Diferenças entre edições de "Joseph Smith/Caráter"

(Replaced Google text with English and added translate tag)
Linha 2: Linha 2:
{{título do recurso|O caráter de Joseph Smith}}
{{título do recurso|O caráter de Joseph Smith}}
{{resumo dos tópicos}}
{{resumo dos tópicos}}
== ==
== ==
{{tópicos rótulo}}
{{tópicos rótulo}}
Linha 8: Linha 9:
|link=Joseph Smith/Caráter
|link=Joseph Smith/Caráter
|assunto=O caráter de Joseph Smith
|assunto=O caráter de Joseph Smith
|resumo=Alega-se que Joseph Smith era uma pessoa de má reputação.
|resumo=It is claimed that Joseph Smith was a disreputable person.
|link=Joseph Smith/Caráter/Ele era uma pessoa de má reputação
|link=Joseph Smith/Caráter/Ele era uma pessoa de má reputação
|assunto=Joseph Smith era vergonhoso?
|assunto=Joseph Smith era vergonhoso?
|resumo=Foi Joseph Smith conhecido como uma pessoa "má reputação"?
|resumo=Was Joseph Smith known as a "disreputable" person?
|link=A crítica do Mormonismo/Livros/Mormonism Unvailed/Os depoimentos Hurlbut
|link=A crítica do Mormonismo/Livros/Mormonism Unvailed/Os depoimentos Hurlbut
|assunto=Os depoimentos Hurlbut
|assunto=The Hurlbut affidavits
|resumo=Alguns citam uma coleção de depoimentos de vizinhos de Joseph Smith, que afirmam que a família Smith possuía uma série de falhas de caráter. Muitos dos amigos e vizinhos de Joseph Smith assinou declarações que ele e sua família, de ser, caçadores de tesouros undependable indolentes preguiçosos acusados​​.
|resumo=Some cite a collection of affidavits from Joseph Smith’s neighbors which claim that the Smith family possessed a number of character flaws. Many of Joseph Smith’s friends and neighbors signed affidavits that accused him and his family of being lazy, indolent, undependable treasure-seekers.
|link=Joseph Smith/"Recitais divertidas" e "contos imaginativos?"
|link=Joseph Smith/"Recitais divertidas" e "contos imaginativos?"
|assunto="Recitais divertidas" e "contos imaginativos?"
|assunto="Amusing recitals" and "Tall Tales?"
|resumo=A mãe de Joseph Smith relatou que ele disse "recitais divertidos" sobre os antigos habitantes do continente americano muito antes de ele traduziu o Livro de Mórmon. Será que isso indica que Joseph era simplesmente um contador de "contos imaginativos?"
|resumo=Joseph Smith's mother reported that he told "amusing recitals" about the ancient inhabitants of the American continent well before he translated the Book of Mormon. Does this indicate that Joseph was simply a teller of "tall tales?"
|link=Joseph Smith/Especulação de terras em Nauvoo
|link=Joseph Smith/Especulação de terras em Nauvoo
|assunto=Especulação de terras em Nauvoo
|assunto=Land speculation in Nauvoo
|resumo=Será que Joseph Smith se envolver em "especulação de terras" em Nauvoo?
|resumo=Did Joseph Smith engage in "land speculation" in Nauvoo?
|link=Joseph Smith/Personalidade e temperamento
|link=Joseph Smith/Personalidade e temperamento
|assunto=Personalidade e temperamento
|assunto=Personality and temperament
|resumo=Alguns apontam para o que eles percebem como falhas pessoais de Joseph Smith, como a sua alegada pavio curto, como prova de que ele não era um verdadeiro profeta de Deus.
|resumo=Some point to what they perceive as personal failings of Joseph Smith, such as his allegedly short temper, as evidence that he was not a true prophet of God.
|link=Joseph Smith/Ensinou Porter Rockwell 'que era correto de roubar"
|link=Joseph Smith/Ensinou Porter Rockwell 'que era correto de roubar"
|assunto=Joseph ensinou Porter Rockwell 'que era correto de roubar"?
|assunto=Joseph taught Porter Rockwell 'it was right to steal'?
|resumo=Será que Joseph realmente ensinar Orrin Porter Rockwell que "era correto de roubar?"
|resumo=Did Joseph really teach Orrin Porter Rockwell that "it was right to steal?"
|link=Joseph Smith/Análise psicobiográfica
|link=Joseph Smith/Análise psicobiográfica
|assunto=Análise psicobiográfica
|assunto=Psychobiographical analysis
|resumo=É possível deduzir pensamentos e sonhos de Joseph Smith anos depois de sua morte? Alguns críticos pensam assim.
|resumo=Is it possible to deduce Joseph Smith's thoughts and dreams years after his death? Some critics think so.
{{:Joseph Smith/Narcisismo}}</noinclude>
{{:Joseph Smith/Narcisismo}}</noinclude>

Revisão das 15h00min de 24 de janeiro de 2016


O caráter de Joseph Smith

Esta página é um resumo ou índice. Informações mais detalhadas sobre este assunto está disponível no sub-páginas abaixo.



O caráter de Joseph Smith

It is claimed that Joseph Smith was a disreputable person.

Joseph Smith era vergonhoso?

Resumo: Was Joseph Smith known as a "disreputable" person?

The Hurlbut affidavits

Resumo: Some cite a collection of affidavits from Joseph Smith’s neighbors which claim that the Smith family possessed a number of character flaws. Many of Joseph Smith’s friends and neighbors signed affidavits that accused him and his family of being lazy, indolent, undependable treasure-seekers.

"Amusing recitals" and "Tall Tales?"

Resumo: Joseph Smith's mother reported that he told "amusing recitals" about the ancient inhabitants of the American continent well before he translated the Book of Mormon. Does this indicate that Joseph was simply a teller of "tall tales?"

Land speculation in Nauvoo

Resumo: Did Joseph Smith engage in "land speculation" in Nauvoo?

Personality and temperament

Resumo: Some point to what they perceive as personal failings of Joseph Smith, such as his allegedly short temper, as evidence that he was not a true prophet of God.

Joseph taught Porter Rockwell 'it was right to steal'?

Resumo: Did Joseph really teach Orrin Porter Rockwell that "it was right to steal?"

Psychobiographical analysis

Resumo: Is it possible to deduce Joseph Smith's thoughts and dreams years after his death? Some critics think so.

Alegado narcisismo de Joseph Smith


Joseph Smith's alleged narcissism

Was Joseph Smith ego-maniacal, proud, and narcissistic?

Resumo: Some quote Joseph Smith as saying such things as: "I am learned, and know more than all the world put together," "I combat the errors of ages; I meet the violence of mobs; I cope with illegal proceedings from executive authority; I cut the Gordian knot of powers, and I solve mathematical problems of universities, with truth . . . diamond truth; and God is my ‘right hand man.’” They use these quotes to portray Joseph as egomaniacal, proud, and narcissistic.

Joseph as a "second Mohammad"

Resumo: Joseph Smith is quoted as saying that he would be a "second Muhammad," threatening to spread his beliefs with the sword.

Did Joseph Smith 'boast' of keeping the Church intact?

Resumo: Joseph Smith is reported as saying: “I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam... Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet.” (History of The Church, 6:408–409). This attitude strikes some as boastful, and unbecoming a prophet.