Diferenças entre edições de "O Livro de Mórmon/Geografia/Demonstrações"

Linha 42: Linha 42:
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Geografia/Demonstrações/Século XX/Carta da Primeira Presidência
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Geografia/Demonstrações/Século XX/Carta da Primeira Presidência
|assunto=First Presidency letters
|assunto=First Presidency letters
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Geografia/Demonstrações/Século XXI
|assunto=Twenty-first century

Revisão das 17h04min de 5 de junho de 2016


Declarações sobre Book of Mormon geografia


Statements made by Church leaders on the subject of Book of Mormon geography

This page collects a variety of writings by Church leaders and members throughout its history, illustrating that debate and discussion about Book of Mormon geography has been very free, precisely because there was no revealed or "authoritative" geography. This collection is a work in progress; readers who know of additional statements are invited to contact FAIR.

No revealed geography

Resumo: A collection of statements indicating that there is no revealed geography for the Book of Mormon (these quotes are also in the collections below, by date).

Nineteenth century

Joseph's lifetime (1829–1844)

After Joseph's death (1844–1899)

Twentieth century

Twentieth century (1900–1999)

First Presidency letters

Twenty-first century (2000–)

Statements by Hugh Nibley

Resumo: LDS scholar Hugh Nibley is sometimes cited out of context by advocates of a geography theory who wish to claim his support for their ideas. They do this to disguise that Nibley argued for Mesoamerican involvement in the Book of Mormon. All of Nibley's statements should be considered if one wishes to know what he thought.