Pergunta: Por que a Igreja removeria ou alteraria elementos das cerimônias do templo se tais cerimônias foram reveladas por Deus?

Revisão em 18h10min de 11 de maio de 2016 por RogerNicholson (Discussão | contribs) (Created english structure in subarticle. Titles are native translated text.)
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Pergunta: Por que a Igreja removeria ou alteraria elementos das cerimônias do templo se tais cerimônias foram reveladas por Deus?

There is a difference between the ordinance of the endowment and the mechanism used in the presentation of the ordinance

Latter-day Saints believe that the Temple endowment is an eternal ordinance that Joseph Smith received by revelation from God. Why, then, have changes been made to it several times since it was first revealed?

People sometimes confuse the ordinance of the endowment with the presentation of the endowment. The presentation has undergone many changes since the time of Joseph Smith as it is adjusted to meet the needs of a modern and ever changing membership.

Joseph Smith restored the endowment ordinance, but the method of presentation of the ordinance is adapted to fit the needs of the times. There would be no point in having continuing revelation, a founding idea of our faith, if we are not permitted to advance and meet new needs. God’s directives and how He deals with His people may vary according to His people’s understanding and needs. God doesn’t tell everyone to build an ark and wait for a flood. Changes sometimes occur as a result of God dealing with His children according to their changing circumstances.
