Diferenças entre edições de "FAIRwiki:Style guide"

(General rule: Drop the "elder")
(Scripture references: Screenshot)
Linha 96: Linha 96:
==Scripture references==
==Scripture references==
[[Image:scripture_cite_copy_shortcut.png|frame|right|Copying a scripture link]]
Scripture citations should include a link to the scriptural passage on LDS.org, in this manner:
Scripture citations should include a link to the scriptural passage on LDS.org, in this manner:
:Nephi said his father, Lehi, lived in a tent ([http://scriptures.lds.org/1_ne/2/15#15 1 Nephi 2:15]).
:Nephi said his father, Lehi, lived in a tent ([http://scriptures.lds.org/1_ne/2/15#15 1 Nephi 2:15]).

Revisão das 10h26min de 28 de setembro de 2005

This style guide gives direction on how FAIRwiki pages should be formatted and organized. Adhering to the approved style will help you create professional and appropriate wiki articles.

This article does not explain how to create pages or use Mediawiki markup language. For help with that, see Help:Editing.

If you have any questions about or suggestions for the style guide, please contact Mike Parker at mparker AT fairlds DOT org.

Examples of pages that meet the style

Thou shalt not...

  • Privacy: Thou shalt not, under any circumstances, put a person's name, email address, or other personal information in a wiki article without his or her express permission. This rule includes answers from the FAIR list copied to the wiki.
  • FAIR email: Thou shalt not copy a message from the FAIR email list to the wiki without the express consent of the author.
  • Sacred material: Thou shalt not quote language used in temple ceremonies, or describe them in such detail as would violate sacred covenants.
  • Evil speaking: Thou shalt not attack the leaders of the Church (dead or living) or make personal, derogatory remarks about them. You may disagree with statements they have made, but be very careful in how you word your disagreement.

Active voice

In general, you should strive to use active voice rather than passive voice in your articles. For example:

  • Active voice (correct): Critics charge that the Church teaches unbiblical doctrines.
  • Passive voice (incorrect): It is charged that the Church teaches unbiblical doctrines.

Page layout

In general, pages should be organized as follows:

==Criticism== (heading2)
A brief explanation of the criticism.
 ===Source(s) of the criticism=== (heading3)
 Anti-Mormon books or web sites where the criticism originated

==Response== (heading2)
The response should be brief and summary in nature.

==Conclusion== (heading2)
A summary of the argument against the criticism.

==Further reading== (heading2)

 ===FAIR wiki articles=== (heading3)
 *Links to related articles in the wiki (bulleted)
 ===FAIR web site=== (heading3)
 *Links to articles on the FAIR web site; Topical Guide entries go first (bulleted) as follows--
 *FAIR Topical Guide: [link]
 ===External links=== (heading3)
 *Links to external web pages (bulleted)
 ===Printed material=== (heading3)
 *Printed resources whose text is not available online (bulleted)

A template of this page layout, ready for copy-and-paste, is available at FAIRwiki:New_page_template.

Templates for special pages

Draft articles are those with limited and/or incomplete content. This should be indicated to the reader by adding a special tag at the top of the page:


Answers from the FAIR list are articles derived from questions sumitted to the FAIR web site. Indicate this by putting this tag at the top of the page:



Words in headings should not be capitalized, except for:

  • The first word in the heading.
  • Proper names (e.g., Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, etc.) and titles (e.g., President Hinckley).

Internal links

General rule

One of the major features of a wiki is the ability to create links within an article to other articles on related subjects. In general, you should strive to create appropriate links to articles the reader may find useful.

However, do not create links to subjects that are not apologetic in nature. For example, a link to page on Neal A. Maxwell is probably not appropriate, because Elder Maxwell, in and of himself, is not an apologetic topic.

Subject page

The exception to the general rule is to create a subject page for a topic that will point to reader to specific articles that are apologetically-based.

For example, a page for Gordon B. Hinckley could be created that would simply refer the reader to articles where his life and actions are examined (such as Church reaction to Hofmann forgeries and Downplaying the King Follett discourse.



Remember, the purpose of the wiki is to give quick answers to commonly-asked questions, then to direct the reader to further resources. It is critical that you provide references for additional reading.

Try to always include:

  • A link to the FAIR Topical Guide entry for the subject (if it exists) and/or articles on the FAIR web site.
  • Reliable articles on other web sites.
  • Books and periodicals.


Published works should be referenced in this format (note the use of quotes and italics):

  • Bruce R. McConkie, ed., Doctrines of Salvation: Sermons and Writings of Joseph Fielding Smith (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1954), 1:25.
Article in a periodical:
  • George Horton, "Understanding Textual Changes in the Book of Mormon," Ensign, December 1983, p. 25.

See the example pages, referenced above, for examples of how to format different types of citations.

Scripture references

Copying a scripture link

Scripture citations should include a link to the scriptural passage on LDS.org, in this manner:

Nephi said his father, Lehi, lived in a tent (1 Nephi 2:15).


  • Use the full name of the book of scripture (1 Nephi); do not abbreviate (1 Ne.).
  • Place the reference in parentheses before the puncuation ending the sentence.
  • To create the link, browse to http://scriptures.lds.org, and enter the citation (1 Nephi 2:15) into the Search for: field. The site will return your passage, with a hyperlink. Right-click on the hyperlink and choose "Copy shortcut" or "Copy link location". Paste the link into your article in this manner:
[http://scriptures.lds.org/1_ne/2/15#15 1 Nephi 2:15]


Instead of using two hyphens to break apart thoughts within a sentence, use and m-dash:

Wrong: What's important about a testimony--and the key to obtaining one--is that it comes from the Holy Spirit.
Right: What's important about a testimony—and the key to obtaining one—is that it comes from the Holy Spirit.

You can create an m-dash by typing the following code:



When citing page or date ranges, instead of using a hyphen, use an n-dash. An n-dash is slightly longer than a hyphen, and indicates a range.

Wrong: John Taylor’s testimony is found in History of the Church 7:99-108.
Right: John Taylor’s testimony is found in History of the Church 7:99–108.

You can create an n-dash by typing the following code:
