
Current Features
  • FAIR web site reviews. Many web sites critical of the Church are very obvious in their mission—to pull the foundation from members' faith. Some, however, are much more subtle in their approach. These sites are claimed to be operated by active and believing members of the Church. Their message, unfortunately, is not consistent with building or supporting faith. FAIR reviews one such site.
  • Where has the Church hidden its historical facts?—Our critics frequently claim that the Church has hidden its true history. A commonly cited example is Joseph Smith's use of a seer stone to translate. We found that this fact was indeed September 1974 Friend! How about the Danites attacking non-Mormons in Missouri? Check out the July 1993 Friend! We uncover some of the historical facts that the Church has hidden in plain sight.
  • Why did Joseph's siblings remain asleep during Moroni's visit?—One of the oddest claims we have recently encountered is the claim that Joseph's siblings should have been awakened during Moroni's visit. There is even some Church art that shows Joseph alone in his bed as he is listening to Moroni. Critics use this to try and prove that Joseph was only experiencing a dream or hallucination. FAIR examines this odd claim in detail.