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==Pergunta: Quando Lucy Mack Smith foi batizado?==
===Richard Bushman: "Ao relatar seu batismo por volta de 1803, Lucy Smith por implicação sugere uma data para ela ser membro da igreja presbiteriana em Palmyra"===
==Question: When was Lucy Mack Smith baptized?==
===Richard Bushman: "In recounting her baptism around 1803, Lucy Smith by implication suggested a date for her membership in the Presbyterian church in Palmyra"===
Lucy Mack Smith registrou em sua história que ela procurou o batismo por volta de 1803, sem aderir formalmente qualquer Igreja naquela época. O reverendo Wesley Walters tenta colocar associação de Lucy com os presbiterianos em 1824, para coincidir com o formal de 1824 avivamento. Em 1987, Richard Bushman resumiu os debates sobre presbiterianismo de Lucy a esse ponto:
Lucy Mack Smith recorded in her history that she sought out baptism sometime around 1803, without formally joining any Church at that time. The Reverend Wesley Walters attempts to place Lucy's association with the Presbyterians at 1824, to coincide with the formal 1824 revival. In 1987, Richard Bushman summarized the debates about Lucy's Presbyterianism to that point:
Ao relatar seu batismo por volta de 1803, Lucy Smith por implicação sugere uma data para ela ser membro da igreja presbiteriana em Palmyra. Ela procurou por um ministro que batizaria-la sem a exigência de compromisso com uma igreja. Ela encontrou um homem assim, que a deixou "livre em relação a se juntar a qualquer denominação religiosa." Depois disso, ela diz, "Eu dei um passo para a frente e rendeu obediência a esta portaria, após o que eu continuei a ler a Bíblia como anteriormente até que o meu filho mais velho tinha alcançado seu vigésimo segundo ano." Esboços biográficos, pp. 48-49. Alvin tinha vinte e dois em 1820. Infelizmente, os registros presbiterianos que poderia confirmar esta data são perdidas. Em uma entrevista 1893 William Smith disse que Hyrum, Samuel, e Catherine eram presbiterianos, mas desde que Catherine tinha apenas oito anos, em 1820, e Sophronia, a quem Joseph nomeado, tinha dezessete anos, Sophronia era mais provável de ser a irmã que se juntou .... Todas as evidências circunstanciais não obstante, a data do noivado de Lucy Smith para presbiterianismo continua a ser uma questão de debate. É possível argumentar plausivelmente que ela não se juntou até mais tarde revivals Palmyra em 1824. <ref>{{Book:Bushman:Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism|pages=53n32}} </ref>
In recounting her baptism around 1803, Lucy Smith by implication suggested a date for her membership in the Presbyterian church in Palmyra. She had searched for a minister who would baptize her without the requirement of commitment to one church. She found such a man, who left her "free in regard to joining any religious denomination." After this, she says, "I stepped forward and yielded obedience to this ordinance; after which I continued to read the Bible as formerly until my eldest son had attained his twenty-second year." Biographical Sketches, pp. 48-49. Alvin was twenty-two in 1820. Unfortunately, the Presbyterian records that could confirm this date are lost. In an 1893 interview William Smith said that Hyrum, Samuel, and Catherine were Presbyterians, but since Catherine was only eight in 1820, and Sophronia, whom Joseph named, was seventeen, Sophronia was more likely to be the sister who joined....All the circumstantial evidence notwithstanding, the date of Lucy Smith's engagement to Presbyterianism remains a matter of debate. It is possible to argue plausibly that she did not join until later Palmyra revivals in 1824. <ref>{{Book:Bushman:Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism|pages=53n32}} </ref>
Assim, uma resposta definitiva para a questão provavelmente vai se iludir-nos, embora Bushman favoreceu claramente a data de início.
Thus, a definitive answer to the question will probably elude us, though Bushman clearly favored the early date.
Críticos agir como se o assunto tenha sido resolvido a forma como o reverendo Wesley Walters esperava que fosse - insistindo que a data de 1824 era a única viável. Isso é falso, eo peso da evidência é, provavelmente, no lado do entendimento "tradicional" de Lucy e pelo menos algumas crianças como presbiterianos antes de um 1820 Primeira Visão.
Critics act as if the matter has been settled the way the Reverend Wesley Walters hoped it would be--insisting that the 1824 date was the only viable one. This is false, and the weight of evidence is probably on the side of the "traditional" understanding of Lucy and at least some children as Presbyterians prior to an 1820 First Vision.

Revisão das 22h45min de 6 de janeiro de 2016



Question: When was Lucy Mack Smith baptized?

Richard Bushman: "In recounting her baptism around 1803, Lucy Smith by implication suggested a date for her membership in the Presbyterian church in Palmyra"

Lucy Mack Smith recorded in her history that she sought out baptism sometime around 1803, without formally joining any Church at that time. The Reverend Wesley Walters attempts to place Lucy's association with the Presbyterians at 1824, to coincide with the formal 1824 revival. In 1987, Richard Bushman summarized the debates about Lucy's Presbyterianism to that point:

In recounting her baptism around 1803, Lucy Smith by implication suggested a date for her membership in the Presbyterian church in Palmyra. She had searched for a minister who would baptize her without the requirement of commitment to one church. She found such a man, who left her "free in regard to joining any religious denomination." After this, she says, "I stepped forward and yielded obedience to this ordinance; after which I continued to read the Bible as formerly until my eldest son had attained his twenty-second year." Biographical Sketches, pp. 48-49. Alvin was twenty-two in 1820. Unfortunately, the Presbyterian records that could confirm this date are lost. In an 1893 interview William Smith said that Hyrum, Samuel, and Catherine were Presbyterians, but since Catherine was only eight in 1820, and Sophronia, whom Joseph named, was seventeen, Sophronia was more likely to be the sister who joined....All the circumstantial evidence notwithstanding, the date of Lucy Smith's engagement to Presbyterianism remains a matter of debate. It is possible to argue plausibly that she did not join until later Palmyra revivals in 1824. [1]

Thus, a definitive answer to the question will probably elude us, though Bushman clearly favored the early date.

Critics act as if the matter has been settled the way the Reverend Wesley Walters hoped it would be--insisting that the 1824 date was the only viable one. This is false, and the weight of evidence is probably on the side of the "traditional" understanding of Lucy and at least some children as Presbyterians prior to an 1820 First Vision.


  1. Richard L. Bushman, Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism (Urbana and Chicago, Illinois: University of Illinois Press; Reprint edition, 1987), 53n32. ISBN 0252060121.