“Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever”

December 4–10

FAIR Faithful Resources for Come, Follow Me 2023 December 4–10. Revelation 1–5: “An High Priest of Good Things to Come.” Find answers to difficult questions to help you in your learning and teaching. Here is a collection of reliable resources to supplement your study of Revelation 1–5. FAIR Resources link to relevant questions which have been answered on the FAIR website. Under Church Resources you’ll find links to the different Come, Follow Me manuals, as well as other helpful links as applicable. Other Resources link to resources outside of FAIR that are trustworthy and helpful.
Main points to ponder
The Book of Revelation is daunting to many readers. But the lesson encourages us to keep a couple of important ideas in mind as we study:
- It isn’t necessary to understand the meaning behind every symbol John used; it will be a benefit to focus on the messages John wanted his audience to learn and feel.
- One way to study Revelation is to look for connections to the plan of salvation.
It may be helpful to write down questions you have as you read, and keep them with you. As you keep those questions in mind as you continue to study and discuss the scriptures with others, answers to those questions may present themselves.
The lesson provides this general overview of Revelation:
- Chapters 5 and 12 describe events in the premortal life.
- Chapters 6–11, 13–14, 16–19 describe mortal life and events in the history of the earth.
- Chapters 2–3, 15, 20–22 describe the Final Judgment and the glory that awaits the faithful.
As you read, ask yourself:
- What does this teach me about God’s plan?
- What has God done to help me overcome evil and return to Him?
- What are His promises to the faithful?”
Consider making Doctrine and Covenants 77 and the Joseph Smith Translation a part of your study.

- What are the Seven Seals in the Book of Revelation? – John Welch 2023 FAIR Presentation
- Question: Is there any Biblical evidence that the apostasy began?
- Question: Do Mormons believe in the “rapture”?
- Is the Bible Complete?
- Question: What Biblical scriptures discuss the doctrine of the deification of man?
- Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 50: December 4–10, Jonn Claybaugh
- The New Testament in Context: Come, Follow Me Lesson 50
- Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me New Testament Lesson 48 (Revelation 1–11)
- “To Him That Overcometh:” the Seven Promises of Revelation 2-3, Hales Swift
- The Book of Revelation with Nicholas J. Frederick, LDS Perspectives
- Revelation 5-6 and 19-22. Views and Perspectives, Taylor Halverson
- Scripture Roundtable: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 45, “He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things”
- Scripture Roundtable: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 46, “He Will Dwell with Them, and They Shall Be His People”
- Teaching the Book of Revelation: Five Considerations, Richard D. Draper
- Understanding Images and Symbols in the Book of Revelation, Ray L. Huntington
- Lehi’s Dream and Nephi’s Vision as Apocalyptic Literature, Daniel L. Belnap
- What Nephi’s Vision Teaches about the Bible and the Book of Mormon, Daniel L. Belnap
- The Exalted Lord, Ray L. Huntington
- The Apocalyptic Witness of the Messiah, Frank F. Judd Jr.
- Apocalyptic Imagination and the New Testament, Ray L. Huntington
- Insights from the JST into the Book of Revelation, Robert L. Millet
- Come Follow Me – Revelation 1-11, Book of Mormon Central Archive
- How Nephi and the Tree of Life can help you make sense of the Book of Revelation, Book of Mormon Central
- Why Was the Heavenly Book Sealed with Seven Seals?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #541
- The Acts to Revelation, Discussions on the New Testament: Revelation 1-3
- The Acts to Revelation, Discussions on the New Testament: Revelation 1-3
- The Acts to Revelation, Discussions on the New Testament: Revelation 4-6
- The Acts to Revelation, Discussions on the New Testament: Revelations 6-13
- Come Follow Me 2019: Revelation 1–11, Book of Mormon Central
- Why Was the Heavenly Book Sealed with Seven Seals?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #541
- Come Follow Me Revelation 1-11 (Dec. 9-15), Don’t Miss This
- Come, Follow Me—Podcast #48 “Glory, and Power, Be unto…the Lamb for Ever”, Revelation 1-11, Meridian Magazine
- Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever”, Revelations 1-11, Meridian Magazine
- Revelation 1–11 – “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever”, BYU Studies
- “Come, Follow Me” December 9–15: “Glory, and Power, Be unto . . . the Lamb for Ever”, LDS Living
- “Come, Follow Me” FHE: Doing It For the Right Reasons, LDS Living
- Liahona, December 2023: Interpretive Approaches to the Book of Revelation
- Ensign: December 2015: Joseph Smith and the Book of Revelation
- The Tabernacle Choir singing “Worthy is the Lamb Who Was Slain”, based on Revelation 5:12,13: Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain, from Messiah
- The Bible Project: Book of Revelation Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1), Book of Revelation Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 2)
- General Conference Talks
- Elder Neil L. Anderson: Overcoming the World
- Elder Alvin R. Dyer: The Last Dispensation
- BYU Devotionals
- Elder L. Tom Perry: The Great Plan of Our God
Lesson Devotional

Debi Hales lives in Blackfoot, Idaho. She has been involved with the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation since it was created. Debi is an avid reader of history and truth. She loves to think and read deeply and have lively discussions with like-minded people.

Lesson devotionals are provided by the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation. Its mission is to digitally preserve and publish Wilford Woodruff’s eyewitness account of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ from 1833 to 1898. It seeks to make Wilford Woodruff’s records universally accessible to inspire all people, especially the rising generation, to study and to increase their faith in Jesus Christ. See wilfordwoodruffpapers.org.
“Do I Have Ears to Hear?”
By Debi Hales
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto [me]” (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22).
As I read these verses, these are the questions I pondered:
Am I distracted from serving Jesus Christ with my heart, might, mind, and strength? (See Doctrine and Covenants 4:2.)
Am I relying on His protection even through my suffering?
Am I willing to repent and enter into a covenant relationship with Him?
Am I making room for Him as He searches my desires, thoughts, and heart?
Am I watchful and do I strengthen those around me that I might walk with Him in a covenant relationship?
Am I keeping His word so that He can write His name upon me?
Am I lukewarm, or do I open the door to let Him in, to sup with Him and He with me, that I may sit with Him and the Father?
What I heard the Spirit say to me was that the Lord is aware of me and my works. He wants me to live with Him again and has provided a covenant relationship to make that possible. I want to serve Him with everything I have. I trust in His protection. I will repent and keep the covenants I have made with Him. I watch and strengthen those around me. I keep His word and take His name upon me. I always open the door to let Him in.
The first time Wilford Woodruff heard missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ preaching the restored gospel, he recorded in his journal: “I opened my eyes to see my ears to hear my heart to understand,”1 and the Spirit spoke to him bearing testimony of the truth of what they taught. We are all promised that same blessing.
1 Wilford Woodruff’s Journal, p. 11, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/journal.

Chapter Summaries
Christ chooses some as kings and priests unto God—Christ will come again—John sees the risen Lord.
1-8: John’s introduction to his revelation, which is a testimony of God the Father, Jesus (His mission is described in v5,6, His coming in v7,8) and the Holy Spirit (seven=perfect spirit, v. 4).
9-20: John describes the beginning of his vision. He sees Christ in the midst of seven golden candlesticks (likely menorahs) which represent the seven churches of Asia, along with seven stars, representing the seven messengers or servants to the churches.
(He who overcomes will gain eternal life, avoid the second death, inherit the celestial kingdom, and rule many kingdoms, will retain his name in the book of life, reach godhood, and be with Jesus as He is with the Father.)
John points out the struggles the Saints in each of the seven churches are experiencing, then gives a challenge and a promise to each, along with a name or description of the Savior.
Chapter 4: John sees the celestial earth, the throne of God, and all created things worshiping the Lord.
1-11: John receives a vision of God, seated upon a throne in heaven. He is worshiped by His creations, both human and animal, in their exalted states. (See Doctrine and Covenants 77:1-5 for revelation given to Joseph Smith on this chapter.)
Revelation 5: John sees the book sealed with seven seals, and he sees those people redeemed out of every nation—He hears every creature praising God and the Lamb.
1-14 John sees a scroll with seven seals and is troubled as to how the scroll will be opened. However, Jesus, the lamb who was slain, has the power to break the seals. Those around the throne rejoice and praise Him. (See Doctrine and Covenants 77:6-7 for revelation given to Joseph Smith on this chapter.)
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