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Modèle:Book of Mormon anachronisms
Révision datée du 2 avril 2010 à 10:15 par GregSmith (discussion | contributions)
Book of Mormon "Anachronisms" |
- Anachronisms (summary page)
- "Adieu"
- Animals
- Bethabara
- Bible text and word choice
- Cement
- Chariots
- Coins
- Compass
- Demographics
- DNA issues
- Firstling sacrifices
- Gadianton Robbers as Masons?
- "Gold" plates?
- Holy Ghost
- Hebrew and Native American languages
- Jeremiah in prison
- Jerusalem as site of Jesus' birth
- Language or phrasing
- KJV translation "errors" in Book of Mormon?
- Legal codes and concepts
- Metals
- Metal Plates
- Mulek
- Names
- Olive culture
- Plants
- Population sizes
- Pre-Christian Christianity
- Red Sea vs Reed Sea
- Reformed Egyptian
- Satyrs
- Sacrifice offered by non-Levites
- Serpents and drought
- Shiz struggles to breathe
- Snow
- Sweat and skin pores
- Synagogues
- Story of Jaredites added to explain presence of animals in New World
- Temple in the New World
- Three days of darkness
- Translation errors from the KJV?
- Two natures of Christ
- Warfare
- Windows