to the Hebrews|author=Richard D. Draper}}{{link1|url=http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=/EoM&CISOPTR=4391&CISOSHOW=3634}}</ref>
:God's promises to Abraham are extended to all who come unto Christ: Jesus was a priest after the order of Melchizedek, who was the priest who blessed Abraham, in whose loins was Levi. The superiority of Christ's Melchizedek Priesthood over the Levitical priesthood and the Law of Moses is developed in chapter 7. Melchizedek was a type of Christ. His priesthood was more enduring than the Levitical priesthood, which was limited to blood lines and was not given with an oath and whose priests did not continue because of death and needed daily renewal ({{b||Heb.|7|3,21,23,27}}). The Melchizedek order of priesthood, however, was directed by Jesus Christ, who, unlike the high priest under the Law of Moses on the annual Day of Atonement ({{b||Lev.|16|4}}), did not need to "offer sacrifice for his own sins, for he knew no sins" (JST Heb. 7:26). His priesthood was ''aparabatos'' meaning "permanent, unchangeable, and incomparable" ({{s||Heb.|7|24}}). No other priesthood will succeed it. It will be the permanent power of salvation and eternal lives within Christ's church forever more<ref>Article here cites {{TPJS1|start=166,322}}</ref>.<ref>{{EoM1|vol=2|article=[http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Hebrews,_Epistle_to_the Hebrews, Epistle to the]|author=Richard D. Draper}}</ref>
===Modernos traducciones de la Biblia===
===Modern Bible translations===
Las versiones más modernas de la Biblia están de acuerdo con esta interpretación.  
More modern versions of the Bible agree with this interpretation.
, Hebreos 7:24 (NVI)
:.'' pero como Jesús permanece para siempre, tiene un sacerdocio permanente'''''' (énfasis añadido)
, Hebreos 7:24 (NVI)  
;Hebrews 7:24 (NIV)
:.'' pero Jesús, por otro lado, por cuanto permanece para siempre, tiene un sacerdocio permanente'''''' (el subrayado es nuestro)  
:''but because Jesus lives forever, he has a ''permanent'' priesthood.'' (emphasis added)
, Hebreos 7:24 (RSV)  
;Hebrews 7:24 (NASB)
:.'' pero él posee un sacerdocio perpetuo porque permanece para siempre'' (el subrayado es nuestro)
:''but Jesus, on the other hand, because He continues forever, holds His priesthood ''permanently''.'' (emphasis added)
;Hebrews 7:24 (RSV)
:''but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues for ever.'' (emphasis added)
La interpretación de "inmutable" significa "no transferible" no resiste a las Escrituras, la doctrina correcta, la erudición bíblica, o terminología griega.  
The interpretation of "unchangeable" to mean "non-transferable" does not stand up to scripture, correct doctrine, Biblical scholarship, or Greek terminology.
'' Para un examen de las enseñanzas bíblicas acerca de la autoridad del sacerdocio, ver el artículo:'' [[¿Qué enseña la Biblia acerca del sacerdocio | ¿Qué enseña la Biblia acerca del sacerdocio?]].
{{Main|What does the Bible teach about priesthood|l1=What does the Bible teach about priesthood?}}
===¿Por qué la oposición al sacerdocio?===
===Why the opposition to priesthood?===
It is understandable that creedal Protestant Christians (who make up the vast majority of sectarian anti-Mormons) desperately need the priesthood, as understood by Latter-day Saints, to be non-existent today. The whole idea of authority, direct from God, being necessary for the saving ordinances of mankind, completely undermines and destroys the traditionally accepted doctrine that one is "saved by faith alone." It also completely destroys their own claims to authority, since they are the result of a break-off from the Roman Catholic faith.
Es comprensible que los cristianos protestantes de credo ( que constituyen la gran mayoría de los sectarios anti-mormones ) necesitan desesperadamente el sacerdocio , tal como lo entienden los Santos de los Últimos Días , siendo inexistente en la actualidad. Toda la idea de la autoridad, directamente de Dios, que es necesario que las ordenanzas de salvación de la humanidad , completamente socava y destruye la doctrina tradicionalmente aceptada de que uno es "salvado por la fe. " También destruye por completo sus propias pretensiones de autoridad , ya que son el resultado de una ruptura -off de la fe católica romana.
If the Catholics did not have the priesthood authority, then the Protestants cannot have taken it with them. Hence, they are anxious to claim a "priesthood of all believers," or claim priesthood isn't needed at all.
Si los católicos no tienen la autoridad del sacerdocio, a continuación, los protestantes pueden no lo han tomado con ellos. Por lo tanto , ellos están ansiosos por reclamar un "sacerdocio de todos los creyentes ", o sacerdocio reclamación no se necesita en absoluto.
If the Catholics ''did'' have the authority, then Protestants were wrong to leave in the first place.
And, the Church rejected the view that the priesthood was "non-transferrable." Biblical scholarship has now "caught up" to this view, but Joseph Smith had it right in the first place.
Si los católicos '' sí '' tienen la autoridad , a continuación, los protestantes se equivocaron al dejar en el primer lugar .
===Reading Hebrews 7:24===
Y , la Iglesia rechazó la opinión de que el sacerdocio era " intransferible ". Erudición bíblica ha now " arrebatados" a este punto de vista , pero José Smith estaba en lo cierto en el primer lugar .
===Analizando Hebreos 07:24===
As seen above, most of the argument against the LDS doctrine of priesthood is based upon {{b||Hebrews|7|24}}:
Como se ha visto anteriormente, la mayoría de los argumentos en contra de la doctrina SUD de sacerdocio está basado en {{s||Hebreos|7|24}}:
:But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an ''unchangeable'' priesthood.{{ea}}  
:Pero éste, por cuanto permanece para siempre, tiene un sacerdocio ''inmutable''.{{ea}}
Some Christians interpret the word "unchangeable" as meaning non-transferable. Therefore, they say, the Priesthood that Christ held (the Melchizedek Priesthood) could not be transferred to anyone. But, as we have seen, this relies on an out-dated reading of the Greek.  Such a view was defensible in the 19th century; it can no longer be sustained.
Algunos cristianos interpretan la palabra "inmutable" en el sentido de no transferibles. Por lo tanto, dicen, el sacerdocio que Cristo llevó a cabo (el Sacerdocio de Melquisedec) no podía ser transferida a cualquier persona. Pero, como hemos visto, esto se basa en una lectura fuera de fecha del griego. Este punto de vista era defendible en el siglo 19; ya no puede ser sostenida.
But, even if we grant this obsolete reading, could this be the correct interpretation? If so, there is a glaring contradiction within this very chapter, for verse twelve says the priesthood has changed:
Pero, incluso si aceptamos esta lectura obsoleta, ¿podría ser la interpretación correcta? Si es así, hay una clara contradicción dentro de este mismo capítulo, para el verso doce, dice que el sacerdocio ha cambiado:
:''For the priesthood ''being changed'', there is made of necessity ''a change'' also of the law.''({{b||Hebrews|7|12}}) {{ea}}
:Pues cambiado el sacerdocio, necesario es que se cambie también la ley.({{s||Hebreos|7|12}}) {{ea}}
Either the priesthood is transferable (changeable), from Christ to others, or it is not. Which verse are we to believe? Let's take a closer look at this "unchangeable" priesthood in {{b||Hebrews|7|11-24}}:
O bien el sacerdocio es transferible (variable), de Cristo a los demás, o no lo es. ¿Cuál versículo debemos creer? Echemos un vistazo más de cerca a este sacerdocio "inmutable" en {{s||Hebreos|7|11-24}}:
* ''11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical (Aaronic) priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) ''
* ''11 Si, pues, la perfección fuera por el sacerdocio levítico (porque bajo él recibió el pueblo la ley),''
(under the Aaronic priesthood, the people received the law of Moses -- an eye for an eye)
(bajo el sacerdocio de Aarón, recibió el pueblo la ley de Moisés - ojo por ojo)
* ''what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron? ''
* ''¿qué necesidad habría aún de que se levantase otro sacerdote, según el orden de Melquisedec, y que no fuese llamado según el orden de Aarón?''
(Those that hold the authority of the higher, or Melchizedek Priesthood, also hold the authority of the lessor, or the Aaronic Priesthood)
(Aquellos que tienen la autoridad del superior, o Sacerdocio de Melquisedec, también posee la autoridad del arrendador o del Sacerdocio Aarónico)
* ''12 For the priesthood being changed, ''
* ''12 Pues cambiado el sacerdocio, ''
(Here is a glaring contradiction to what the some Christians claim, for it clearly says the priesthood "changed." Let's continue to examine just what changed, and what the term means in context.)
(Aquí hay una clara contradicción a lo que los cristianos afirman algunos, porque dice claramente el sacerdocio "cambió". Vamos a continuar para examinar exactamente lo que ha cambiado, y lo que significa el término en su contexto.)
* ''there is made of necessity a change also of the law.''
* necesario es que se cambie también la ley.
(The Law of Moses changed, not the priesthood. In other words, when Christ came, he gave a higher law. For example, the law was no longer an "eye for an eye," it was "turn the other cheek." Along with this higher law, came a higher priesthood, which is what is meant by "changed.")
(La Ley de Moisés cambió, no el sacerdocio. En otras palabras, cuando Cristo vino, él dio una ley superior. Por ejemplo, la ley ya no era un "ojo por ojo", que era "poner la otra mejilla." Junto a esta ley superior, se produjo un sacerdocio mayor, que es lo que se entiende por "cambiado".)
* ''13 For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe, of which no man gave attendance at the altar. 14 For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood. ''
* ''13 Porque aquel de quien se dice esto es de otra tribu, de la cual nadie ofició en el altar. ''
(Moses did not speak about the Melchizedek Priesthood and the higher law, which the Lord had, but he did speak of the Aaronic Priesthood, or the lower law.)
(Moisés no habló sobre el Sacerdocio de Melquisedec y de la ley superior, lo que el Señor había hecho, pero él hablaba del Sacerdocio Aarónico, o la ley inferior.)
* ''15 And it is yet far more evident: for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest, ''
* ''15 Y aun es más evidente, si a semejanza de Melquisedec se levanta otro sacerdote, ''
(This priest is Jesus Christ)
(Este sacerdote es Jesucristo)
* ''16 Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, ''
* ''16 que no es hecho conforme a la ley del mandamiento carnal acerca de la descendencia,  ''
(The Law of Moses&mdash;An Eye for an Eye)
(La Ley de Moisés&mdash;Ojo por Ojo)
* ''but after the power of an endless life. ''
* ''sino según el poder de una vida indestructible; ''
(The higher law, which Christ brought, which will lead us to eternal life.)
(La ley superior, que Cristo ha traído, que nos llevará a la vida eterna.)
* ''17 For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.''
* ''17 pues se da testimonio de él: Tú eres sacerdote para siempre, según el orden de Melquisedec.''
(Christ, and the priesthood authority He holds -- the Melchizedek Priesthood -- is eternal -- without end.)
(Cristo, y la autoridad del sacerdocio Tiene - Sacerdocio de Melquisedec - es eterno - sin fin.)
* ''18 For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof. ''
* ''18 El mandamiento anterior de cierto queda abrogado por su debilidad e inutilidad; ''
(The Law of Moses was abolished with the institution of the higher Law brought by Christ.)
(La ley de Moisés fue abolida con la institución de la Ley superior traída por Cristo.)
* ''19 For the law [Mosaic Law] made nothing perfect ''
* ''19 porque nada perfeccionó la ley [La ley de Moisés], ''
(We could not become perfect as our Father in Heaven commanded us to be by obedience to the
Mosaic Law, for it does not contain the authority for the saving ordinances of salvation&mdash;the "keys" to bind in heaven and on earth, or in today's terminology, temple ordinances)
(No pudimos llegar a ser perfectos como nuestro Padre Celestial nos ha ordenado que por la obediencia a la Ley de Moisés, para que no contiene la autoridad de las ordenanzas de salvación de la salvación&mdash;las "claves" para atar en los cielos y en la tierra, o en la terminología, las ordenanzas del templo de hoy)
* ''but the bringing in of a better hope did;''
* ''sino que logró la introducción de una mejor esperanza, ''
(A better hope, or a higher law, which brought the authority for the saving ordinances)
(Una mejor esperanza, o una ley superior, que reunió la autoridad de las ordenanzas de salvación)
* ''by the which we draw nigh unto God.''
* ''por la cual nos acercamos a Dios.''
(It is through this higher law, by partaking of the temple ordinances, that we can "draw nigh" unto God, or become like Him, which is to "be perfect" {as God is perfect} as He commanded us&mdash;Matthew 5:48.)
(Es a través de esta ley superior, al participar de las ordenanzas del templo, que podemos "acercarnos" a Dios, o llegar a ser como Él, que es el de "ser perfecto" {como Dios es perfecto} como Él nos mandó&mdash;Mateo5:48.)
* ''20 And inasmuch as not without an oath he was made priest:''
* ''20 Y esto no fue hecho sin juramento''
(This is in reference to the oath and covenant of the priesthood.)
(Esto es en referencia al juramento y el convenio del sacerdocio.)
* ''21 (For those priests''
* ''21 (porque en verdad los otros sin juramento fueron hechos sacerdotes;
(The priests of the Aaronic, or Levitical, priesthood)
(The priests of the Aaronic, or Levitical, priesthood)
* ''were made without an oath;''
* ''pero éste, con el juramento del que le dijo:
(The Aaronic, or lessor, priesthood, does not require an oath or covenant.)
(El Aarónico, o el arrendador, el sacerdocio, no requiere un juramento o pacto.)
* ''but this [This = Higher, or Melchizedek Priesthood] with an oath''
Ezra Taft Benson discussed this idea:
Ezra Taft Benson discussed this idea:
:. "Cuando un poseedor del sacerdocio toma sobre sí el Sacerdocio de Melquisedec, lo hace por el juramento y el convenio Esto no es así con el Sacerdocio Aarónico El convenio del Sacerdocio de Melquisedec es que un poseedor del sacerdocio en magnificar su llamamiento en el sacerdocio, será. presten atención diligente a los mandamientos de Dios, y vivirá de toda palabra que procede "de la boca de Dios" (véase D. y C. 84:33-44). el juramento del Sacerdocio de Melquisedec es una promesa irrevocable de Dios para los poseedores del sacerdocio fieles . "Todo lo que mi Padre tiene le será dado para ellos" (ver {{s||DC|84|38}}). Este juramento por la Deidad, junto con el pacto por los poseedores del sacerdocio fieles, se le conoce como el juramento y convenio del sacerdocio ". <ref>{{TETB1|start=223}}</ref>
:"When a priesthood holder takes upon himself the Melchizedek Priesthood, he does so by oath and covenant. This is not so with the Aaronic Priesthood. The covenant of the Melchizedek Priesthood is that a priesthood holder will magnify his calling in the priesthood, will give diligent heed to the commandments of God, and will live by every word which proceeds "from
the mouth of God" (see {{s||D&C|84|33-44}}). The oath of the Melchizedek Priesthood is an irrevocable promise by God to faithful priesthood holders. "All that my Father hath shall be given unto them" (see {{s||D&C|84|38}}). This oath by Deity, coupled with the covenant by faithful priesthood holders, is referred to as the oath and covenant of the priesthood."<ref>{{TETB1|start=223}}</ref>
* ''Juró el Señor, y no se arrepentirá: Tú eres sacerdote para siempre, según el orden de Melquisedec);''
(El Sacerdocio de Melquisedec es eterno)
* ''22  22 por tanto, Jesús es hecho fiador de un convenio mejor. 23 Y de cierto hubo muchos sacerdotes, debido a que por la muerte no podían continuar. 24 Pero éste, por cuanto permanece para siempre, tiene un sacerdocio inmutable.''  
* ''by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:)''  
(En el contexto, este verso (24) que algunos cristianos utilizan para tratar de argumentar en contra del sacerdocio, dice que desde que Jesús Cristo es eterno, por lo que es la autoridad que Él ha hecho. Es esta misma autoridad que Cristo transmitió a los Apóstoles, y ellos, transmitió a los demás en la Iglesia.)
(The Melchizedek Priesthood is eternal)
:'' Esta explicación debe dejar claro que la ley, o maestro de escuela (ver Gálatas 3:24), para conducir al pueblo a Cristo fue administrado por el Aarónico o Levítico, Sacerdocio. Sin embargo, la perfección no se puede obtener a través de este sacerdocio solo, como se explica Paul. Por lo tanto, era necesario para que el Señor envíe otro sacerdote según el orden de Melquisedec. Así pues, el sacerdocio siendo cambiado, no había "necesidad de un cambio también de la ley."'' <ref>{{MWW1|start=84}}</ref>
* ''22 By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament.  23 And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death: 24 But this man (Jesus Christ), because he continueth ever, [Eternal] hath an unchangeable [Eternal] priesthood.''  
La plenitud del Evangelio de Jesucristo, por lo tanto, se introdujo por él para ocupar el lugar de la ley de Moisés. Pero, esto no significa que la transferencia del sacerdocio para la humanidad tiene o debe cesar. De hecho, las acciones de Jesús en la Biblia, y la conducta de los apóstoles después de su resurrección, muestran [[Mormonism_and_priesthood / Restauración | precisamente el patrón opuesto.]]
(In context, this verse (24) that some Christians use to try to argue against the priesthood, is saying that since Jesus Christ is eternal, so is the authority He has. It is this same authority that Christ passed on to his Apostles, and they, passed on to others in the Church.)
== ==
:''This explanation should make it plain that the law, or schoolmaster (see {{b||Galatians|3|24}}), to lead the people unto Christ was administered by the Aaronic, or Levitical, Priesthood. However, perfection cannot be obtained through this priesthood alone, as Paul explained. Therefore, it was necessary for the Lord to send another priest after the order of Melchizedek. The priesthood thus being changed, there was "of necessity a change also of the law."''<ref>{{MWW1|start=84}}</ref>
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The fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, therefore, was introduced by him to take the place of the law of Moses.  But, this does not mean that priesthood transfer to mankind has or must cease.  In fact, Jesus actions in the Bible, and the conduct of the apostles after His resurrection, show [[Mormonism_and_priesthood/Restoration|precisely the opposite pattern]].
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[[en:Question: Was the priesthood held by Jesus priesthood not 'transferable' to members of the Church?]]
[[en:Question: Was the priesthood held by Jesus priesthood not 'transferable' to members of the Church?]]

Revisión actual del 10:35 4 mar 2018

Tabla de Contenidos

Pregunta: ¿El sacerdocio de Jesús no era 'transferible' a los miembros de la Iglesia?


The Bible supports that Latter-day Saints position that the Priesthood is the authority God has given man to perform the ordinances

It is claimed that only Jesus held the priesthood, and that such priesthood was not 'transferable' to members of the Church. However, the claim that priesthood is non-transferrable fails on linguistic, scriptural, scholarly, and logical grounds.

The Bible supports that Latter-day Saints position that the Priesthood is the authority God has given man to perform the ordinances (e.g. baptism, sacrament, sealing, etc.) that Jesus has declared to be necessary, in order that the atonement may have full effect in our lives.

The claim that the priesthood is not transferable is based upon old scholarship

In Bauer's Greek-English lexicon, we read:

Aparabatos, on (see parabaino; belonging to later Greek [Phryn. 313 Lob];not LXX) Hebrews 7:24 usually interpreted 'without a successor'. But this meaning is found nowhere else. Aparabatos rather has the sense of permanent, unchangeable" [followed by citations].[1]

Thus, it is the priesthood which is unchangeable, rather than being non-transferable. Claims that the priesthood is not transferable are not supported by the Biblical text. Rather, the priesthood is a permanent and necessary part of the Church—any Church claiming it is unnecessary does not meet the Biblical model.

The ten-volume Theological Dictionary of the New Testament agrees, in which the word aparabatos is discussed:

This is a rare word found only in later Greek.... Its usual sense is 'unchangeable,' 'immutable.'"
[after giving examples from secular literature: Plutarch, Josephus, Epictetus, etc]
Hebrews 7.24 says of Christ that because He remains to eternity He has an unchangeable and imperishable priesthood. Instead of the passive 'unchangeable' [743] many expositors suggest the active sense 'which cannot be transferred to another;" 'Christ has a priesthood which cannot be transferred to anyone else' [citing Bengel]. This is a natural interpretation and yields a good sense, but it does not really fit the context. We should keep to the rendering 'unchangeable,' the more so as the active sense is not attested elsewhere." (742-3).[2]

The statement 'yields a good sense' suggests that those who choose that translation are probably doing so for theological reasons, not grammatical or linguistic reasons; and the TDNT author is voting against such a choice.

In a review of Walter Martin's book, The Maze of Mormonism, in which Martin bases his argument against the Melchizedek Priesthood on the interpretation of "unchangeable" being "non-transferable, Richard Lloyd Anderson informs us that:

Instead of treating descriptions in the Acts or Pastoral Letters concerning the bestowal of apostolic authority on others, Martin prefers to base his case on a dubious translation of Hebrews 7:24, maintaining that Christ's priesthood is "untransferable." But his vintage 1889 citation from Thayer's lexicon for this use is squarely contradicted by the best authorities in the field. The lexicon of Arndt-Gingrich (in agreement with Moulton-Milligan) gives more than a dozen secular uses of the period to show that the term in question (aparabatos) "rather has the sense permanent, unchangeable." The point of the passage is not that Christ's priesthood cannot be transferred, but that it permanently remains superior, as does he, to all other authority.[3]

So we see that it is incorrect to interpret "unchangeable" as "non-transferable."

Additional evidence

The rather late Christian understanding that Jesus would be the last High Priest of the Melchizedek order (see Hebrew 7:24, marginal reading no. 5 in most King James Version translations) is based on an erroneous interpretation of the Greek word aparabaton which does not mean "intransmissible" but means "unchangeable" when referring to Jesus' priesthood.[4]


God's promises to Abraham are extended to all who come unto Christ: Jesus was a priest after the order of Melchizedek, who was the priest who blessed Abraham, in whose loins was Levi. The superiority of Christ's Melchizedek Priesthood over the Levitical priesthood and the Law of Moses is developed in chapter 7. Melchizedek was a type of Christ. His priesthood was more enduring than the Levitical priesthood, which was limited to blood lines and was not given with an oath and whose priests did not continue because of death and needed daily renewal (Heb. 7:3,21,23,27). The Melchizedek order of priesthood, however, was directed by Jesus Christ, who, unlike the high priest under the Law of Moses on the annual Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:4), did not need to "offer sacrifice for his own sins, for he knew no sins" (JST Heb. 7:26). His priesthood was aparabatos meaning "permanent, unchangeable, and incomparable" (Heb. 7:24). No other priesthood will succeed it. It will be the permanent power of salvation and eternal lives within Christ's church forever more[5].[6]

Modern Bible translations

More modern versions of the Bible agree with this interpretation.

Hebrews 7
24 (NIV)
but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. (emphasis added)
Hebrews 7
24 (NASB)
but Jesus, on the other hand, because He continues forever, holds His priesthood permanently. (emphasis added)
Hebrews 7
24 (RSV)
but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues for ever. (emphasis added)

The interpretation of "unchangeable" to mean "non-transferable" does not stand up to scripture, correct doctrine, Biblical scholarship, or Greek terminology.

Why the opposition to priesthood?

It is understandable that creedal Protestant Christians (who make up the vast majority of sectarian anti-Mormons) desperately need the priesthood, as understood by Latter-day Saints, to be non-existent today. The whole idea of authority, direct from God, being necessary for the saving ordinances of mankind, completely undermines and destroys the traditionally accepted doctrine that one is "saved by faith alone." It also completely destroys their own claims to authority, since they are the result of a break-off from the Roman Catholic faith.

If the Catholics did not have the priesthood authority, then the Protestants cannot have taken it with them. Hence, they are anxious to claim a "priesthood of all believers," or claim priesthood isn't needed at all.

If the Catholics did have the authority, then Protestants were wrong to leave in the first place. And, the Church rejected the view that the priesthood was "non-transferrable." Biblical scholarship has now "caught up" to this view, but Joseph Smith had it right in the first place.

Reading Hebrews 7:24

As seen above, most of the argument against the LDS doctrine of priesthood is based upon Hebrews 7:24:

But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.(énfasis añadido)

Some Christians interpret the word "unchangeable" as meaning non-transferable. Therefore, they say, the Priesthood that Christ held (the Melchizedek Priesthood) could not be transferred to anyone. But, as we have seen, this relies on an out-dated reading of the Greek. Such a view was defensible in the 19th century; it can no longer be sustained.

But, even if we grant this obsolete reading, could this be the correct interpretation? If so, there is a glaring contradiction within this very chapter, for verse twelve says the priesthood has changed:

For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.(Hebrews 7:12) (énfasis añadido)

Either the priesthood is transferable (changeable), from Christ to others, or it is not. Which verse are we to believe? Let's take a closer look at this "unchangeable" priesthood in Hebrews 7:11-24:

  • 11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical (Aaronic) priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,)

(under the Aaronic priesthood, the people received the law of Moses -- an eye for an eye)

  • what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?

(Those that hold the authority of the higher, or Melchizedek Priesthood, also hold the authority of the lessor, or the Aaronic Priesthood)

  • 12 For the priesthood being changed,

(Here is a glaring contradiction to what the some Christians claim, for it clearly says the priesthood "changed." Let's continue to examine just what changed, and what the term means in context.)

  • there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

(The Law of Moses changed, not the priesthood. In other words, when Christ came, he gave a higher law. For example, the law was no longer an "eye for an eye," it was "turn the other cheek." Along with this higher law, came a higher priesthood, which is what is meant by "changed.")

  • 13 For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe, of which no man gave attendance at the altar. 14 For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood.

(Moses did not speak about the Melchizedek Priesthood and the higher law, which the Lord had, but he did speak of the Aaronic Priesthood, or the lower law.)

  • 15 And it is yet far more evident: for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest,

(This priest is Jesus Christ)

  • 16 Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment,

(The Law of Moses—An Eye for an Eye)

  • but after the power of an endless life.

(The higher law, which Christ brought, which will lead us to eternal life.)

  • 17 For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

(Christ, and the priesthood authority He holds -- the Melchizedek Priesthood -- is eternal -- without end.)

  • 18 For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof.

(The Law of Moses was abolished with the institution of the higher Law brought by Christ.)

  • 19 For the law [Mosaic Law] made nothing perfect

(We could not become perfect as our Father in Heaven commanded us to be by obedience to the Mosaic Law, for it does not contain the authority for the saving ordinances of salvation—the "keys" to bind in heaven and on earth, or in today's terminology, temple ordinances)

  • but the bringing in of a better hope did;

(A better hope, or a higher law, which brought the authority for the saving ordinances)

  • by the which we draw nigh unto God.

(It is through this higher law, by partaking of the temple ordinances, that we can "draw nigh" unto God, or become like Him, which is to "be perfect" {as God is perfect} as He commanded us—Matthew 5:48.)

  • 20 And inasmuch as not without an oath he was made priest:

(This is in reference to the oath and covenant of the priesthood.)

  • 21 (For those priests

(The priests of the Aaronic, or Levitical, priesthood)

  • were made without an oath;

(The Aaronic, or lessor, priesthood, does not require an oath or covenant.)

  • but this [This = Higher, or Melchizedek Priesthood] with an oath

Ezra Taft Benson discussed this idea:

"When a priesthood holder takes upon himself the Melchizedek Priesthood, he does so by oath and covenant. This is not so with the Aaronic Priesthood. The covenant of the Melchizedek Priesthood is that a priesthood holder will magnify his calling in the priesthood, will give diligent heed to the commandments of God, and will live by every word which proceeds "from

the mouth of God" (see D&C 84:33-44). The oath of the Melchizedek Priesthood is an irrevocable promise by God to faithful priesthood holders. "All that my Father hath shall be given unto them" (see D&C 84:38). This oath by Deity, coupled with the covenant by faithful priesthood holders, is referred to as the oath and covenant of the priesthood."[7]

  • by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:)

(The Melchizedek Priesthood is eternal)

  • 22 By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament. 23 And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death: 24 But this man (Jesus Christ), because he continueth ever, [Eternal] hath an unchangeable [Eternal] priesthood.

(In context, this verse (24) that some Christians use to try to argue against the priesthood, is saying that since Jesus Christ is eternal, so is the authority He has. It is this same authority that Christ passed on to his Apostles, and they, passed on to others in the Church.)

This explanation should make it plain that the law, or schoolmaster (see Galatians 3:24), to lead the people unto Christ was administered by the Aaronic, or Levitical, Priesthood. However, perfection cannot be obtained through this priesthood alone, as Paul explained. Therefore, it was necessary for the Lord to send another priest after the order of Melchizedek. The priesthood thus being changed, there was "of necessity a change also of the law."[8]

The fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, therefore, was introduced by him to take the place of the law of Moses. But, this does not mean that priesthood transfer to mankind has or must cease. In fact, Jesus actions in the Bible, and the conduct of the apostles after His resurrection, show precisely the opposite pattern.


  1. Reference "aparabatos," in Walter Bauer and Frederick William Danker (editors), A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature , 3rd edition, (Urbana and Chicago, University Of Chicago Press, 2001), 97. ISBN 0226039331.
  2. Gerhard Kittel and Gerhard Friedrich (editors), Geoffrey W. Bromiley (translator), Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1993), 5: 742-743.
  3. Richard Lloyd Anderson, "Book Review of Walter Martin's The Maze of Mormonism," Brigham Young University Studies 6 no. 1 (Autumn 1964), 60.
  4. S. Kent Brown, "The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Mormon Perspective," Brigham Young University Studies 23 no. 1 (Winter 1983), 56.
  5. Article here cites Joseph Smith, Jr., Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, selected by Joseph Fielding Smith, (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1976), 166,322. ISBN 087579243X. off-site (Inglés)
  6. Richard D. Draper, "Hebrews, Epistle to the," in Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 4 vols., edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, (New York, Macmillan Publishing, 1992). off-site (Inglés) off-site (Inglés)
  7. Ezra Taft Benson, Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1988), 223. ISBN 0884946398. GospeLink
  8. LeGrande Richards, A Marvelous Work and a Wonder (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Company, 1976), 84. GospeLink PDF link