“Perfect That Which Is Lacking in Your Faith”

October 16–22

FAIR Faithful Resources for Come, Follow Me 2023 October 16–22. 1 and 2 Thessalonians “Perfect That Which Is Lacking in Your Faith.” Find answers to difficult questions to help you in your learning and teaching. Here is a collection of reliable resources to supplement your study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. FAIR Resources link to relevant questions which have been answered on the FAIR website. Under Church Resources you’ll find links to the different Come, Follow Me manuals, as well as other helpful links as applicable. Other Resources link to resources outside of FAIR that are trustworthy and helpful.
Main points to ponder
The lesson points out that In 1 Thessalonians 5:1–10, Paul used metaphors to teach about the time when Jesus will return to the earth. What do these metaphors tell you about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
- A thief in the night
- A woman giving birth
What other metaphors do you find in this reading? As you ponder these sources, consider what you could do as you watch and prepare for the Savior’s coming:
- 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18
- 1 Thessalonians 5:1–10
- 2 Thessalonians 1:4–10
- “Preparing for the Lord’s Return,” D. Todd Christofferson

Faithful Resources on the FAIR website:
- Evidence of a total apostasy
- Extent of the apostasy
- Reasons why the apostasy occurred
- The office of Apostle within the ancient Church of Jesus Christ
- Question: What is the reformation view of the apostasy?
- A Guide to the First Century Apostasy
- Biblical Evidences of an Apostasy
- Rejection of Priesthood Leaders as a Cause of the Great Apostasy
- Question: Does Jesus’s statement that in the resurrection they “neither marry nor given in marriage” a refutation of the Mormon concept of eternal marriage?
- FAIR Questions: What did President Nelson mean by “the kind of body with which you will be resurrected” in his General Conference talk?
- Question: Do Mormons believe in the “rapture”?
Resources on the Church website:
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families
Faithful Resources from other reliable websites:
- Scripture Central, Lynn Hilton Wilson: 1 & 2 Thessalonians: New Testament with Lynne Wilson (Come, Follow Me)
- Scripture Central, Taylor and Tyler: 1 and 2 Thessalonians | Oct 16 – Oct 22 | Come Follow Me Insights
- The Scriptures are Real, Kerry Muhlestein: S2 E80 Less Deceived as We Move More and More towards Christ (week of Oct. 16, only episode)
- Follow Him, John Bytheway and Hank Smith: 1 & 2 Thessalonians Part 1 • Professor Dale Sturm • Oct 16 – Oct 22, 1 & 2 Thessalonians Part 2 • Professor Dale Sturm • Oct 16 – Oct 22
- Unshaken, Jared Halverson: Come Follow Me – 1 Thessalonians (1-2 Thess. part 1): The Coming of Our Lord, Come Follow Me – 2 Thessalonians (1-2 Thess. part 2): A Falling Away First
- Talking Scriptures, Bryce Dunford and Mike Day: Ep 224.1 PODCAST | 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Come Follow Me 2023 (October 16-22)
- Don’t Miss This, David Butler and Grace Freeman: Come Follow Me New Testament 1 and 2 Thessalonians (Oct. 16-22) Don’t Miss This
- BYU Scripture Roundtable Discussions: Him Declare I unto You: Acts 16-18 1 Thes. 1
- The Bible Project: Book of 1 Thessalonians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview, Book of 2 Thessalonians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
Dig Deeper
- General Conference Talks
- Elder Keith K. Hilbig: Quench Not the Spirit Which Quickens the Inner Man
- Elder Christoffel Golden: Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ
- Elder L. Tom Perry: The Joy of Honest Labor
- BYU Devotionals
- Richard Neitzel Halzapfel: The Glass Is Half Full: The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
Lesson Devotional

Lyndie is working toward a degree in Public Relations at Brigham Young University. Originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho, she enjoys running, spending time with her husband and family, and reading. Lyndie served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hermosillo, Mexico, where she developed a love for the Spanish language and the people there. She was drawn to the Wilford Woodruff Papers out of a desire to learn more about Church history and enjoys being part of the organization’s efforts to touch lives with Wilford Woodruff’s words.

Lesson devotionals are provided by the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation. Its mission is to digitally preserve and publish Wilford Woodruff’s eyewitness account of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ from 1833 to 1898. It seeks to make Wilford Woodruff’s records universally accessible to inspire all people, especially the rising generation, to study and to increase their faith in Jesus Christ. See wilfordwoodruffpapers.org.
“Ye Are All the Children of Light”
By Lyndie Jackson
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ has always seemed like a far distant, scary future that I hopefully wouldn’t have to deal with. However, in recent years I have learned not only about the need to be prepared for the Savior’s coming, but also about the hope and peace available to those who love God.
We’ve heard of and seen countless signs that His coming is closer. Wars, rumors of wars, a worldwide pandemic, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are just a few. In 2004, President Dallin H. Oaks pointed out that the “signs of the Second Coming are increasing in frequency and intensity,” and that was nearly twenty years ago.1
I recently read part of a discourse by Wilford Woodruff that caused me to reflect on my own need to seriously prepare for Christ’s return to earth. He said, “When my mind, under the influence of the Spirit of God, is open to comprehend these things, I many times marvel and wonder, not only at the world but also at ourselves, that we are not more anxious and diligent in preparing ourselves and our families for the events now at our doors, for though the heavens and the earth pass away, not one jot or tittle of the word of the Lord will go unfulfilled.”2
Am I anxiously and diligently preparing for the signs and wonders yet to come? Am I making myself and my family ready to meet Him?
I am thankful for Paul’s reminder that we have the resources to enable us to watch and be prepared for what is coming. He said, “Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:5–6).
And finally, I am so thankful for the hope that we have in Christ: “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him” (1 Thessalonians 5:9–10).
I hope that we will do as Wilford Woodruff counseled and be diligent in preparing for the future, and that we will always remember the promised blessings that God has in store for the righteous when Christ returns.
1 Dallin H. Oaks, “Preparation for the Second Coming,” Ensign, May 2004, ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
2 Discourse by Wilford Woodruff, January 12, 1873, p. 2, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/discourse/1873-01-12.

Chapter Summaries
The gospel comes both in word and in power.
1-10: Paul greets the saints in Thessalonica, remembering how they eagerly accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their willingness to accept and live the gospel, despite their challenges, has become an example to the entire Christian world.
True ministers preach in a godly manner—Converts are the glory and joy of missionaries.
1-20: Paul recounts their conversion story. After a negative experience in Phillipi, Paul was happy that those in Thessalonica welcomed him and the others who came to teach as if they were family members. They recognized the truth of their message. Paul is sad that they have had to suffer trials and persecution and frustrated that he has not been able to return to see them.
The Saints are told to perfect that which is lacking in their faith.
1-10: Because of his frustration in not being able to visit, Paul sent Timothy to Thessalonica, fearing that the young Christian community would not have been able to withstand the trials sure to come their way. The report of their diligence in living the gospel brought great joy to Paul.
11-13: A beautiful prayer that the Thessalonian saints will be blessed with love and holiness.
The Saints are told to be holy, sanctify themselves, and love one another—The Lord will come, and the dead will rise.
1-8: Paul reminds them that sexual sin is forbidden and that lives of purity are important to God.
9-12: The importance of loving one another is stressed and they are commended for already showing great love for one another. Their quiet, hardworking lives will bear testimony to others.
13-18: Paul teaches about the order in which people will be resurrected when Christ comes again.
The Saints will know the season of the Second Coming of Christ—Live the way Saints should live—Rejoice evermore—Do not despise prophesyings.
1-11: Paul continues discussing the second coming of the Savior. We don’t know when it will be, but Paul encourages them to be ready by staying dressed in (an abbreviated version of) the armor of God.
12-28: Paul’s beautiful final admonitions to the saints in Thessalonica, praying and hoping that they will stay faithful and true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
At His Second Coming, the Lord Jesus will take vengeance upon the ungodly.
1-4: Paul’s greeting to the saints in Thessalonica and his gratitude for their faithfulness.
5-12: Though the saints now face trials, when the Savior comes again He will provide relief to the afflicted and the wicked will face negative consequences. Paul’s prayer is that they will remain faithful and enjoy the grace of God.
Apostasy is to precede the Second Coming—The gospel prepares men for eternal glory.
1-12: Paul teaches that before the second coming there will be a time of obvious apostasy/rebellion in which Satan will perform false miracles to deceive the believers. However, Christ will come and destroy them and their influence.
13-17: The Lord will strengthen and comfort the Thessalonian saints, blessing them as they stand firm and hold tightly to gospel truths.
Pray for the triumph of the gospel cause—Paul preaches the gospel of work—Be not weary in well-doing.
1-5: Paul again prays for them and requests their prayers on their behalf. (Paul, Silvanus and Timothy)
6-15: Idleness is condemned. The saints are admonished to follow the example of Paul and those who were preaching with him to support themselves and not be a burden on others.
16-18: Paul’s concluding benediction.
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