
Revisão em 22h04min de 12 de junho de 2009 por GregSmith (Discussão | contribs) (*)

This page lists all templates created on the FAIR Wiki. Please update it if you create new templates.

Reference Templates

This templates allow frequently-cited works to be included with short cuts. This allows all referenecs to be identical, include off-site links, use standard forms, etc. Changes to references can be made in one spot, instead of hundreds.

All templates master list
Books and periodicals (General)
Critical works
New style
Old style
Still works, but please use new style for new additions.
Specific periodicals speedy method
FARMS Review
FARMS Insights
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (JBMS)
BoM geo tables
GospeLink quick links
Scripture auto-links: how to
YouTube Videos

Scripture Templates

All these templates are identical in English. We encourage English writers to use the Bible template for Bible scriptures (though using the Scripture template also works for Bible verses) because non-English wikis must use separate ones. (There is no official Church non-English Bible on the LDS site, so non-LDS Bibles must refer to another site.

To learn how to use it, see: FAIRWiki:Scripture_template_how_to.

Multiple version templates

These templates allow multiple versions to be displayed in an attractive table; you must provide the citation text itself:

For a demo of its use, see: Scripture:ALWTest

Editing Templates

These templates provide short cuts for editing, replacing oft-used text, etc.

General editing templates

No. Template code Inserts this in the article Click this link to edit it


{{An|Put any annotate text here you want}}
Put any annotate text here you want


{{attn}}  [ATTENTION!] edit


{{AuthorPublisherResponse}}  The author or publisher responds: edit


Do You Have Questions?
If you have questions about anything you read on this page, we encourage you to ask. FAIR is a volunteer organization, and our members are glad to answer questions. You can ask by using our handy contact page. You will get one or more answers, via e-mail, usually within a short time after asking.

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{{demo}} This is a demo file to show off a feature. It is for FAIR wiki editors to reference; normal users will not see its content. Make content changes to the proper wiki article. edit


{{Draft}} This article is a draft. FAIRwiki editors are currently editing it. We welcome your suggestions on improving the content.


{{Ea}} (emphasis added) edit


[[{{{url}}}|   ]]


{{Eo}} (emphasis in original) edit


{{Epigraph|Clever quote here}}

Clever quote here

(Used for putting short quotes at the top of pages to introduce material.)


{{CitationError}}  Citation error edit


{{FalseStatement}}  The claim is false edit


{{Forgery}}  Uses forged documents as genuine! edit


{{HistoricalError}}  History unclear or in error edit


{{Ia}} (italics added) edit


{{Io}} (italics in original) edit


{{main|First_Vision/Methodist_camp_meetings|l1=Camp meeting}}
Can have up to ten links; l1=X, l2=Y replaces link text with alternate text. Note that these are small letter "L"s, (L1, L2, etc.) not the number "1"! Compare template {{SeeAlso|XX}} below.
Main article: Camp meeting


{{MindReading}}  Mind reading: author has no way of knowing this. edit


{{NB}}  (Key source) edit


{{NeedCite}} [citation needed] edit


{{Nf}}  (needs formatting) edit


{{Nl}}  (needs URL / links) edit


{{Nw}}  [needs work] edit


∗       ∗       ∗


{{Prejudicial}}  Prejudicial or loaded language edit


{{Presentism}}  Presentism or anachronism edit


{{Presalamander}} Caution: this article was published before Mark Hofmann's forgeries were discovered. It may treat fraudulent documents as genuine. Click for list of known forged documents. edit


{{Question}} This page is based on an answer to a question submitted to the FAIR web site, or a frequently asked question. edit


{{SeeAlso|First_Vision/Methodist_camp_meetings|l1=Camp meeting}}
Can have up to ten links; l1=X, l2=Y replaces link text with alternate text. Note that these are small letter "L"s, (L1, L2, etc.) not the number "1"! Compare template {{main|XX}} above.
See also: Camp meeting


{{SecondaryFact}}  Quotes another author's opinion as if it were fact edit


{{SourceDistortion}}  Misrepresentation of source edit


{{Specific|=wiki link}} (See [[{{{1}}}|here]] for a response to this issue for this individual work.) edit


{{Ss|URL=wiki page}} [[{{{url}}}|Screenshot]] edit


Copyright © 2005–2010 Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research. The content of this page may be not copied, published, or redistributed without the prior written consent of FAIR.
We welcome your suggestions for improving the content of this FAIR Wiki article.

Sites we recommend:



This article is still under construction. We welcome your suggestions for improving the content of this FAIR Wiki article.



This page is a summary or index page. More detailed information on this topic is available on the sub-pages below.



{{Templedisclaimer}} Important note: Os membros do FairMormon levar seus convênios do templo sério. Nós consideramos os ensinamentos do templo são sagrados, e não discutir suas especificidades em um fórum público. edit


{{YouTubeStart}} <videoflash> edit


{{YouTubeEnd}} </videoflash> edit


{{GoogleVideoStart}} <videoflash type="googlevideo"> edit


{{GoogleVideoEnd}} </videoflash> edit

Wikipedia specific templates

Template code Inserts this in the article Click this link to edit it
{{WikipediaNPOV}} Predefinição:WikipediaNPOV edit
{{WikipediaCorrect}} Predefinição:WikipediaCorrect edit
{{WikipediaAuthorResponse}} Predefinição:WikipediaAuthorResponse edit
  1. REDIRECT Template:WikipediaMissingRef
{{WikipediaPainfulProse}} Predefinição:WikipediaPainfulProse edit
{{WikipediaAmusingProse}} Predefinição:WikipediaAmusingProse edit
{{WikipediaCITE|editor=XXX|wikipedialink=YYY}} Predefinição:WikipediaCITE edit
{{WikipediaSecondaryFact}} Predefinição:WikipediaSecondaryFact edit
{{WikipediaSecondaryFactCorrected}} Predefinição:WikipediaSecondaryFactCorrected edit
{{WikipediaOpinion}} Predefinição:WikipediaOpinion edit
{{WikipediaCitationAbuse}} Predefinição:WikipediaCitationAbuse edit
{{WikipediaCitationAbuseCorrected}} Predefinição:WikipediaCitationAbuseCorrected edit
{{WikipediaCitationInsufficient}} Predefinição:WikipediaCitationInsufficient edit
{{WikipediaCitationMissing}} Predefinição:WikipediaCitationMissing edit
{{WikipediaProvingNegative}} Predefinição:WikipediaProvingNegative edit
{{WikipediaCriticalMain}} Predefinição:WikipediaCriticalMain edit
{{WikipediaPositiveFootnote}} Predefinição:WikipediaPositiveFootnote edit
{{WikipediaOR}} Predefinição:WikipediaOR edit
{{WikipediaPRIMARY}} Predefinição:WikipediaPRIMARY edit
{{WikipediaSYN}} Predefinição:WikipediaSYN edit
{{WikipediaSuppress|author=XXX|wikipedialink=YYY}} Predefinição:WikipediaSuppress edit
{{WikipediaContradiction}} Predefinição:WikipediaContradiction edit

Administrative editing templates

Template code Inserts this in the article Click this link to edit it
Editors' Links
Project home page
Table of contents
All pages
Style guide
Wiki markup reference
Practice editing
Other templates

Multiple version templates

Some articles have a short, summary version, and a longer, more detailed article. These templates link the two articles together. "Extra" can be left blank, by simply putting extra=}} with no text.

''Format'': {{ShortVersion|topic=TopicHere|url=http://etc.|extra=Any other text at the end of the box}}
''Format'': {{LongVersion|topic=TopicHere|url=http://etc.|extra=Any other text at the end of the box}}

Other language for wiki

''Format'': {{OtherLang}}

Serves as a sub-category label for "other" language links.

This: {{EnglishWiki|http://en.fairmormon.org}}
Gives: Predefinição:EnglishWiki

This: {{FrenchWiki|http://fr.fairmormon.org/index.php/Accueil}}

This: {{GermanWiki|http://www.de.fairmormon.org/index.php/Hauptseite}}

This: {{ItalianWiki|http://www.it.fairmormon.org/index.php/}} Gives:Predefinição:ItalianWiki

This: {{KoreanWiki|http://ko.fairmormon.org/wiki/대문}} Gives:Predefinição:KoreanWiki

This: {{PortugueseWiki|http://pt.fairmormon.org/index.php/Página_principal}}

This: {{RussianWiki|http://ru.fairmormon.org}}

This: {{SpanishWiki|http://es.fairmormon.org/index.php/Portada}}

This: {{SwedishWiki|http://sv.fairmormon.org/index.php/Swedishwiki:Deltagarportalen}}

Portal templates

Click here to see all Portals displayed!

Portals are a collection of hotlinks for a given topic.

Collected link/article templates

These templates contain frequently reused links (often useful for placing in the "further reading" section of all articles that deal with a topic (e.g. the Bible, the godhead) so that changes links for one are reflected in all articles.

Adam templates

Baptism for the dead templates

Bible templates

JST links

Theosis (Deification)

Blood Atonement and Mormon Reformation (1857) links

Book of Mormon templates

Book of Mormon footer templates

Footers in small print, to link to other subgroups of Book of Mormon material. (See General templates for examples of use).

Book of Mormon GENERAL templates

Book of Mormon archaeology

Book of Mormon authorship

Book of Mormon and KJV Bible text templates

Book of Mormon and DNA

Book of Mormon geography

Book of Mormon geo - tables of models
Book of Mormon geography models in table form:

Book of Mormon - gold and metal plates

Book of Mormon Hebraic Influences

Book of Mormon witnesses templates

Book of Mormon - Slaying Laban templates

Church history and D&C templates

Apostasy templates

D&C and Lectures on Faith

Emma Smith templates

First Vision

Legal issues templates

"Magic", Occult, etc.

1826 Glasslooking trial
Hofmann and other Forgeries

Plural marriage

Political issues in Church history templates

Priesthood templates

Prophecy templates

Evolution templates

Grace templates

Heartland (Meldrum) templates

Use: {{DVD:Meldrum:2008|section=X|time=Y}}

Joseph Smith templates

Other visionary issues

Godhead templates



Holy Ghost

Interfaith issues templates

Mountain Meadows Massacre (MMM) templates

Pearl of Great Price templates

Priesthood templates

Hugh Nibley templates

Other subjects

Accusations of dishonesty templates


Quote mining templates

Specific author templates

Temple templates

Freemasonry templates

Word of Wisdom templates

Footnote / Endnote templates

These templates are used to create automatic endnotes.

Photo templates

These templates link to photos, which may have very long URL's, and thus are difficult to read and edit in a wiki page. By putting a hotlink in its own template, confusion is avoided.

Obsidian image hotlinks

Website and Hotlink Templates

50 Questions for Mormons

links to lds.org website

Format: {{50Questions}}

Appears like this:

Tower to Truth Ministries, "50 Questions to Ask Mormons," towertotruth.net (accessed 15 November 2007). 50 Answers

Church LDS.org website

links to lds.org website

Format: {{lds|topic=Marriage|url=http://etc. }}

Appears like this:

LDS.org: Challenges in Marriage Church site

"Edit Me"

FAIR website link

Format: {{editme| url=PageName|before=TextBefore|after=TextAfter }}

Note:Use this at the top of templates to insert a small graphic for editors to click if they wish to edit the template list. The URL should be the page NAME that appears when one clicks "edit" the page which the link should edit.

Example of its use: Template:ArticleMasterLists (For this example page, the url is Template:ArticleMasterLists)


{{editme|url=FAIRWiki:Table_of_contents|before=This text is before the graphic|after='''This bold text is after the graphic'''}}

Gives the following output:

This text is before the graphic This bold text is after the graphic

Note that if you do not want text before (and/or after), you must STILL include the before= and after= arguments, but leave them blank. So, to make a link to Table of Contents with no writing beside the icon, use:


Which gives:

If you don't include the blank before=|after=, then you get this:

{{{before}}} {{{after}}}

...which is ugly. :-)

FAIR Topical Guide

links to the topical guide; puts in "FAIR Topical Guide:" text for you

Format: {{Tg|topic=Grace|url=http://etc. }}

Appears like this:

FAIR Topical Guide: Grace FAIR link

FAIR store

links to on-line store to purchase materials

Format: {{fairstore|url=http://etc. }}

FAIR Website

FAIR website link

Format: {{fairlink| url=http://etc. }}

FARMS Review



Format: {{GL | url=http://etc. }}

GospeLink - indicates that link is to a specific chapter, to distinguish from more generic links to the table of contents. Optional, but sometimes useful. (Compare link and link1 templates below.)

Format: {{GL1| url=http://etc. }}

Insights (FARMS Newsletter)


Journal of Discourses

Off site HTML link

Link to off-site webpage

Format: {{link|url=http://etc.}}

Link to off-site webpage; marks it as a "direct" link to the specific citation (compare GL1 and GL)

Format: {{link|url=http://etc.}}

Off site MP3 or other audio link

Link to off-site digital audio file (mp3, etc.)

Format: {{mp3link|url=http://etc.}}

Off site PDF

Link to off-site PDF file

Format: {{pdflink|url=http://etc.}}

Search for the Truth DVD

Creates link for "source of criticism" from this anti-Mormon DVD, with hotlink to the replies and resources section.


Format: {{Template:SearchForTheTruthDVD}}


Link to other wiki article

Format: {{wikilink|url=http://etc.}}

Links can be made to the wiki by enclosing the title name in two square brackets, of course.

[[name of title here]]

The template discussed here allows a small link to the wiki, which can keep things from being too cluttered. The title of each article does NOT appear for the user.


 {{wikilink|url=Bible basics}} 

Gives a link like this: FAIRWiki link

Example of its use on a wikipage: here.

Special templates


This template creates a clickable graphic image to use as a link. It is used, for instance, by the "editme" template.


Format: {{Click|url=PageName|width=Xpx|height=Ypx|image=Wiki.jpg|Title=NAME}}


url=LOCAL pagename. This does not work for http:// style links outside the Wiki.
X=pixel width of image (to max of 100 px; can exceed size of your graphic, but not be less than it)
Y=pixel hegiht of image (as above)
image=name of graphic to use as link
title=Name of link

Bookstore text

Edit this file to change the text on the ISBN links.

All templates master list
Books and periodicals (General)
Critical works
New style
Old style
Still works, but please use new style for new additions.
Specific periodicals speedy method
FARMS Review
FARMS Insights
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (JBMS)
BoM geo tables
GospeLink quick links
Scripture auto-links: how to
YouTube Videos