Mormonismo e Maçonaria/Relação entre Maçonaria e cerimônias do templo/Alterações

< Mormonismo e Maçonaria‎ | Relação entre Maçonaria e cerimônias do templo

Revisão em 15h32min de 24 de agosto de 2014 por RogerNicholson (Discussão | contribs) (m)
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Por que a Igreja remover ou alterar elementos da cerimônia do templo se estas cerimônias foram revelados por Deus?



The temple ceremonies have been altered over the years.

  • Why would the Church remove or alter elements of the temple ceremony if these ceremonies were revealed by God?


People sometimes confuse the ordinance of the endowment with the presentation of the endowment. The presentation has undergone many changes since the time of Joseph Smith as it is adjusted to meet the needs of a modern and ever changing membership.

Joseph Smith restored the endowment ordinance, but the method of presentation of the ordinance is adapted to fit the needs of the times. There would be no point in having continuing revelation, a founding idea of our faith, if we are not permitted to advance and meet new needs.