Pergunta: O que o marido de Presendia L. Huntington sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Revisão em 07h58min de 1 de novembro de 2015 por RogerNicholson (Discussão | contribs) (Criou a página com "{{fonte |título=Pergunta: O que o marido de Presendia L. Huntington sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith? |categoria= }} <onlyinclude> {{translate}}...")
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Pergunta: O que o marido de Presendia L. Huntington sabia sobre seu selamento para a eternidade com Joseph Smith?

Presendia's husband Norman left the Church, and since she was unable to be sealed for eternity to her earthly husband, she was sealed to Joseph Smith instead

Presendia Huntington was married to Norman Buell when she was sixteen years old. Both Presendia and Norman originally joined the Church, but Norman later left it while Presendia remained a believing member. Since she was unable to be sealed for eternity to her earthly husband, she was sealed to Joseph Smith instead. Presendia's 1881 biography notes her husband's rejection of the Church as the reason she decided to be sealed to Joseph Smith for eternity,

I was maried to Norman Buell Jan 6th 1827. both joined the Church in in [sic] Kirtland Geauga Co Ohio he left the church in Mo in 1839 the Lord gave me strength to stand alone & keep the faith amid heavy persecution in 1841 I entered into the new & everlasting Covenant was sealed to Joseph Smith the Prophet & Seer & to the best of my ability I have honored Plural Marriage never speking one word against the principal. [1]

An affidavit signed by Presendia on May 1, 1869 states:

Be it remembered that on this first day of May A.D. 1869 personally appeared before me Elias Smith Probate Judge for Said County Presenda Lathrop Huntington \Kimball/ who was by me Sworn in due form of law and upon her oath saith, that on the eleventh day of December A.D. 1841, at the City of Nauvoo, County of Hancock State of Illinois, She was married or Sealed to Joseph Smith, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by Dimick B. Huntington, a High-Priest in Said Church, according to the laws of the Same regulating Marriage; in the presence of Fanny Maria Huntington. [2]

A biografia de Presendia L. Huntington podem ser visualizados no site do Brian e Laura Hales "" (em Inglês). off-site


  1. Presenda Huntington Kimball, “Biographical Sketch,” 1881, MS 742, CHL, first copy page 2 and variant copy page 2. off-site
  2. Joseph F. Smith affidavit books, CHL 1:7. off-site