
Freemasonry printed materials
  • Michael R. Ash, Shaken Faith Syndrome: Strengthening One’s Testimony in the Face of Criticism and Doubt (Redding, CA: FAIR, 2008), 27, 118, 129, 229–31, 233. off-site
  • Lisle G. Brown, "Temple Pro Tempore," Journal of Mormon History, vol. 34, no. 4, Fall 2008, 40.
  • Matthew B. Brown, "The LDS Temple and Freemasonry," in The Gate of Heaven: Insight on the Doctrines and Symbols of the Temple (American Fork, UT: Covenant, 1999), 299–318. off-site
  • Matthew B. Brown, Exploring the Connection Between Mormons and Masons (American Fork, UT: Covenant, 2009), 1–211. off-site
  • Richard L. Bushman, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling (New York: Knopf, 2005), 449–51.
  • Kenneth W. Godfrey, "Freemasonry in Nauvoo," Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 4 vols., edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, (New York, Macmillan Publishing, 1992), 2:527–528. off-site off-site
  • Kenneth W. Godfrey, "Freemasonry and the Temple," Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 4 vols., edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, (New York, Macmillan Publishing, 1992), 2:528–529. off-site off-site
  • Michael T. Griffith, "Masonry and the Mormon Temple," in A Ready Reply: Answering Challenging Questions about the Gospel, (Bountiful, UT: Horizon Books, 1994), 13–21. off-site
  • William J. Hamblin and David Seely, "The Freemasons and Solomon's Temple," in Hamblin and Seely, Solomon's Temple: Myth and History (London: Thames and Hudson, 2007), 182–186.
  • Daniel C. Peterson, "Notes on 'Gadianton Masonry'" in Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1990), 174–224.
  • Gilbert W. Scharffs, Mormons and Masons: Setting the Record Straight (Orem, UT: Millennial Press, 2006), 1-91. off-site