“They Overcame … by the Blood of the Lamb”

November 6–12

FAIR Faithful Resources for Come, Follow Me 2023 December 11–17. Revelation 6–14: “They Overcame … by the Blood of the Lamb.” Find answers to difficult questions to help you in your learning and teaching. Here is a collection of reliable resources to supplement your study of Revelation 6–14. FAIR Resources link to relevant questions which have been answered on the FAIR website. Under Church Resources you’ll find links to the different Come, Follow Me manuals, as well as other helpful links as applicable. Other Resources link to resources outside of FAIR that are trustworthy and helpful.
Main points to ponder
The lesson reminds us that when we are confused by the symbols in the Book of Revelation, we aren’t alone – the Prophet Joseph Smith also had questions about those symbols.
“The Lord revealed to Joseph that this book and its seals represent the story of the earth’s “temporal existence,” with each seal representing a thousand years (see Doctrine and Covenants 77:6–7). You might be interested to know that the events of the first four seals are summarized in John’s vision in only eight verses (Revelation 6:1–8). The next three verses describe the fifth seal (verses 9–11). The events of the last two seals take up most of the rest of the book of Revelation. In other words, the main focus of John’s vision is the last days—our days.”
As you read Revelation 7 (see also Doctrine and Covenants 77:8–11), keep the work of gathering Israel in mind. Especially note verses 13–17. Ponder these questions:
- What thoughts do you have about this work?
- What do you learn about Jesus Christ?
- What do you learn about those who come to Christ?
- What do chapters 8; 9; and 11 teach you about the events of the last days? (see also Doctrine and Covenants 77:12–13, 15). As you study about the last days, instead of imposing a timeline of events on the Revelation, consider how you might prepare spiritually for these events?
- Revelation 10 tells of a book that an angel gives to John and commands him to eat. What might this symbolize? (see Doctrine and Covenants 77:14).

- What are the Seven Seals in the Book of Revelation? – John Welch 2023 FAIR Presentation
- Question: Is there any Biblical evidence that the apostasy began?
- Question: Do Mormons believe in the “rapture”?
- Is the Bible Complete?
- Question: What Biblical scriptures discuss the doctrine of the deification of man?
Come Follow Me for Individual Study: December 11–17. Revelation 6–14: “They Overcame … by the Blood of the Lamb”
Come Follow Me for Sunday School: December 11–17. Revelation 6–14: “They Overcame … by the Blood of the Lamb”
Come Follow Me for Primary: December 11–17. Revelation 6–14: “They Overcame … by the Blood of the Lamb”
- Scripture Central, Lynn Hilton Wilson: Revelation 6-15: New Testament with Lynne Wilson
- Scripture Central, Taylor and Tyler: Revelation 6–14 | Dec 11 – Dec 17 | Come Follow Me Insights
- Come Follow Me: Revelation 1-2, 12 – Ben Spackman
- The Scriptures are Real, Kerry Muhlestein:
- Follow Him, John Bytheway and Hank Smith: Revelations 6-14 Part 1 • Dr. Christopher Blythe , Revelations 6-14 Part 2 • Dr. Christopher Blythe
- Unshaken, Jared Halverson: Come Follow Me – Revelation 6-14 (part 1): Who Shall Be Able to Stand?, Come Follow Me – Revelation 6-14 (part 2): Fighting the Dragon
- Talking Scriptures, Bryce Dunford and Mike Day: Talking Scripture – YouTube (see their website, a different video for each chapter in this week’s lesson)
- Don’t Miss This, David Butler and Grace Freeman: Come Follow Me New Testament Revelation 6-14 (Dec. 11-17) Don’t Miss This
- BYU Scripture Roundtable Discussions: A Sea of Glass, Rev 4-6, Before the Throne of God: Rev. 6-13
- Scripture Project: Book of Revelation Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1), Book of Revelation Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 2)
- Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 51: December 11-17, Jonn Claybaugh
- The New Testament in Context: Come, Follow Me Lesson 51
- Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me New Testament Lesson 48 (Revelation 1–11)
- The Book of Revelation with Nicholas J. Frederick, LDS Perspectives
- Revelation 5-6 and 19-22. Views and Perspectives, Taylor Halverson
- Teaching the Book of Revelation: Five Considerations, Richard D. Draper
- Understanding Images and Symbols in the Book of Revelation, Ray L. Huntington
- Lehi’s Dream and Nephi’s Vision as Apocalyptic Literature, Daniel L. Belnap
- The Exalted Lord, Ray L. Huntington
- The Apocalyptic Witness of the Messiah, Frank F. Judd Jr.
- Apocalyptic Imagination and the New Testament, Ray L. Huntington
- Insights from the JST into the Book of Revelation, Robert L. Millet
- The War in Heaven and Satan’s Continuing Battle for Power, Kevin M. Bulloch
- Come Follow Me 2019: Revelation 1–11, Book of Mormon Central
- Why Was the Heavenly Book Sealed with Seven Seals?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #541
- Come Follow Me Revelation 1-11 (Dec. 9-15), Don’t Miss This
- Come, Follow Me—Podcast #48 “Glory, and Power, Be unto…the Lamb for Ever”, Revelation 1-11, Meridian Magazine
- Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever”, Revelations 1-11, Meridian Magazine
- Revelation 1–11 – “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever”, BYU Studies
- “Come, Follow Me” December 9–15: “Glory, and Power, Be unto . . . the Lamb for Ever”, LDS Living
- “Come, Follow Me” FHE: Doing It For the Right Reasons, LDS Living
- General Conference Talks
- Elder Allen D. Haynie: A Living Prophet for the Latter Days
- Elder M. Russell Ballard: Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers
- BYU Devotionals
- S. Kent Brown : Jesus’ Sermon on the Last Days: Matthew 24 | BYU Speeches
Lesson Devotional

Craig Lindquist is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is a father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, happily married to Dianna for the past 46 years. By trade he is a cabinetmaker, actor, and writer. He lives in Henderson, Nevada, except when he travels to film or to work on the construction of temples.

Lesson devotionals are provided by the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation. Its mission is to digitally preserve and publish Wilford Woodruff’s eyewitness account of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ from 1833 to 1898. It seeks to make Wilford Woodruff’s records universally accessible to inspire all people, especially the rising generation, to study and to increase their faith in Jesus Christ. See wilfordwoodruffpapers.org.
“The Blood of the Lamb”
By Craig Lindquist
Sitting on my bunk as a young marine, I decided to take a look at the Book of Mormon my mother had sent me. I honestly gave it my best, but try as I might, I could hardly understand a word of what I was reading. I soon gave up and set the book aside, not to touch it again for a number of years. When I did, I continued to read for days, looking for what I had been unable to understand before. Yet all of it now flowed so easily into my soul. The difference was the Spirit and my own readiness.
While the Spirit has helped me become better at understanding much of scripture over the intervening years, some verses still take a great deal of searching and pondering. John’s writings in the book of Revelation are a case in point. Like Shakespeare, John had a gift for poetic prose. Unlike Shakespeare, he was blessed with visions concerning our day and wrote so that we might know beforehand what was to come. Commenting on the prophecies of the book of Revelation, President Wilford Woodruff taught this remarkable principle:
God has held the angels of destruction for many years, lest they should reap down the wheat with the tares. But I want to tell you now, that those angels have left the portals of heaven, and they stand over this people and this nation now, and are hovering over the earth waiting to pour out the judgments. And from this very day they shall be poured out. Calamities and troubles are increasing in the earth, and there is a meaning to these things. Remember this, and reflect upon these matters. If you do your duty, and I do my duty, we’ll have protection, and shall pass through the afflictions in peace and in safety. Read the scriptures and the revelations. They will tell you about all these things. Great changes are at our doors.1
As we heed President Woodruff’s counsel, it may initially appear as though John wrote only of apocalyptic calamities and tribulations, but he was in fact teaching us how to survive spiritually in the troubling times that are increasing in intensity each day. In speaking of how the Saints of God overcame Satan in that great battle in heaven, John gave us the keys we need to access God’s protection for us and our families in these words: “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” (Revelation 12:11).
The first key we must have is, of course, the grace of the Lamb, even Jesus Christ. Without Him and His atoning sacrifice all would be lost. With Him, all is possible. The second key is our individual testimonies that we must gain through studying, praying, and following our Savior. And last, we must value the first two keys over life itself. So let us remember to do our duty, and we shall indeed pass through the afflictions we face in peace and safety.
1 Discourse by Wilford Woodruff, June 24, 1894, p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/discourse/1894-06-24.

Chapter Summaries
Revelation 6:
1-17: Christ opens the six seals, and John sees the events therein—In the fifth seal, he sees the Christian martyrs; and in the sixth, he sees the signs of the times.
Revelation 7
1-17: John also sees in the sixth seal the Restoration of the gospel, the sealing of the 144,000, and the hosts of the exalted from all nations. See also D&C 77: 8-11
Revelation 8
1-13: John sees fire and desolation poured out during the seventh seal and preceding the Second Coming. The coming plagues include hail, fire, earthquakes, disruption to sea life, and the sun and moon darkened. See also D&C 77: 12
Revelation 9
1-21: John also sees the wars and plagues poured out during the seventh seal and before the Lord comes. See also D&C 77: 13
Revelation 10
John seals up many things relative to the last days—He is commissioned to participate in the restoration of all things. See also D&C 77: 14
Revelation 11
1-19: In the last days, two prophets will be slain in Jerusalem—After 3½ days, they will be resurrected—Christ will reign over all the earth. See also D&C 77: 15
Revelation 12
1-17: John sees the imminent apostasy of the Church—He also sees the War in Heaven in the beginning when Satan was cast out—He sees the continuation of that war on earth.
Revelation 13
1-18: John sees fierce-looking beasts that represent degenerate earthly kingdoms controlled by Satan—The devil works miracles and deceives
Revelation 14
1-20: The Lamb will stand upon Mount Zion—The gospel will be restored in the last days by angelic ministry—The Son of Man will harvest the earth.
read Revelation 14 now
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