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==Pregunta: ¿Cuál es el propósito del templo mormón que se construirá en Independence, Missouri?==
|H=¿Cuál es el papel del templo que se construirá en Independence, Missouri?
===Regarding the building of a temple in Independence, nobody can predict the timetable of the Lord===
¿Qué papel jugará el Templo de la Independencia?
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Regarding the building of a temple in Independence, nobody can predict the timetable of the Lord. Perhaps it would be advantageous for one to apply Biblical principles when it comes to understanding the time and seasons of the Lord, and should read the Bible with regards to this matter of "next generation." After all, as it states in the Bible: And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
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[[File:Independence-missouri-temple-site-766076-gallery.jpg|300px|thumb|right|''Sitio del Templo'' 03 de agosto 1831. Joseph Smith, Jr., profeta y fundador de la Iglesia de Cristo, con otros siete líderes de la Iglesia, dedicada este sitio para el templo en la ciudad de Sión, donde esta Iglesia cree que el Señor vendrá a Su pueblo en los últimos días.]]
===El Horario del Señor===
En cuanto a la construcción de un templo en Independence, nadie puede predecir el tiempo del Señor . Tal vez sería ventajoso para uno para aplicar los principios bíblicos a la hora de entender el tiempo y las estaciones del Señor , y debe leer la Biblia con respecto a este asunto de la " próxima generación". Después de todo, como se dice en la Biblia : Y él les dijo: No os toca a vosotros saber los tiempos o las sazones , que el Padre puso en su sola potestad . ({{s||Hechos|1|7}})
Even if we look at the prophecy in D&C 84 as if the term "this generation" does mean a time frame of about 100 - 120 years (just to give M&J the benefit of the doubt), it still does not mean it is a false prophecy by LDS terms. {{S||D&C|124|49}} states, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, that when I give a commandment to any of the sons of man to do a work unto my name, and those sons of men go with all their might and with all they have to perform that work, and cease not their diligence, and their enemies come upon them and hinder them from performing that work, behold, it behooveth me to require that work no more at the hands of those sons of men, but to accept their offerings." The Latter-Day Saints were driven out of the area by the mobs that violently persecuted them. In light of this scripture, the mobs are responsible for the temple not being built, not the LDS or God. But then, "this generation" could be referring to Latter-Day Saints as a whole, and not only are we still here, but we are growing in number.
Incluso si nos fijamos en la profecía en D. y C. 84 , como si el término "esta generación" significa un período de tiempo de alrededor de 100 - 120 años ( sólo para dar a M & J el beneficio de la duda ) , todavía no significa que sea una falsa profecía de LDS términos. D & C 124:49 declara: " De cierto , de cierto os digo , que cuando doy un mandamiento a cualquiera de los hijos de los hombres para hacer una obra en mi nombre, y los hijos de los hombres a ir con todas sus fuerzas y con toda que tienen que realizar ese trabajo, y dejan sin su diligencia , y sus enemigos vienen sobre ellos y les impiden llevar a cabo ese trabajo, he aquí que me conviene que exigir que el trabajo no más de la mano de los hijos de los hombres , sino a aceptar sus ofertas ". Los Santos de los Últimos Días fueron expulsados ​​de la zona por las turbas que violenta los persiguió . A la luz de esta escritura , las turbas son responsables del templo no se construye , no el LDS o Dios. Pero entonces, "esta generación" podría referirse a los Santos de los Últimos Días en su conjunto, y no sólo estamos todavía aquí , pero estamos creciendo en número.
Some critics of the Church only quote verses {{sv||D&C|84|4}} and {{sv||D&C|84|5}} of D&C 84 in an attempt to demonstrate a "false prophecy" on the part of Joseph Smith. D&C 84 is a revelation on priesthood, as it pertains to temple ordinances. That being the case, there are a few other verses which are significant in understanding this particular temple as revealed in this section. Since critics are concerned that the temple was not built, and is not even yet built, we need to understand if they, and the Lord, have the same understanding of events that were, and are to happen concerning this temple. These other verses give us a clue as to when this temple needs to be completed. First, however, we need to understand the pattern that the Lord uses in revealing doctrine to mankind. It is important to examine the time line of events to see the pattern the Lord had in mind. The Lord does not reveal things all at one. He does so one step at a time as indicated in {{b||Isaiah|28|9-13}}:
Algunos críticos de la Iglesia sólo se citan los versículos 4 y 5 de la D & C 84 en un intento de demostrar una "falsa profecía" por parte de Joseph Smith. D & C 84 es una revelación sobre el sacerdocio, en lo que respecta a las ordenanzas del templo. Siendo ese el caso, hay algunos otros versos que son significativos en la comprensión de este templo en particular tal como se revela en esta sección. Dado que los críticos están preocupados de que el templo no fue construido, e incluso aún no se construye, tenemos que entender si ellos, y el Señor, tienen la misma comprensión de los acontecimientos que estaban, y están a suceder con respecto a este templo. Estos otros versos nos dan una idea de cuando este templo debe ser completado. Sin embargo, primero tenemos que entender el patrón que el Señor usa para revelar la doctrina a la humanidad. Es importante examinar la línea de tiempo de eventos para ver el modelo que el Señor tenía en mente. El Señor no revela cosas a uno. Lo hace un paso a la vez, como se indica en Isaías 28:9-13:
Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little...
Not only was this the pattern in the Old Testament days, it was the pattern during Christ's time as well, as noted in the following scriptures:
9 ¿A quién enseñará él conocimiento, o a quién hará entender el mensaje? ¿A los destetados? ¿A los recién quitados de los pechos?<br>
10 Porque mandamiento sobre mandamiento, mandato tras mandato, línea sobre línea, línea sobre línea, un poquito allí, otro poquito allá;<br>
11 porque con tartamudez de labios y en otra lengua él hablará a este pueblo,<br>
12 a los cuales él dijo: Éste es el reposo; dad reposo al cansado; y éste es el descanso, mas no quisieron oír.<br>
13 Y la palabra de Jehová les fue mandamiento tras mandamiento, mandato tras mandato, línea sobre línea, línea sobre línea, un poquito allí, otro poquito allá, a fin de que vayan y caigan de espaldas, y sean quebrantados, y atrapados y apresados.
No sólo era el patrón en los días del Antiguo Testamento, era el patrón durante el tiempo de Cristo y, como se señala en los siguientes pasajes:
Os di a beber leche, y no alimento sólido; porque aún no erais capaces, ni aún lo sois ahora, ({{s|1|Corintios|3|2}})
I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. ({{s|1|Corinthians|3|2}})
12 Porque debiendo ser ya maestros después de tanto tiempo, tenéis necesidad de que se os vuelva a enseñar cuáles son los primeros principios de las palabras de Dios; y habéis llegado a ser tales que tenéis necesidad de leche, y no de alimento sólido.
For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
13 Porque todo aquel que participa de la leche es inexperto en la palabra de la justicia, porque es niño;
For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
14 pero el alimento sólido es para los que han alcanzado madurez, para los que por la costumbre tienen los sentidos ejercitados en el discernimiento del bien y del mal. ({{s||Hebreos|5|12-14}})
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. ({{s||Hebrews|5|12-14}})
===El Señor revela patrones a sus profetas===
===The Lord reveals patterns to his prophets===
Este patrón continúa. Así las cosas se dieron a conocer a José Smith un paso a la vez. Entonces, ¿cuál fue el modelo para la construcción de templos como fue revelado a José Smith?
This pattern continues. Thus things were revealed to Joseph Smith one step at a time. So what was the pattern for temple building as revealed to Joseph Smith?
La autoridad del sacerdocio era necesario llevar a cabo las ordenanzas del templo. Continuando con el artículo 84, nos enteramos de que las ordenanzas están conectados directamente con la autoridad del sacerdocio.
The authority of the priesthood was necessary to perform the ordinances of the temple. Continuing with section 84, we learn that the ordinances are directly connected with priesthood authority.
Por lo tanto, en sus ordenanzas, el poder de la divinidad se manifiesta.
Therefore, in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest.
Y sin sus ordenanzas y la autoridad del sacerdocio, el poder de la divinidad no se manifiesta a los hombres en la carne. ({{s||D&C|84|20-21}})
And without the ordinances thereof, and the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in the flesh. ({{s||D&C|84|20-21}})
¿Cómo surgió la autoridad del sacerdocio viene acerca de estas ordenanzas del templo? Si está familiarizado con la historia de la Iglesia SUD, recuerda que el evangelio, las doctrinas y las ordenanzas, se reveló que no todos a la vez. Ellos se dieron a conocer a partir de 1820 hasta 1844 al profeta José Smith, línea sobre línea, precepto por precepto. Después de que José fue asesinado, otros profetas se les ha dado nuevas instrucciones del Señor. Así como un nuevo miembro aprende del evangelio un paso a la vez, así lo hicieron los primeros santos. Hubo un revelador gradual de las doctrinas y ordenanzas del Evangelio. Y, las doctrinas vinieron primero, entonces las ordenanzas. Así que echemos un vistazo a la pauta por la que las doctrinas y ordenanzas fueron revelados. En diciembre de 1832, el Señor declaró lo siguiente en relación a la construcción del Templo de Kirtland:
How did the priesthood authority come about for these temple ordinances? If you are familiar with LDS Church history, remember that the gospel, the doctrines and ordinances, were not revealed all at once. They were revealed from 1820 through 1844 to the Prophet Joseph Smith, line upon line, precept upon precept. After Joseph was murdered, other prophets have been given further directions from the Lord. Just as a new member learns of the gospel one step at a time, so did the early Saints. There was a gradual revealing of the doctrines and ordinances of the gospel. And, the doctrines came first, then the ordinances. So let's look at the pattern by which the doctrines and ordinances were revealed. In December 1832 the Lord stated the following in relation to building the Kirtland Temple:
Organizaos; preparad todo lo que fuere necesario; y estableced una casa, , una casa de oración, una casa de ayuno, una casa de fe, una casa de instrucción, una casa de gloria, una casa de orden, una casa de Dios;  ({{s||D&C|88|119}})
Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God. ({{s||D&C|88|119}})
Unos meses después, en mayo de 1833, el Señor proporcionó instrucciones específicas en la construcción del Templo de Kirtland.({{s||D&C|94|3-9}}, {{s||D&C|95|13-17}}) Es importante entender; que esta instrucción está de acuerdo con el modelo que el Señor ha utilizado a lo largo de todos los tiempos, como Él ha dado instrucciones a sus profetas en el edificio y en la toma de muchas cosas. El Señor le dio instrucciones en la construcción del Arca de Noé (Génesis 6). El Señor le dio instrucciones sobre la forma en que el Tabernáculo se iba a construir (Éxodo 26). El Señor le dio instrucciones sobre la forma en que el Arca de la Alianza se iba a construir (Éxodo 25). El Señor le dio instrucciones sobre la fabricación de velas (8 números). El Señor le dio instrucción en la construcción de altares (Josué 22). El Señor le dio instrucciones para la construcción de templos (1 Crónicas 28). El hecho de que el Señor le dio instrucciones sobre la construcción del Templo de Kirtland es una fuerte evidencia de la llamada divina de José Smith como un profeta de Dios. {{ref|vision}}
A few months later, in May of 1833, the Lord provided specific instructions on the construction of the Kirtland Temple. ({{s||D&C|94|3-9}}, {{s||D&C|95|13-17}}) It is important to understand; that this instruction is in keeping with the pattern the Lord has used throughout all time, as He has instructed His prophets in the building and making of many things. The Lord gave instructions on building Noah's Ark (Genesis 6). The Lord gave instructions on how the Tabernacle was to be built (Exodus 26). The Lord gave instructions on how the Ark of the Covenant was to be built ({{b||Exodus|25|}}). The Lord gave instructions on the making of candlesticks (Numbers 8). The Lord gave instruction in the building of altars ({{b||Joshua|22|}}). The Lord gave instructions for the building of temples ({{b|1|Chronicles|28|}}). The fact that the Lord gave instructions on the building of the Kirtland Temple is strong evidence of the divine call of Joseph Smith as a prophet of God.<ref>Many modern day temples have been seen in vision before their construction. "It may come as a surprise to some that the Manti, Oakland, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Provo temples were all seen in vision prior to being built. Even the design of the Idaho Falls Temple is based on the vision of an ancient Nephite temple that was shown to the architect." [Matthew B. Brown and Paul Thomas Smith, Symbols In Stone, Symbolism on the Early Temples of the Restoration (American Fork, Utah: Covenant Communications, 1997), 9.] It is even proposed that Moroni in his travels, which led him to upstate New York where he buried the plates from which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, dedicated several temple sites including St. George, Manti, Salt Lake, Nauvoo, and Kirtland. [Jerry L. Ainsworth, ''The Lives and Travels of Mormon and Moroni'' (City Unknown: PeaceMakers Publishing, 2000), 213.]</ref>
The Kirtland Temple was dedicated on March 27, 1836; however, it was not built with the same purpose as temples today are. This was a "preparatory" temple. It wasn't until this temple was built that the keys of the priesthood could be restored.
El Templo de Kirtland se dedicó el 27 de marzo 1836; sin embargo, no fue construido con el mismo propósito que los templos hoy están. Este fue un templo "preparatoria". No fue sino hasta este templo fue construido que las llaves del sacerdocio se podrían restaurar.
===The purpose of the Kirtland Temple===
===Propósito del Templo de Kirtland===
The Kirtland Temple holds a peculiar place in the annals of temple building. It is not like other temples. It was built primarily for the restoration of keys of authority. In the receiving of these keys the fulness of gospel ordinances is revealed. The keys of salvation and exaltation for both the living and the dead were given within its sacred walls. An endowment, such as was necessary at the time, was also given. This was not as complete as the endowment later revealed.
El Templo de Kirtland ocupa un lugar peculiar en los anales de la construcción de templos. No es como los otros templos. Fue construido principalmente para la restauración de las llaves de autoridad. En la recepción de estas teclas se revela la plenitud de las ordenanzas del Evangelio. Las llaves de la salvación y la exaltación de los vivos y los muertos se les dio dentro de sus muros sagrados. Una dotación, tal como era necesario en ese momento, también se le dio. Esto no era tan completa como la dotación reveló más tarde.
In the Kirtland Temple there was no provision made for the salvation of the dead. It had no baptismal font, for it was only a preparatory temple. It had no provision for the endowment ordinances which were later revealed. It was a temple, however, and fully answered the purpose of its creation.<Ref name="ds">{{Book:Smith:Doctrines of Salvation|vol=2}}</ref>{{Rp|242}}
En el Templo de Kirtland no había provisión hecha para la salvación de los muertos. No tenía pila bautismal, pues era sólo un templo preparatorio. No tenía ninguna provisión para las ordenanzas de la investidura que más tarde fueron revelados. Era un templo, sin embargo, y completamente respondió al propósito de su creación. {{ref|smith.242}}
The purpose of the Kirtland Temple was fulfilled on April 3, 1836 when the priesthood keys were restored. ({{s||D&C|110|}}) These keys were restored by Jesus Christ (Keys of Resurrection), Moses (Keys of the Gathering of Israel), Elias (Keys of the Blessings of Abraham), and Elijah (Keys of Sealing).
El propósito del Templo de Kirtland se cumplió el 3 de abril 1836, cuando se restauraron las llaves del sacerdocio. ({{s||D&C|110|}}) Estas llaves se restauraron por Jesucristo (Claves de la Resurrección), Moisés (llaves del recogimiento de Israel), Elias (Claves de las bendiciones de Abraham) y Elías (Claves de sellado).
===Line upon line===
===Línea por línea===
According to the principle of "line upon line, precept upon precept," construction could now begin on a temple in which these priesthood keys could be used. On April 6, 1841, construction of the Nauvoo Temple began. As most of the Saints left Nauvoo under threat of mob violence in early February 1846, a special crew stayed behind and completed the temple. Three months later the building was considered complete and was publicly dedicated on May 1, 1846. Thus we see the first edifice was for the restoration of priesthood peys, and the second edifice was for the application of those keys for the living. The next temple that was completed was the St. George Temple, in which endowments for the dead began.<ref>Endowments for the dead were first performed in the St. George Temple on January 11, 1877. The St. George Temple was completed before the Salt Lake Temple.</ref>  "The first endowments for the dead in this dispensation were performed in the St. George Temple. Endowments for the living were performed in Nauvoo." <Ref name="ds"></ref>{{Rp|171}}
De acuerdo con el principio de la "línea por línea, precepto por precepto," la construcción podría comenzar ahora en un templo en el que se podrían utilizar estas llaves del sacerdocio. El 6 de abril de 1841, comenzó la construcción del Templo de Nauvoo. Como la mayoría de los santos abandonaron Nauvoo bajo la amenaza de la violencia colectiva a principios de febrero de 1846, un equipo especial se quedó atrás y se terminó el templo. Tres meses más tarde, el edificio se considera completa y se dedicó públicamente el 1 de mayo de 1846. Así, vemos el primer edificio fue para la restauración de Peys del sacerdocio, y el segundo edificio era para la aplicación de esas llaves para los vivos. El siguiente templo que se completó fue el Templo de St. George, en el que comenzaron las dotaciones para los muertos. {{ref|stgeorge}} "Las primeras investiduras por los muertos en esta dispensación se realizaron en el Templo de St. George. Dotaciones a los vivos se realizaron en Nauvoo." {{ref|smith.171}}
The line upon line, and precept upon precept, which the Lord revealed was;
# Templo de Kirtland para las llaves del sacerdocio
#Kirtland Temple for the priesthood keys
# Templo de Nauvoo para las ordenanzas completas para los vivos
#Nauvoo Temple for the full ordinances for the living
# St. George Templo de las ordenanzas por los muertos
#St. George Temple for the ordinances for the dead
===El propósito del Templo de la Independencia===
===The purpose of the Independence Temple===
Así que vemos que el Señor obra el mismo hoy como lo hizo ayer. "Jesucristo es el mismo ayer , y hoy, y por los siglos . " {{ref|separate}} Entonces, ¿cómo este templo en Missouri que José Smith habló de ajuste en el proceso de construcción del templo ? Este templo es ser el "templo principal . "
So we see that the Lord works the same today as He did yesterday. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."<ref>{{s||Hebrews|13|8}} The LDS believe Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are two separate individual beings who work as one. It was Jesus Christ who appeared to Moses and other Old Testament prophets. It was Jesus Christ who revealed to the ancient prophets "line upon line, precept upon precept," and He did so with Joseph Smith as well.</ref> So how does this temple in Missouri that Joseph Smith spoke of fit in with the process of temple building? This temple is to be the "chief temple."
El lugar central ! Que Israel se reúnen para las estacas de Sión en todas las naciones. Que cada tierra sea una Sión para los designados para morar allí. Deje que la plenitud del Evangelio sea para todos los santos en todas las naciones. Que nadie bendición les puede negar. Que surgen los templos en donde la plenitud de las ordenanzas de la casa del Señor se puede administrar . Pero todavía hay un lugar central, un lugar donde el jefe del templo permanecerá, un lugar para que venga el Señor , un lugar donde la ley saldrá de gobernar toda la tierra en el día que la Segunda David reina personalmente sobre la tierra . Y ese lugar es centro de lo que los hombres llaman ahora a la Independencia en el condado de Jackson , Missouri, pero que en un día por venir será la Sión de nuestro Dios y la Ciudad de Santidad de su pueblo. {{ref|mcconkie}}
The center place! Let Israel gather to the stakes of Zion in all nations. Let every land be a Zion to those appointed to dwell there. Let the fulness of the gospel be for all the saints in all nations. Let no blessing be denied them. Let temples arise wherein the fulness of the ordinances of the Lord's house may be administered. But still there is a center place, a place where the chief temple shall stand, a place to which the Lord shall come, a place whence the law shall go forth to govern all the earth in that day when the Second David reigns personally upon the earth. And that center place is what men now call Independence in Jackson County, Missouri, but which in a day to come will be the Zion of our God and the City of Holiness of his people.<ref>{{Book:McConkie:New Witness for the Articles of Faith|pages=595}}</ref>
¿Cómo puede este templo es el " jefe " templo sin que los demás ? Puesto que es ser el principal templo, y puesto que el Señor ha revelado planes de construcción de sus tabernáculos y templos en el pasado, que sólo sería lógico suponer que el Señor quiso revelar el patrón en que este templo se va a construir .
How can this temple be the "chief" temple without others? Since it is to be the chief temple, and since the Lord has revealed construction plans for His tabernacles and temples in the past, it would only be logical to assume that the Lord would reveal the pattern in which this temple is to be built.
Esto sólo es una silueta de algunos de nuestros puntos de vista en relación con estas cosas, y por lo tanto, hablamos de volver al condado de Jackson para construir el más magnífico templo que jamás se haya formado sobre la tierra y la más espléndida ciudad que alguna vez fue erigido ; , las ciudades, si por favor . . Los diseños arquitectónicos de los espléndidos edificios , ciudades, paredes , jardines, glorietas , calles , etc , estarán bajo la dirección del Señor, el cual controlar y gestionar todos los asuntos; y el pueblo, desde el presidente hacia abajo , todo estará bajo la guía y dirección del Señor en todas las actividades de la vida humana , hasta que al final van a tener la posibilidad de erigir ciudades que estarán en condiciones de ser atrapados - que cuando Sión desciende de lo alto , Zion también subirá desde abajo, y estar dispuesto a asociarse con los de arriba . {{ref|taylor}}
This is only a faint outline of some of our views in relation to these things, and hence we talk of returning to Jackson county to build the most magnificent temple that ever was formed on the earth and the most splendid city that was ever erected; yea, cities, if you please. The architectural designs of those splendid edifices, cities, walls, gardens, bowers, streets, &c., will be under the direction of the Lord, who will control and manage all the matters; and the people, from the President down, will all be under the guidance and direction of the Lord in all the pursuits of human life, until eventually they will be enabled to erect cities that will be fit to be caught up--that when Zion descends from above, Zion will also ascend from beneath, and be prepared to associate with those from above.<ref>{{JDfairwiki|author=John Taylor|article=Blessing the Saints Will Enjoy, Etc.|date=6 April 1863|vol=10|start=147|disc={{nc}}}}</ref>
D&C 84 también menciona un propósito específico para este templo en Missouri.
D&C 84 also mentions a specific purpose for this temple in Missouri.
De manera que, como dije concerniente a los hijos de Moisés —porque los hijos de Moisés y también los hijos de Aarón ofrecerán una ofrenda y un sacrificio aceptables en la casa del Señor, la cual se le edificará en esta generación, en el lugar consagrado como he indicado—  ({{s||D&C|84|31}})
Therefore, as I said concerning the sons of Moses-for the sons of Moses and also the sons of Aaron shall offer an acceptable offering and sacrifice in the house of the Lord, which house shall be built unto the Lord in this generation, upon the consecrated spot as I have appointed. ({{s||D&C|84|31}})
Esta oferta es un libro que enumera los generaciones de la raza humana desde Adán a través de los siglos hasta que la última persona. Las llaves que Elías celebró fueron las claves de sellado. ({{s||Malaquías|4|5-6}}) Las llaves que Elías le dio a José Smith en el Templo de Kirtland eran para el sellamiento de las familias en las eternidades. ({{s||D&C|110|13-15}}) Este es el sacrificio aceptable, que será por los Hijos de Leví.
This offering is a book listing the generations of the human race from Adam down through the centuries until the last person. The keys that Elijah held were the sealing keys. ({{s||Malachi|4|5-6}}) The keys that Elijah gave to Joseph Smith in the Kirtland temple were for the sealing of families in the eternities. ({{s||D&C|110|13-15}}) This is the acceptable sacrifice, which will be by the Sons of Levi.
He aquí, está a punto de llegar el gran día del Señor; ¿y quién podrá soportar el día de su venida?, o ¿quién podrá estar en pie cuando él se manifieste? Porque es como fuego purificador y como jabón de lavadores; y se sentará como afinador y limpiador de la plata; porque purificará a los hijos de Leví, los depurará como a oro y como a plata, para que presenten al Señor una ofrenda en rectitud. Ofrezcamos, pues, como iglesia y como pueblo, y como Santos de los Últimos Días, una ofrenda al Señor en rectitud; y presentemos en su santo templo, cuando quede terminado, un libro que contenga el registro de nuestros muertos, el cual sea digno de toda aceptación. ({{s||D&C|128|24}})
Behold, the great day of the Lord is at hand; and who can abide the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap; and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. Let us, therefore, as a church and a people, and as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness; and let us present in his holy temple, when it is finished, a book containing the records of our dead, which shall be worthy of all acceptation. ({{s||D&C|128|24}})
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#{{note|vision}}Muchos templos de hoy en día se han visto en la visión antes de su construcción. "Puede venir como una sorpresa para algunos que los Manti, Oakland, Suiza, Nueva Zelanda, y Provo templos eran vistos en la visión antes de ser construido. Incluso el diseño del Templo de Idaho Falls se basa en la visión de un antiguo nefita templo que fue mostrado al arquitecto ". [Matthew B. Brown y Paul Thomas Smith, Símbolos En Piedra, Simbolismo de los primeros templos de la Restauración (American Tenedor, Utah: Covenant Communications, 1997)., 9] Se llegó a proponer que Moroni en sus viajes, lo que le llevó al norte del estado de Nueva York, donde él enterró las planchas de las que José Smith tradujo el Libro de Mormón, dedicado varios sitios del templo, incluyendo St. George, Manti, Salt Lake, Nauvoo y de Kirtland. [Jerry L. Ainsworth, The Lives and Travels of Mormon and Moroni (City Unknown: PeaceMakers Publishing, 2000), 213.]
#{{note|smith.242}}Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 2 (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1955), 242.
#{{note|stgeorge}}Endowments for the dead were first performed in the St. George Temple on January 11, 1877. The St. George Temple was completed before the Salt Lake Temple.
#{{note|smith.171}}Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 2 (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1955), 171.
#{{note|separate}}{{s||Hebrews|13|8}} The LDS believe Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are two separate individual beings who work as one. It was Jesus Christ who appeared to Moses and other Old Testament prophets. It was Jesus Christ who revealed to the ancient prophets "line upon line, precept upon precept," and He did so with Joseph Smith as well.
#{{note|mcconkie}}Bruce R. McConkie, A New Witness for the Articles of Faith (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1985), 595.
#{{note|taylor}}John Taylor, "Blessing the Saints Will Enjoy, Etc.," Journal of Discourses, reported by G.D. Watt 6 April 1863, Vol. 10 (London: Latter-Day Saint's Book Depot, 1865), 147.
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[[en:Question: What is the role of the Mormon temple to be built in Independence, Missouri?]]
[[en:Question: What is the role of the Mormon temple to be built in Independence, Missouri?]]

Revisión actual del 12:14 25 feb 2018

Tabla de Contenidos

Pregunta: ¿Cuál es el propósito del templo mormón que se construirá en Independence, Missouri?


Regarding the building of a temple in Independence, nobody can predict the timetable of the Lord


Regarding the building of a temple in Independence, nobody can predict the timetable of the Lord. Perhaps it would be advantageous for one to apply Biblical principles when it comes to understanding the time and seasons of the Lord, and should read the Bible with regards to this matter of "next generation." After all, as it states in the Bible: And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

Even if we look at the prophecy in D&C 84 as if the term "this generation" does mean a time frame of about 100 - 120 years (just to give M&J the benefit of the doubt), it still does not mean it is a false prophecy by LDS terms. D&C 124:49 states, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, that when I give a commandment to any of the sons of man to do a work unto my name, and those sons of men go with all their might and with all they have to perform that work, and cease not their diligence, and their enemies come upon them and hinder them from performing that work, behold, it behooveth me to require that work no more at the hands of those sons of men, but to accept their offerings." The Latter-Day Saints were driven out of the area by the mobs that violently persecuted them. In light of this scripture, the mobs are responsible for the temple not being built, not the LDS or God. But then, "this generation" could be referring to Latter-Day Saints as a whole, and not only are we still here, but we are growing in number.

Some critics of the Church only quote verses Plantilla:Sv and Plantilla:Sv of D&C 84 in an attempt to demonstrate a "false prophecy" on the part of Joseph Smith. D&C 84 is a revelation on priesthood, as it pertains to temple ordinances. That being the case, there are a few other verses which are significant in understanding this particular temple as revealed in this section. Since critics are concerned that the temple was not built, and is not even yet built, we need to understand if they, and the Lord, have the same understanding of events that were, and are to happen concerning this temple. These other verses give us a clue as to when this temple needs to be completed. First, however, we need to understand the pattern that the Lord uses in revealing doctrine to mankind. It is important to examine the time line of events to see the pattern the Lord had in mind. The Lord does not reveal things all at one. He does so one step at a time as indicated in Isaiah 28:9-13:

Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little...

Not only was this the pattern in the Old Testament days, it was the pattern during Christ's time as well, as noted in the following scriptures:

I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. (1 Corinthians 3:2)

For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. (Hebrews 5:12-14)

The Lord reveals patterns to his prophets

This pattern continues. Thus things were revealed to Joseph Smith one step at a time. So what was the pattern for temple building as revealed to Joseph Smith?

The authority of the priesthood was necessary to perform the ordinances of the temple. Continuing with section 84, we learn that the ordinances are directly connected with priesthood authority.

Therefore, in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest.

And without the ordinances thereof, and the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in the flesh. (D&C 84:20-21)

How did the priesthood authority come about for these temple ordinances? If you are familiar with LDS Church history, remember that the gospel, the doctrines and ordinances, were not revealed all at once. They were revealed from 1820 through 1844 to the Prophet Joseph Smith, line upon line, precept upon precept. After Joseph was murdered, other prophets have been given further directions from the Lord. Just as a new member learns of the gospel one step at a time, so did the early Saints. There was a gradual revealing of the doctrines and ordinances of the gospel. And, the doctrines came first, then the ordinances. So let's look at the pattern by which the doctrines and ordinances were revealed. In December 1832 the Lord stated the following in relation to building the Kirtland Temple:

Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God. (D&C 88:119)

A few months later, in May of 1833, the Lord provided specific instructions on the construction of the Kirtland Temple. (D&C 94:3-9, D&C 95:13-17) It is important to understand; that this instruction is in keeping with the pattern the Lord has used throughout all time, as He has instructed His prophets in the building and making of many things. The Lord gave instructions on building Noah's Ark (Genesis 6). The Lord gave instructions on how the Tabernacle was to be built (Exodus 26). The Lord gave instructions on how the Ark of the Covenant was to be built (Exodus 25:). The Lord gave instructions on the making of candlesticks (Numbers 8). The Lord gave instruction in the building of altars (Joshua 22:). The Lord gave instructions for the building of temples (1 Chronicles 28:). The fact that the Lord gave instructions on the building of the Kirtland Temple is strong evidence of the divine call of Joseph Smith as a prophet of God.[1]

The Kirtland Temple was dedicated on March 27, 1836; however, it was not built with the same purpose as temples today are. This was a "preparatory" temple. It wasn't until this temple was built that the keys of the priesthood could be restored.

The purpose of the Kirtland Temple

The Kirtland Temple holds a peculiar place in the annals of temple building. It is not like other temples. It was built primarily for the restoration of keys of authority. In the receiving of these keys the fulness of gospel ordinances is revealed. The keys of salvation and exaltation for both the living and the dead were given within its sacred walls. An endowment, such as was necessary at the time, was also given. This was not as complete as the endowment later revealed.

In the Kirtland Temple there was no provision made for the salvation of the dead. It had no baptismal font, for it was only a preparatory temple. It had no provision for the endowment ordinances which were later revealed. It was a temple, however, and fully answered the purpose of its creation.[2]:242

The purpose of the Kirtland Temple was fulfilled on April 3, 1836 when the priesthood keys were restored. (D&C 110:) These keys were restored by Jesus Christ (Keys of Resurrection), Moses (Keys of the Gathering of Israel), Elias (Keys of the Blessings of Abraham), and Elijah (Keys of Sealing).

Line upon line

According to the principle of "line upon line, precept upon precept," construction could now begin on a temple in which these priesthood keys could be used. On April 6, 1841, construction of the Nauvoo Temple began. As most of the Saints left Nauvoo under threat of mob violence in early February 1846, a special crew stayed behind and completed the temple. Three months later the building was considered complete and was publicly dedicated on May 1, 1846. Thus we see the first edifice was for the restoration of priesthood peys, and the second edifice was for the application of those keys for the living. The next temple that was completed was the St. George Temple, in which endowments for the dead began.[3] "The first endowments for the dead in this dispensation were performed in the St. George Temple. Endowments for the living were performed in Nauvoo." [2]:171

The line upon line, and precept upon precept, which the Lord revealed was;

  1. Kirtland Temple for the priesthood keys
  2. Nauvoo Temple for the full ordinances for the living
  3. St. George Temple for the ordinances for the dead

The purpose of the Independence Temple

So we see that the Lord works the same today as He did yesterday. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."[4] So how does this temple in Missouri that Joseph Smith spoke of fit in with the process of temple building? This temple is to be the "chief temple."

The center place! Let Israel gather to the stakes of Zion in all nations. Let every land be a Zion to those appointed to dwell there. Let the fulness of the gospel be for all the saints in all nations. Let no blessing be denied them. Let temples arise wherein the fulness of the ordinances of the Lord's house may be administered. But still there is a center place, a place where the chief temple shall stand, a place to which the Lord shall come, a place whence the law shall go forth to govern all the earth in that day when the Second David reigns personally upon the earth. And that center place is what men now call Independence in Jackson County, Missouri, but which in a day to come will be the Zion of our God and the City of Holiness of his people.[5]

How can this temple be the "chief" temple without others? Since it is to be the chief temple, and since the Lord has revealed construction plans for His tabernacles and temples in the past, it would only be logical to assume that the Lord would reveal the pattern in which this temple is to be built.

This is only a faint outline of some of our views in relation to these things, and hence we talk of returning to Jackson county to build the most magnificent temple that ever was formed on the earth and the most splendid city that was ever erected; yea, cities, if you please. The architectural designs of those splendid edifices, cities, walls, gardens, bowers, streets, &c., will be under the direction of the Lord, who will control and manage all the matters; and the people, from the President down, will all be under the guidance and direction of the Lord in all the pursuits of human life, until eventually they will be enabled to erect cities that will be fit to be caught up--that when Zion descends from above, Zion will also ascend from beneath, and be prepared to associate with those from above.[6]

D&C 84 also mentions a specific purpose for this temple in Missouri.

Therefore, as I said concerning the sons of Moses-for the sons of Moses and also the sons of Aaron shall offer an acceptable offering and sacrifice in the house of the Lord, which house shall be built unto the Lord in this generation, upon the consecrated spot as I have appointed. (D&C 84:31)

This offering is a book listing the generations of the human race from Adam down through the centuries until the last person. The keys that Elijah held were the sealing keys. (Malachi 4:5-6) The keys that Elijah gave to Joseph Smith in the Kirtland temple were for the sealing of families in the eternities. (D&C 110:13-15) This is the acceptable sacrifice, which will be by the Sons of Levi.

Behold, the great day of the Lord is at hand; and who can abide the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap; and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. Let us, therefore, as a church and a people, and as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness; and let us present in his holy temple, when it is finished, a book containing the records of our dead, which shall be worthy of all acceptation. (D&C 128:24)


  1. Many modern day temples have been seen in vision before their construction. "It may come as a surprise to some that the Manti, Oakland, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Provo temples were all seen in vision prior to being built. Even the design of the Idaho Falls Temple is based on the vision of an ancient Nephite temple that was shown to the architect." [Matthew B. Brown and Paul Thomas Smith, Symbols In Stone, Symbolism on the Early Temples of the Restoration (American Fork, Utah: Covenant Communications, 1997), 9.] It is even proposed that Moroni in his travels, which led him to upstate New York where he buried the plates from which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, dedicated several temple sites including St. George, Manti, Salt Lake, Nauvoo, and Kirtland. [Jerry L. Ainsworth, The Lives and Travels of Mormon and Moroni (City Unknown: PeaceMakers Publishing, 2000), 213.]
  2. 2,0 2,1 Plantilla:Book:Smith:Doctrines of Salvation
  3. Endowments for the dead were first performed in the St. George Temple on January 11, 1877. The St. George Temple was completed before the Salt Lake Temple.
  4. Hebrews 13:8 The LDS believe Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are two separate individual beings who work as one. It was Jesus Christ who appeared to Moses and other Old Testament prophets. It was Jesus Christ who revealed to the ancient prophets "line upon line, precept upon precept," and He did so with Joseph Smith as well.
  5. Plantilla:Book:McConkie:New Witness for the Articles of Faith
  6. John Taylor, (6 April 1863) Journal of Discourses 10:147