Diferenças entre edições de "O Livro de Mórmon/Anacronismos/Cultura"

Linha 15: Linha 15:
|resumo= The Book of Mormon calendar is not identical to the calendar used by modern peoples.  Learn about Nephite calendar(s) here.
|resumo= The Book of Mormon calendar is not identical to the calendar used by modern peoples.  Learn about Nephite calendar(s) here.
|link=O Livro de Mórmon/Calendário/Semana desconhecido no Americas
|assunto=Was the idea of a "week" unknown in the Americas?
|resumo= Despite claims to the contrary, there is evidence for a seven-day week among the early Maya, though the Book of Mormon does not require such a correlation.

Revisão das 16h30min de 15 de maio de 2016


Cultural issues in the Book of Mormon



Cultural issues in the Book of Mormon


Resumo: The Book of Mormon calendar is not identical to the calendar used by modern peoples. Learn about Nephite calendar(s) here.

Olive culture

Resumo: Does the Book of Mormon's account of olive culture in Jacob 5 match what we know about this subject?

Legal codes and concepts

Resumo: Do the legal concepts in the Book of Mormon better match Joseph Smith's day, or the ancient world?