Question: What is the Heartland Model of Book of Mormon geography
This geography was originally based on a DVD presentation produced by Rodney Meldrum
Model Name |
Date Proposed |
Scope |
Narrow Neck |
Land North |
Land South |
Cumorah |
River Sidon |
Nephi's Landing |
Religion |
Type of model
Meldrum 2003 |
2003? |
Niagara Peninsula |
Upper Canada |
Mississippi river system to Gulf of Mexico |
New York |
Mississippi |
Gulf of Mexico |
External |
This geography was originally based on a DVD presentation (which is in turn based on fireside presentations) produced by Rodney (Rod) Meldrum: Rodney Meldrum, DNA Evidence for Book of Mormon Geography: New scientific support for the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon; Correlation and Verification through DNA, Prophetic, Scriptural, Historical, Climatological, Archaeological, Social, and Cultural Evidence (Rodney Meldrum, 2007), mail-order DVD. ( Index of claims ).
Other works and sources include:
- Bruce H. Porter and Rod L. Meldrum, Prophecies and Promises: The Book of Mormon & The United States of America (Salt Lake City, UT: Digital Legend, 2009), 1–.
- Rod Meldrum, Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA (Honeoye Falls, NY: Digital Legend Press, 2009), 1–.
- The FIRM Foundation
- LDSPromisedLand.com [this company was formed by Meldrum, Bruce Porter, Wayne May, and LDS Travel president Brian Mickelsen. The company was sold in 2012]. Despite being president of this group for a time, Meldrum opted to conduct his own seminars in competition with this group because of financial reasons. According to Bruce Porter:
- (Meldrum) felt that he needed to pull away from that company [ldspromisedland.com] because he could make more money doing it on his own. And that was a business decision that he made…. but it's what Rod does for a living, and everybody has a right to earn a living.[1]
Mark Alan Wright: "The core locations and events detailed in the text of the Book of Mormon took place in Mesoamerica, but many Nephites and Lamanites migrated and established settlements far northward"
Mark Alan Wright,
My basic thesis is this: The core locations and events detailed in the text of the Book of Mormon took place in Mesoamerica, but many Nephites and Lamanites migrated and established settlements far northward of the core area and are thus simply outside the scope of the text. I am certainly not the first to make this argument or note the significance of this northward migration, but from countless conversations I have had about Book of Mormon geography over the past few years I have found that many people are unfamiliar with the ideas. —(Clique aqui para continuar) [2]
Resumo: Are geographical models that do not agree with the Heartland model "apostate?"
Resumo: Do LDS scholars "disdain" the statements of Joseph Smith related to Book of Mormon geography?
Resumo: Definition of "this land" with respect to Book of Mormon geography
Resumo: It is claimed that the location of the city of Zarahemla was provided to Joseph Smith through revelation and that it was located on the Mississippi River opposite where Nauvoo is located today.
Resumo: It is claimed that the proposal of a Mesoamerican limited geographical Book of Mormon setting contradicts D&C 54:8, which discusses the "borders of the Lamanites" being in North America.
Resumo: Statements made by Church leaders, members, and publications about Book of Mormon geography issues
Resumo: A collection of statements indicating that there is no revealed geography for the Book of Mormon (these quotes are also in the collections below, by date).
Resumo: LDS scholar Hugh Nibley is sometimes cited out of context by advocates of the Heartland theory who wish to claim his support for their ideas. They do this to disguise that Nibley argued for Mesoamerican involvement in the Book of Mormon. All of Nibley's statements should be considered if one wishes to know what he thought.
O Livro de Mórmon/Geografia/Falsidades
- Ir para cima ↑ Michael De Groote, "Mormon geography conferences to compete this weekend," Deseret News (29 March 2010) off-site
- Ir para cima ↑ Mark Alan Wright, "Heartland as Hinterland: The Mesoamerican Core and North American Periphery of Book of Mormon Geography," Proceedings of the 2013 FAIR Conference (August 2013)