Diferenças entre edições de "A Visita de Morôni"

(Replaced Google translated text with English)
Linha 2: Linha 2:
{{título do recurso|A visita do anjo Moroni a Joseph Smith, Jr.}}
{{título do recurso|A visita do anjo Moroni a Joseph Smith, Jr.}}
{{resumo dos tópicos}}
{{resumo dos tópicos}}
== ==
== ==
{{tópicos rótulo}}
{{tópicos rótulo}}
Linha 7: Linha 8:
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Anjo de Satanás
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Anjo de Satanás
|assunto=Moroni como um "anjo de Satanás"
|assunto=Moroni as an "angel of Satan"
|resumo=Alguns críticos acusaram que Moroni, o profeta ressuscitado que deu o Livro de Mórmon placas de Joseph Smith, era realmente um anjo de Satanás. Eles baseiam essa cobrança em duas passagens do Novo Testamento: 2 Coríntios 11:13-15 e Gálatas 1:08.
|resumo=Some critics have charged that Moroni, the resurrected prophet who gave the Book of Mormon plates to Joseph Smith, was really an angel of Satan. They base this charge on two passages in the New Testament: 2 Corinthians 11:13–15 and Galatians 1:8.
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Néfi ou Moroni
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Néfi ou Moroni
|assunto=Néfi ou Moroni
|assunto=Nephi or Moroni
|resumo=A Igreja ensina que Moroni foi o mensageiro celestial que apareceu a Joseph Smith e instruiu-o a as placas de ouro. No entanto, algumas fontes da Igreja dar a identidade desse mensageiro como Néfi. Alega-se que isso mostra que José foi "tornando-se como ele foi junto. Na verdade, um único erro de impressão foi reeditado várias vezes. Mas, fontes mais antigas (mesmo os hostis) dar o nome de "Moroni".
|resumo=The Church teaches that Moroni was the heavenly messenger which appeared to Joseph Smith and directed him to the gold plates. Yet, some Church sources give the identity of this messenger as Nephi. It is claimed that this shows that Joseph was 'making it up as he went along.' In fact, a single misprint was reprinted a few times. But, earliest sources (even hostile ones) give the name as "Moroni".
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Joseph Smith relatou "um espírito" visitar nele em 1827
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Joseph Smith relatou "um espírito" visitar nele em 1827
|assunto=Joseph Smith relatou "um espírito" visitar nele em 1827
|assunto=Joseph reported "a spirit" visiting in him in 1827
|resumo=Os críticos estão ansiosos para pintar primeiras experiências de Joseph como ligada à "magia" ou tesouro seeking. Assim, eles argumentam que Joseph Smith descreveu a sua primeira visita angelical como "um sonho", em que "um espírito" visitá-lo três vezes em uma noite.
|resumo=Critics are anxious to paint Joseph's early experiences as linked to "magick" or treasure seeking. They thus argue that Joseph Smith described his first angelic visitor as "a dream" in which "a spirit" visited him three times in one night.
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Moroni teria bateu a cabeça no teto
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Moroni teria bateu a cabeça no teto
|assunto=Moroni teria bateu a cabeça no teto
|assunto=Moroni would have struck his head on the ceiling?
|resumo=Em um dos ataques mais absurdas ou desesperadas sobre a história de José, alguns afirmam que Moroni não poderia ter se "acima do chão", porque o teto teria sido muito baixo e ele teria batido com a cabeça. Fotos refutar facilmente esta afirmação absurda.
|resumo=In one of the more absurd or desperate attacks upon Joseph's story, some claim that Moroni could not have stood "above the floor" because the ceiling would have been too low and he would have hit his head. Photos easily disprove this absurd claim.
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Irmãos permaneceu adormecido
|link=A Visita de Morôni/Irmãos permaneceu adormecido
|assunto=Por que os irmãos de José não acordou quando Moroni apareceu?
|assunto=Why didn't Joseph's siblings wake up when Moroni appeared?
|resumo=Alega-se que quando Morôni apareceu a Joseph Smith em seu quarto no dia 21 de setembro de 1823, os irmãos que estavam dormindo no mesmo quarto deve ter acordado. Eles afirmam que esta é uma evidência que a história de Joseph é falso. Alega-se que nenhuma obra de arte Igreja mostra os irmãos de José dormindo. A alegação é falsa.
|resumo=It is claimed that when Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith in his room on September 21, 1823, his siblings who were sleeping in the same room should have woken up. They claim that this is evidence that Joseph's story is false. It is claimed that no Church artwork shows Joseph's siblings asleep. The claim is false.

Revisão das 22h40min de 19 de janeiro de 2016


A visita do anjo Moroni a Joseph Smith, Jr.

Esta página é um resumo ou índice. Informações mais detalhadas sobre este assunto está disponível no sub-páginas abaixo.



Moroni as an "angel of Satan"

Resumo: Some critics have charged that Moroni, the resurrected prophet who gave the Book of Mormon plates to Joseph Smith, was really an angel of Satan. They base this charge on two passages in the New Testament: 2 Corinthians 11:13–15 and Galatians 1:8.

Nephi or Moroni

Resumo: The Church teaches that Moroni was the heavenly messenger which appeared to Joseph Smith and directed him to the gold plates. Yet, some Church sources give the identity of this messenger as Nephi. It is claimed that this shows that Joseph was 'making it up as he went along.' In fact, a single misprint was reprinted a few times. But, earliest sources (even hostile ones) give the name as "Moroni".

Joseph reported "a spirit" visiting in him in 1827

Resumo: Critics are anxious to paint Joseph's early experiences as linked to "magick" or treasure seeking. They thus argue that Joseph Smith described his first angelic visitor as "a dream" in which "a spirit" visited him three times in one night.

Moroni would have struck his head on the ceiling?

Resumo: In one of the more absurd or desperate attacks upon Joseph's story, some claim that Moroni could not have stood "above the floor" because the ceiling would have been too low and he would have hit his head. Photos easily disprove this absurd claim.

Why didn't Joseph's siblings wake up when Moroni appeared?

Resumo: It is claimed that when Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith in his room on September 21, 1823, his siblings who were sleeping in the same room should have woken up. They claim that this is evidence that Joseph's story is false. It is claimed that no Church artwork shows Joseph's siblings asleep. The claim is false.